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36 Cards in this Set

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Era of Good Feelings
Truly lasted for 1 and a 1/2.
The act of no treating a country as one but in parts.
James Monroe
James Madison's successor and had done the acquisition of Florida, the Missouri Compromise, and the Monroe Doctrine.
nationalism: cultural economic
There is now a new younger generation and see only a future of prosperity for America. Patriotism is also on the rise.
Tariff of 1816
Was the first protective tariff and was at a higher price.
protective tariff
A tariff placed so the businesses of a country to gain more capital.
Henry Clay; American System
Consisted of protective tariffs, a national bank, and internal improvements. This was to help America raise the funds for a national transportation system.
Second Bank of the United States
Congress had chartered another bank since the First Bank had been allowed to expire in 1811.
Panic of 1819
Caused by the Second Bank and was too late on trying to control inflation and the money value fell and a depression happened.
John Marshall
Still gave a strong Federalist influence and decision as Chief Justice in the Supreme Court.
Fletcher v. Peck
Decision was that a state could not make legislature invalidating a contract. This was the first time the Supreme Court ruled a state law unconstitutional.
McCulloch v. Maryland
The question if it was constitutional for Congress to create a bank, and if a state could tax the Second Bank. It was constitutional for a bank to be created but not for a state to tax the Second Bank since federal law is over state law.
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
A private chartered college was turned into a public school. This was deemed unconstitutional. For a state to alter a private corporation contract.
Gibbons v. Ogden
The question was if New York could grant a monopoly to a company when it conflicted a Congress charter. It was deemed unconstitutional and this decision established the broad control of interstate commerce.
implied powers
Authority given by the constitution that is not explicitly written but are implied.
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Missouri bid for statehood.
Stephen Decatur
took a fleet to stop the pirating of American ships in 1815.
Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817)
That a limited naval and forts on the border of Canada
Treaty of 1818
improved relations by shared fishing rights on newfoundland. 10 years Oregon.
Andrew Jackson
He got the Spanish out of Florida.
Florida Purchase Treaty (1819)
5 million for Florida, Oregon Territroy and U.S. claims of Texas paid by U.S.
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
Europeans can not attack the North and South America.
Lancaster Turnpike
first turnpike connecting most major cities.
National (Cumberland) Road
First payed highway connecting to the West 1811-1815
Erie Canal
connecting west farms to eastern cites creating stronger economic ties.
Robert Fulton; steamboats, railroads
steamboats cheap transport, railroads competed with steamboats in late 1820's but not safe.
Eli Whitney; interchangeable parts
For the War of 1812 interchangeable parts became the basis for mass production
a law passed in New York 1811 so business could earn money faster so building of factories and canals railroads could be built.
Samuel Slater
from Britain brought screts to building cotton-spinning machines
factory systems
industrialization is on the rise
Lowell System; textile mills
to employ young labor women and children letting them stay in company dormitories.
mass manufacturing
increase in farming, growing cites, industrialization, capitalism made self sufficient people instead of households.
were created since the 1790's and wanted to help workers who were over worked under paid and meet someone to stand up for them
cotton gin
taken from a slave but put out by Eli Whitney
market revolution
the change of everything in the marketplace that made people self sufficient