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27 Cards in this Set

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Define: Striated Muscle cells

What are the 2 types of striated muscle cells?
characteristic - alterations of light and dark cross-bands (absent in smooth muscle)

Skeletal and cardiac
Define: Skeletal muscle
account for most voluntary muscle mass of the body
Cardiac muscle
limited almost exclusively to the heart
Define: Smooth muscle cells

Where are they located?
no regularly repeating arrangement of myofibrillar contractile proteins (myofilaments)

walls of blood vessels and viscera, dermis of skin
muscle cell membrane
muscle cytoplasm
sarcoplasmic reticulum
smooth endoplasmic reticulum of muscle
muscle cell mitochondria
muscle fiber
muscle cell - called a muscle fiber because the cells are much longer than they are wide.
It is a LIVING entity
What are all 3 muscle types derived from?
cardiac - splanchnopleuric mesoderm
smooth - splanchnic and somatic mesoderm
skeletal - somatic mesoderm
What is skeletal muscle composed of?
long, cylindrical, multinucleated cells that undergo voluntary contraction
What are myotubes made of?
myoblasts that line up end to end during embryonic development and fuse with each other.
What do myotubes do?
manufacture cytoplasmic constituents as well as contractile elements called myofibrils.
What are myofibrils composed of?
What is their function?
How are they arranged?
arrays of myofilaments- proteins
Responsible for the contractile ability of the cell
1-2 micro meters
Parallel - responsible for cross striations of light and dark banding
What is the diameter (range) of a muscle fiber?
10-100 micro meters- but when hypertophied they can get even bigger.
How are capillaries arranged in muscle fibers?
parallel within intervening intercellular spaces.
What does the strength of an individual muscle fiber vs the strength of a whole muscle depend on?
fiber - on diameter
muscle - # and thickness of it's components
What color is skeletal muscle and why?
Pink/Red because it is rich with blood vessels and myoglobin pigments.
What determines whether a skeletal muscle will be classified as RED, WHITE or INTERMEDIATE?
quantity of myoglobin
# mitochondria
extensiveness of sarcoplasmic reticulum
concentration of various enzymes
rate of contraction
Can any muscle be composed of completely one type of fiber?
No - usually all muscles have their unique proportions of red, white and intermediate fibers.
Red/white skeletal muscle fiber has a lot or a little of each of these?:
blood vessels
a lot! Except for ATPases, it has a lot of oxidative enzymes tho.
*opposite is true for white muscle fibers - a lot of phosphorylases and ATPases*
Are these big or small in red/white skeletal muscle fibers?
fiber diameter
*opposite for white muscle fibers*
What is red muscle/white fiber contraction like?
slow but repetitive, not easily fatigued, weak contraction.
*opposite for white*
Is the sarcoplasmic reticulum extensive in red/white skeletal muscle fibers?
red - not extensive
white - extensive
What are the following 3 skeletal muscle surrounding tissues (investments) composed of and what do they surround?
Epimysium - dense irregular collagenous connective tissue - around the total muscle

Peri - less dense collagenous connective tissue derived from epi - surrounds bundles/fascicles/muscle fibers

Endo - of reticular fibers and an external lamina (basal lamina) - surrounds each muscle cell.
What is characteristic about the placement of the nuclei in skeletal muscle fibers?
they are peripherally located, long and cylindrical. The fiber is also multinucleated.
satellite cells
have a single nucleus and act as a regenerative cells. Located in shallow depression on muscle cell's surface.
Has a denser and coarser chromatin network