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89 Cards in this Set

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Name the 4 principal types of bone
1. flat
2. long
3. irregular
4. short
Long bones have _ ends for formins sturdy joints.
Depressions recieve _ ends.
Rough areas serve as points for attatchement of _.
muscles, tendons and ligaments
This division includes the bones of the skull, vetebral column nd rib cage
This division consists of the bones of the upper and lower limbs and the girdles that attatch the
Appendicular Skeleton
Name the cranial bones
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Ocipital, Sphenoid and Ethmoid
Name the facial bones
nasal, vomer, inferior nasal conchae, maxillae, zygomatic, mandible, lacrimal and palantine
Name the 4 prominent cranial sutures
Coronal, Sagittal, Lamdoidal, Squamosal
What are the "soft Spots" of the cranium called in babies?
What is the cranium vault comprised of?
top, sides and back of the skull
What is the cranial floor comprised of?
The skull bottom/base
This passage way for the spinal cord is called? It is flanked laterally by 2 occipital condyles that articulate with the atlas
Foramen Magnum
Region of the temporal bone that forms the zygomatic arch
Region of the temporal bone that attaches to the mandible
Name the 4 principal types of bone
1. flat
2. long
3. irregular
4. short
Long bones have _ ends for formins sturdy joints.
Depressions recieve _ ends.
Rough areas serve as points for attatchement of _.
muscles, tendons and ligaments
This division includes the bones of the skull, vetebral column nd rib cage
This division consists of the bones of the upper and lower limbs and the girdles that attatch the
Appendicular Skeleton
Name the cranial bones
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Ocipital, Sphenoid and Ethmoid
Name the facial bones
nasal, vomer, inferior nasal conchae, maxillae, zygomatic, mandible, lacrimal and palantine
Name the 4 prominent cranial sutures
Coronal, Sagittal, Lamdoidal, Squamosal
What are the "soft Spots" of the cranium called in babies?
What is the cranium vault comprised of?
top, sides and back of the skull
What is the cranial floor comprised of?
The skull bottom/base
This passage way for the spinal cord is called? It is flanked laterally by 2 occipital condyles that articulate with the atlas
Foramen Magnum
Region of the temporal bone that forms the zygomatic arch
Region of the temporal bone that attaches to the mandible
Region of the temporal bone that attatches to the mandible
The region of the temporal bone where the external auditory meatus is located
The region of the temporal bone that forms the part of the middle cranial fossa-one of the areas where the brain attatches to the cranium
Articulates with all other cranial bones. consists of the central body, and 3 pairs of processes, greater wings, lesser wings and pterygoid process
Sphenoid bone
Holds the pituitary gland
Sella Turcica
Bone found between the orbits and the nasal cavity
Ethmoid bone
The only 2 facial bones that are unpaired
Mandible and Vomer
Lower jaw bone, the only facial bone that is freely moveable. 2 upright rami. 2 condyles articulate with the temporal bone Largest and strongest of the facial bones
upper jaw. Keystone bone-all facial bones except the mandible articulate with this bone.
Maxillary bones
cheekbones. posterior-articulates with temporal bone. anterior-articulates with the maxilla
zygomatic bones
bridge of the nose. articulates with the frontal bones
nasal bones
located in the medial wall of each orbit. passage for tears into the nasal cavity
lacrimal bones
freely suspended bone located in the midneck region. serves as a moveable base for the tongue and an attatchment point for neck muscles
hyoid bone
How many vertebrae do we have?
name the types and the number in each
cervical 7
thoracic 12
lumbar 5
sacral 5
coccygeal 4
ligaments strongly attatched to the anterior surface of the spine prevent _ of the spine.
weak ligament attatched to the posterior side of the spine prevents _ of the spine.
single midline posterior projection on verteral discs
spinous process
2 laeral projections on vertebral discs
transverse processes
protrude upward and downward from the pedicle on veterbral discs.
superior and inferior articular processes
has the 'Vertebra Prominens" Used as a landmark for counting vertebra
highly modified vertebra with no body or spinous process. 2 depressions accept occiptal condyles of teh skull
C1- atlas
modified vertebra with projection called a "dens" allos pivot action of C1
C2 - axis
Smallest and lightest of the vertebra. Spinous process bifid, triangular verterbral foramen
C3-C7, cervical vertebra
Vertebra facets 1-10 articulate with the tubercles of the ribs. Increase in size from first to last. Circular vertebral foramen. facets 1-10 articulate with the tubercles of the ribs. sharp spinous process
Thoracic Vertebrae
Largest and strongest vertebra. Weight bearing. short spinous process
Lumbar Vertebrae
Shapes the posterio wall of the pelvis.2 alae articulate with teh hip bons to form sacroiliac joints
tail bone made of 3-5 fused vertebra
Breastbone.consists of three regions, name them
Sternum. Manubrium, Body and Xiphoid Process
Part of the sternum that articulates with the clavicles
attatchement point for the diaphram
xiphoid process
There are _ pairs of ribs.
_ are true ribs because they connect directly with the _
There are _ pairs of false ribs because they either attatch indeirectly or not at all to the_.
Ribs 11 and 12 are _ ribs
The _ is a projection located on the rib that articulates with the transverse process of the thoracic vertebrae
The _ girdle attatches upper limbs.
the _ girdle attatches the lower limbs
What 2 bones make up the pectoral girdle?
clavicle and scapula
The only attatchement point of the pectoral girdles to the axial skeleton is at the
_ _.
sternoclavicular joints
collar bones.
shoulder blades.
shallow fossa of the scalpula that articulates with the humerus
glenoid cavity
on the anterior side of the scalupla, articulates with the clavicle. the 2 form the _ _ joint. this joint is crucial in attatching the upper limb to the body.
acromioclavicular joint
articulates with the ulna and radius. long bone in the upper arm
lighlty longer forearm bone. forms elbow joint with the humerus
triangular bone. articulates with the carpal wrist bones. when the hand moves this bone moves with it
_ wrist bpnes
_ palm bones
_ fingers
3 bones that make up the coaxal bones
illium, ischium and pubis
the deep socket on the coxal bone that articulates with the head of the femur
forms the major part of the coxal bone. winglike portion is called the _.
anerior part of the coxal bone. opening called the _ _. Bodies of the 2 bones are joined by fihbrocartilage called the _ _.
obturator foramen
oubic symphasis
Longest, largest, strongest bone in the body. 1/4 of the persons height.
the tibia and fibula articulate with each other proximally AND distally
T or F ?
What connects the tibia and fibula together?
interosseous membrane
shinbone. the second largest and strongest bone in the body.
non weight bearing bone that articulates with the tibia
what are the 2 important functions ot the foot bones?
supports body weight
acts as a lever to propel the body forward
articulates with the tibia and fibula
the enlarged part of the metatarsals forms the _ of the foot.