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39 Cards in this Set

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National pride and loyalty.
James Monroe
Madison's secretary of state who was nominated for president in 1816.
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Each nation pledged to limit its naval presence on the Great Lakes.
Convention of 1818
Britain and the U.S. agreed to allow both countries to fish in the disputed waters.
Luis de Onís
Began secret negotiations with John Quincy Adams for the U.S. to buy land.
Adams-Onis Treaty
1819, Spain transferred East Florida to the U.S.
Simon Bolivar
One of the greatest Latin American revolutionaries.
Monroe Doctrine
The president vowed that the U.S. would not interfere with any existing Euro colonies in Latin America.
Gold or silver coins.
Henry Clay
Chief among the Nationalists.
American System
Clay created this to increase federal involvements in the economy. It had three main features.
Tariff Act of 1816
Placed a 25 percent duty on most imported factory goods.
National Road
Construction of the Cumberland Road, later called National Road, began.
Erie Canal
One of the most ambitious transportation projects of the era, it was a 363-mile-long canal intended as a cheaper and faster route to the interior of the country.
Market Revolution
Creation of national markets.
Industrial Revolution
A period of dynamic changes in manufacturing.
Mass production
The manufacture of large quantities of goods.
Samuel Slater
Worker who had memorized machine plans down to the last detail.
Eli Whitney
Inventor who employed interchangeable parts in the manufacture of firearms.
Interchangeable parts
Parts for firearms, made by Eli Whitney.
Panic of 1819
A chain reaction of bank failures, falling land prices, and foreclosures.
Missouri Compromise
Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, thus keeping the balance in the senate.
John Quincy Adams
Republican who competed for presidency, he was of Massachusetts.
Andrew Jackson
Revolutionary War hero who competed for presidency. He was of Tennessee.
Democratic Party
Supporters of Jackson.
Spoils system
Jackson rewarded his supporters by giving them government jobs.
Rotation in Office
The periodic replacement of officeholders.
Greatly assisted the Cherokee.
Indian Removal Act
Providing for the relocation of Indian nations living east of the MS river to Indian territory where is now Oklahoma.
Worcester vs. Georgia
Chief justice John Marshall ruled in favor of Worcester and the Cherokee, limiting state power over them.
Trail of Tears
As the Cherokee moved west, some 4,000 died on the 800-mile trip. This became known as the trail of tears.
John C. Calhoun
Vice president who abandoned his earlier nationalist views in 1828.
Doctrine of nullification
Argued that as creators of the federal Union, the states had the right to nullify, or refuse to obey, any act of Congress they considered unconstitutional.
Martin Van Buren
Partnered with Andrew Jackson for president and vice president.
Pet banks
Deposits went to selected state banks chosen for their officer's loyalty to the Democratic Party, called pet banks.
Specie Circular
Instructed the Treasury to accept only species as payment for public land.
Panic of 1837
An economic crisis in Britain.
William Henry Harrison
War hero nominated in the 1840 election.
John Tyler
Ran against William Harrison in the 1840 elections.