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74 Cards in this Set

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women who is pregnant




a women who has had two or more pregnancies


a women who has completed two or more pregnancies to 20 wks gestatation or more


a women who has never been pregnant

and is not currently preg


a women who has not completed a prey with a fetus beyond 20 wks gestation


number of pregnancies that have reached 20 wks gestation..not the number of fetuses born. not affected by if the baby is born alive or is stillborn


prey that reaches 20 wks but ends before 37 wks


preg for the first time


women who has completed one prey with a fetus who have reached 20 wks


38 wks to 42 wks






living children

earliest biological marker for preg


when can HCG be detected

7-8 days after ovulation

HCG rises until it peaks at

60-70 then it declines

higher levels of HCG are associated with

abnormal gestation

or multiple gestation

slow increase in HGC or low levels can indicate

misscariage is going to occur or eptopic preg


most pop testing of preg

uses specific monoclonal antibody with enzymes that bond with HCG in urine.

presumptive signs

changes felt by a woman (fatigue, breast changes)

probable signs

cahanges observes by an examiner ( he gar sign, ballottement, preg test)

positive signs

signs only attributed to the presence of a fetus

heart beat, fetal movement

what stimulates uterine growth in the first trimester

high estrogen and progesterone

early uterine enlargement results from

increased vascularity and dilation of blood vessels, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, development of decidua.

as the uterus enlarges it also changes shape and position

conception: upside down pear

second trimester: spherical

then becomes more oval and rises out of pelvis and into abdominal cavity

when does pregnancy show

14th wks

as the uterus grows it may be palpated over the

symphysis pubis between the 12th and 14th wks of preg

the uterus rises to the level of the ____ around 22-24 wks


nearly reaches xiphioid at term

between 38-40 wks the fundal height decreases as the baby drops down into the pelvis this is called


usually 2 wks before labor in nullipara

in labor for multipara

uterine enlargment is determined by measuring

fundal height

estimates duration of pregnancy

what side does the uterus rotate when it grows

to the right

at ___ wks softening and compressibility of the lower uterine segment occurs this is called


hegar sign

it results in exaggerated uterine ante flexion during the first 3 months of preg.

braxton hicks contractions

when around the 4th month you can feel contractions

they are irregular and painless

three factors that decrease uterine blood flow

low arterial pressure

contractions of the uterus

maternal supine position

when can softening of the tip of the cervix be felt

6th wk

goodell sign

goodell sign is brought on by

increased vascularity hypertrophy and hyperplasia


tissue easily damages

can occur because of examinations or deep penetration

passive movements of the unengaged fetus are called


between the 16th and 18th wk

ballottement is a technique where you

palpate the structure and feel it rebound


flutter hard to determine from peristalsis

increases vascularity in the vagina causes what

violet blue color of the vaginal mucosa and cervix this is called Chadwick sign and its seen in the 6th wk


white or slightly grey mucoid discharge with a faint misty odor

never pruritic or blood stained

it fills the endocervical canal and becomes the mucous plug

what acts as a barrier from infection

mucuous plug or operculum

during pregnancy the ph of the vagina is more



because of the increase in lactic acid

more vulnerable to infeciton

striae gravidarum

stretch marks

lactation is inhibited until the

estrogen decreases

does the heart atrophy during pregnancy

yes its normal because of the increase in blood flow

returns to normal size after birth

as the diaphragm is displaced upward by the enlarging uterus the heart is elevated

up and rotated to the left

by 14 and 20 wks what happens to the mothers pulse

10-15 beat increase

palpations are normal

when a women lays supine in her 2nd trimester it can compress her vena cava. a BP decreased of more then 30. then 4-5 minutes later a reflex bradycardia is noted this is called

supine hypotension syndrome

how much does blood volume increase


is there an accelerated production of RBC


because the plasma increase is greater then the RBC increase there is a decrease in normal


and hematocrit

this is called physiologic anemia

if below 11 considered anemic

how much does cardiac output increase

30-50% by wk 32 then declines to 20% at 40 wks

estrogen cause the ligaments of the chest to relax resulting in

ability to expand chest

how much is the diahpgram displaced by

4 cm

with pregnancy chest breathing takes over from

abdominal breathing

BMR does what during pregnancy


it returns 5-6 days after birth

what helps get rid of the heat caused by increase in BMR

vasodilation and increased sweat gland activity

a larger volume of urine is held in the pelves and ureters and urine flow is slowed and this puts women at risk for


during the third trimester the bladder is pulled out of the

pelvis and into abdomen

do GFR and renal plasma increase early in preg


a side laying position does what to renal

increase renal perfusion, increase urine output and decrease edema

does proteniurea occur in normal pregnancy


does occur during labor or after birth though


pregnancy mask

blotchy, brown hyperpigmentated of the skin on the face

linea nigra

pigmented line extending from the symphysis pubis to the top of the funds in the midline

striae gravidarum

stretch marks

vascular spiders or angiomas

blue in color they are veins

gum hypertrophy may cause


red raised nodules on the gums that bleed easily

separation of the abdominal muscles

distasis recti abdominis

when is morning sickness

4-6 wks and goes away end of 3rd month

non food cravings


sign of iron deficiency


excessive saliva

increased progesterone and esophagus and stomach

decreases muscle tone


slower emptying of stomach



cause of pruritus gravid arum

severe itching that may be caused by cholestasis