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27 Cards in this Set

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chemical weathering

the processes by which the internal structure of a mineral is altered by the removal and/or addition of elements

external process

process such as weathering, mass wasting or erosion that is powered by the sun and contributes to the transformation of solid rock into sediment


a chemical weathering process in which minerals are altered by chemically reacting with water and acids


the removal of one or more electrons from an atom or ion. so named because elements commonly combine with oxygen


a mechanical weathering process that is characterized by the splitting off of slablike sheets of rock

spheroidal weathering

any weathering process that tends to produce a spherical shape from an initially blocky shape

mechanical weathering

the physical disintigration of rock, resulting in smaller fragments


a common form of chemical weathering, it is the process of dissolving into a homogenous solution as when an acidid solution dissolves limestone

frost wedging

the mechanical breakup of rock caused by the expansion of freezing water in cracks and crevices

internal process

process such as mountain building or volcanism that derives its energy from earth's interior and elevates earth's surface


the washing out of fine soil components from the A horizon by downward-percolating water


combination of mineral and organic matter, water and air; the portion of regolith that supports plant growth


accumulation of rock debris at the base of a cliff


the incorporation and transportation of material by a mobile agent, such as water, wind or ice


a layer in a soil profile


the depletion of soluble materials from the upper soil by downward-percolating water

parent material

the material on which soil develops

soil profile

a vertical section through a soil showing its succession of horizons and the underlying parent material


the disintigration and decomposition of rock at or near the surface of earth

residual soil

soil developed directly from the weathering of the bedrock below

exfoliation dome

a large dome shaped structure usually composed of granite that is formed by sheeting


organic matter in soil that is produced by the decomposition of plants and animals

mass wasting

the downslope movement of rock, regolith, and soil under the direct influence of gravity


the layer of rock and mineral fragments that nearly everywhere covers earth's land surface

soil taxonomy

a soil classification system that consists of six hierarchical categories, based on observable soil characteristics. the system recognizes 12 soil orders


a red, highly leached soil type found in the tropics that is rich in oxides of iron and aluminum

transported soil

soil that forms on unconsolidated deposits