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39 Cards in this Set

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Resolving Power
ability to distinguish adjacent objects: the ability of an optical system such as a telescope or microscope to distinguish objects separated by small angular distances
Cell Fractionation
A laboratory technique that uses differential centrifugation to separate the different components of the cell, resulting in nuclear, mitochondrial, microsomal, and soluble fractions.
Plasma Membrane
The cell’s outer membrane made up of a two layers of phospholipids with embedded proteins. It separates the contents of the cell from its outside environment, and it regulates what enters and exits the cell.
small rounded body within cell nucleus: a small round body inside a cell nucleus, composed of protein and RNA and associated with the formation of ribosomes and ribosomal RNA
Rough ER
A membrane network within the cytoplasm of cells involved in the synthesis, modification, and transport of cellular materials
Contractile Vacuole
cell cavity that can contract: a membrane-surrounded cavity within a cell that regulates the water content of the cell by absorbing water and then contracting to expel it
part of plant cell containing chlorophyll: a membranous sac plastid that contains chlorophyll and other pigments and is the place where photosynthesis occurs within the cells of plants and algae. While plant cells contain numerous chloroplasts, algal cells often have just one. Each consists of interconnected stacks of disk-shaped membranes in fluid, surrounded by a double membrane
interior of chloroplast: the fluid-filled interior of a chloroplast containing enzymes and other components required for photosynthesis, including the light-trapping components
slender cellular appendage: a long thin tapering outgrowth of the cells of many microorganisms such as protozoans, that is a means of locomotion
Strands of cytoplasm connecting the protoplasts of two contiguous plant cells
cell part: a specialized part of a cell that has its own function, e.g. the nucleus or the mitochondrion
cell material excluding nucleus: the complex of chemical compounds and structures within a plant or animal cell excluding the nucleus. Cytoplasm contains the cytosol, organelles, vesicles, and cytoskeleton.
central part of living cell: the central body, usually spherical, within a eukaryotic cell, that is a membrane-encased mass of protoplasm containing the chromosomes and other genetic information necessary to control cell growth and reproduction
cluster of proteins and RNA: a submicroscopic cluster of proteins and RNA, occurring in great numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells, that takes part in the manufacture of proteins
Golgi apparatus
structure in cytoplasm: a membranous structure in the cytoplasm of cells consisting of layers of flattened sacs and functioning in the processing and transporting of proteins
Central Vacuole
A small cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell, bound by a single membrane and containing water, food, or metabolic waste
The infoldings or inward projections of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion, which are studded with proteins and increase the surface area for chemical reactions to occur like cellular respiration
cell framework: the internal network of protein filaments and microtubules in an animal or plant cell that controls the cell's shape and movement
The fine hairlike projections from certain cells such as those in the respiratory tract that sweep in unison and help to sweep away fluids and particles. Some single-celled organisms use the rhythmical motion of cilia for locomotion.
Tight Junctions
region between cell membranes: the region between the membranes of tightly packed adjacent cells that fuses the cells together and provides a selective barrier to the passage of material by diffusion
Electron microscope
powerful microscope that uses electron beams: a high-powered microscope that uses beams of electrons focused by an electron lens to create a magnified image on a fluorescent screen or photographic plate
Prokaryotic cell
The cell of a prokaryote, i.e. an organism whose cell generally lacks a true nucleus
substance forming chromosomes: the substance that forms chromosomes and contains DNA, RNA, and various proteins
endoplasmic reticulum
transport membrane in cell cytoplasm: an intricate system of tubular membranes in the cytoplasm of a cell. It is responsible for the synthesis and transport of materials to and from cells.
destruction by phagocytes: the engulfing and ingesting of foreign particles or waste matter by phagocytes
oxidizer of toxic substances: a tiny part within a cell containing enzymes that oxidize toxic substances such as alcohol and prevent them from doing any harm. There are many peroxisomes in the cells of the liver and kidney.
specialized plant cell part: a specialized component organelle in a photosynthetic plant cell that contains pigment, ribosomes, and DNA, and serves specific physiological purposes such as food synthesis and storage
tubular structure in cell: a hollow tubular structure composed of the protein tubulin that helps to maintain the shape and movement of a living cell and the transportation of material within it.
a temporary projection of the protoplasm of certain one-celled organisms or of certain cells in multicellular animals, serving as a means of moving about or for taking in food
Gap Junctions
space between cells: a passage through the membranes of adjacent cells that allows the transfer of small molecules or ions between cells
a microscopy technique whereby a beam of electrons is transmitted through an ultra thin specimen, interacting with the specimen as it passes through
is a type of electron microscope that images a sample by scanning it with a high-energy beam of electrons in a raster scan pattern.
Eukaryotic cell
A cell containing a nucleus
rod-shaped structure carrying genes: a rod-shaped structure, usually found in pairs in a cell nucleus, that carries the genes that determine sex and the characteristics an organism inherits from its parents. A human body cell usually contains 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs.
Smooth ER
(A part of) endoplasmic reticulum that is tubular in form (rather than sheet-like) and lacks ribosomes. Its functions include lipid synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, calcium concentration, drug detoxification, and attachment of receptors on cell membrane proteins.
Food Vacuole
A vacuole in which phagocytized food is digested.
organelle found in the cells of most eukaryotes
sac in which photosynthesis takes place: any of a group of chlorophyll-containing membranous structures resembling sacs in which photosynthesis takes place. Thylakoids are stacked one on top of the other in the chloroplast layers grana of most plants.
Any of the minute fibers located throughout the cytoplasm of cells, composed of actin and functioning primarily in maintaining the structural integrity of a cell.