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68 Cards in this Set

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A specialized sensory end organ that responds to mechanical stimuli such as tension, pressure, or displacement
muscle spindle
A stretch receptor in vertebrate muscle
pain receptor
Sensory receptor designed to signal damage or stress
A sensory receptor that responds to heat and cold
A sensory nerve cell or sense organ, as of smell or taste, that responds to chemical stimuli
gustatory receptor
Sensory nerve cells responsible for taste
olfactory receptor
Any of the specialized, nucleated cells of the mucous membrane of the nose that serve as the receptors for smell
A nerve ending, cell, or group of cells specialized to sense or receive light
compound eyes
The eye of most insects and some crustaceans, which is composed of many light-sensitive elements, each having its own refractive system and each forming a portion of an image
One of the structural elements, resembling a single simplified eye, that make up the compound eye of insects and other arthropods
rod cells
Any of various rod-shaped cells in the retina that respond to dim light
cone cells
One of the photoreceptors in the retina of the eye that is responsible for daylight and color vision
area consisting of a small depression in the retina containing cones and where vision is most acute
A protein of the retina, especially the protein constituent of rhodopsin, that makes up one of the visual pigments
bipolar cells
A neuron having two processes
ganglion cells
A neuron having its cell body outside the central nervous system
The distinctive quality of a sound, dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound waves produced by its source
A membranous sac contained within the labyrinth of the inner ear and connected with the semicircular canals
The smaller of two membranous sacs in the vestibule of the inner ear
semicircular canals
Any of three tubular and looped structures of the inner ear, together functioning in maintenance of the sense of balance in the body
lateral line sense organ
A small organ of balance in many invertebrates, consisting of a fluid-filled sac containing statoliths that stimulate sensory cells and help indicate position when the animal moves
The ability to move from place to place
hydrostatic skeleton
Skeleton composed of fluid held under pressure in a closed compartment
A hard outer structure, such as the shell of an insect or crustacean, that provides protection or support for an organism
any of several organic phosphate compounds (as phosphocreatine or phosphoarginine) occurring especially in muscle and releasing energy on hydrolysis of the phosphate
creatine phosphate
an organic compound of creatine and phosphoric acid; found in the muscles of vertebrates where its hydrolysis releases energy for muscular contraction
Any of a group of muscle proteins that bind to molecules of actin and troponin to regulate the interaction of actin and myosin
A calcium-regulated protein in muscle tissue occurring in three subunits with tropomyosin
sarcoplasmic reticulum
The form of endoplasmic reticulum found in striated muscle fibers
T (transverse)tubules
any of the small tubules which run transversely through a striated muscle fiber and through which electrical impulses are transmitted from the sarcoplasm to the fiber's interior
A state of continuous muscular contraction, especially when induced artificially by rapidly repeated stimuli
motor unit
A single somatic motor neuron and the group of muscle fibers innervated by it
cardiac muscle
The muscle of the heart, consisting of anastomosing transversely striated muscle fibers formed of cells united at intercalated disks; the myocardium
intercalated discs
An undulating double membrane separating adjacent cells in cardiac muscle fibers
smooth muscle
Muscle tissue that contracts without conscious control, having the form of thin layers or sheets made up of spindle-shaped, unstriated cells with single nuclei and found in the walls of the internal organs
A perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific body condition
Recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory
A sense organ, such as the ear, that receives and responds to stimuli originating from outside the body
A specialized sensory nerve receptor that receives and responds to stimuli originating from within the body
The process of increasing the magnitude of a nerve impulse
The passage of a nerve impulse across synapses or at myoneural junctions
Processing of nerve impulses by interneurons
sensory adaptation
Process of dulling a prolonged stimulus
The tough white fibrous outer envelope of tissue covering all of the eyeball except the cornea
The dark-brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and the retina
The transparent convex anterior portion of the outer fibrous coat of the eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil and is continuous with the sclera
The apparently black circular opening in the center of the iris of the eye, through which light passes to the retina
A delicate, multilayered, light-sensitive membrane lining the inner eyeball and connected by the optic nerve to the brain
A transparent, biconvex body of the eye between the iris and the vitreous humor that focuses light rays entering through the pupil to form an image on the retina
aqueous humor
The clear, watery fluid circulating in the chamber of the eye between the cornea and the lens
vitreous humor
The clear gelatinous substance that fills the eyeball between the retina and the lens
outer ear
the outer visible portion of the ear that collects and directs sound waves toward the tympanic membrane by way of a canal which extends inward through the temporal bone
tympanic membrane
middle ear
The space between the eardrum and the inner ear that contains the three auditory ossicles, which convey vibrations through the oval window to the cochlea
Eustachian tube
a passage from the tympanum of the ear to the pharynx
inner ear
The portion of the ear located within the temporal bone that is involved in both hearing and balance and includes the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea
A spiral-shaped cavity of the inner ear that resembles a snail shell and contains nerve endings essential for hearing
An internal supporting skeleton, derived from the mesoderm, that is characteristic of vertebrates and certain invertebrates
skeletal muscle
A usually voluntary muscle made up of elongated, multinucleated, transversely striated muscle fibers, having principally bony attachments
Any of the threadlike fibrils that make up the contractile part of a striated muscle fiber
Any of the ultramicroscopic filaments, made up of actin and myosin, that are the structural units of a myofibril
thin filaments
a myofilament of the one of the two types making up myofibrils that is about 5 nanometers (50 angstroms) in width and is composed chiefly of the protein actin
thick filaments
a myofilament of one of the two types making up myofibrils that is 10 to 12 nanometers (100 to 120 angstroms) in width and is composed of the protein myosin
One of the segments into which a fibril of striated muscle is divided
Z lines
A dark thin protein band to which actin filaments are attached in a striated muscle fiber, marking the boundaries between adjacent sarcomeres
I band
A pale band of actin on each side of the Z line of a striated muscle fiber
A band
one of the cross striations in striated muscle that contain myosin filaments and appear dark under the light microscope and light in polarized light