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28 Cards in this Set

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a learned system of shared beliefs that guide a person's behavior
ethnic groups
cultural groups of people who share learned beliefs and practices
a mixture of different cultures within the same country
a group of people who share inherited physical or biological traits
the process of cultural changes that result from long term contact with another society
a word, shape, color, flag, or other sign that stands for something else
the growing of a plant or taming of an animal by a people for their own use
subsistence agriculture
a type of farming where farmers grow just enough food for themselves and their families
commercial agriculture
a type of farming where farmers produce food for sale
a highly complex culture with growing cities and economic activity
branch of geography that studies human populations
population density
average number of people living within a sq. mile or sq. kilometer
movement of people from farms and rural areas to cities
annual number of births per 1,000 people
death rate
annual number of deaths per 1,000 people
system that includes all activities that people do to earn a living - producing, buying, selling, and trading goods and services
primary industries
economic activities that directly involve natural resources or raw materials, i.e. farming, mining
secondary industries
economic activities that change raw materials created by primary industries into finished products
tertiary industries
economic activities that handle goods that are ready to be sold to consumers
quaternary industries
economic activities that include specialized skills or knowledge and work mostly with information
gross national product (GNP)
value of all goods and services that a country produces in one year within or outside the country
gross domestic product (GDP)
value of all goods and services produced within a country
developed countries
industrialized countries that have strong secondary, tertiary, and quaternary industries
literacy rate
percentage of people who can read and write
developing countries
countries in different stages of moving toward development
free enterprise
economic system in which people, not government, decide what to make, sell, or buy
political system in which a country's people elect their leaders and rule by majority
ecomonic and political system in which the government owns or controls almost all of the means of production, industries, wages, and prices