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35 Cards in this Set

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Civil War

armed conflict between the northern and southern states between 1861 and 1865


the United States of America as a national unit; the northern forces in the Civil War

Compromise of 1850

agreement reached between northern and southern states in an effort to end the dispute over the extension of slavery into the western territories

Fugitive Slave Act

part of the Compromise of 1850 requiring all states to return runaway slaves

State's rights

theory that each state has the right to nullify acts of the federal government


practice of favoring native-born citizens over immigrants


process resulting in the citizenship of immigrants

Kansas-Nebraska Act

act of 1854 establishing that the people of a territory should decide whether slavery would be allowed there

Stephen Douglas

Illinois senator who introduced the Kansas Nebraska Act which allowed new territories to choose their own position on slavery

Republican Party

political party organized in the 1850s to oppose Southern interests

free soiler

settler in Kansas in the 1850s committed to an anti-slavery policy

John Brown

abolitionist crusader who massacred pro-slavery settlers in Kansas before the Civil War

Charles Sumner

Abolitionist and senator from Massachusetts who was beaten badly in the Senate by a southern congressman after making an anti-slavery speech

Chief Justice Roger Taney

chief Justice of the Supreme Court who wrote an opinion in the1857 Dred Scott case that declared the Missouri compromise unconstitutional

Abraham Lincoln

16th president of the United States,1861 to 1865

John C. Breckinridge

presidential candidate of the southern wing of the Democratic Party in 1860

William Henry Seward

republican anti-slavery leader during the 1860s;

constitutional union party

political party formed of moderates from the south and the border states in the election of 1860

slave power

name for the South used by opponents in the North before the Civil War


southerner who wanted to south to secede from the union before the Civil War

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederate states of America

Harpers Ferry

A town in Virginia where a federal arsenal was; John Brown and followers attacked in 1859

border states

Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri

Confederate States of America

Southern states that seceded from the United States prior to the Civil War

lower south

States that seceded before Fort Sumter

upper south

States that seceded after fort Sumter

Fort Sumter

Federal fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina that was fired upon by the Southerners, signifying the first shots of the Civil War

Dred Scott v. Sandford

supreme Court case in 1857 that refused to recognize African-Americans as citizens and overturned the Missouri compromise

Lecompton Constitution

proslavery Kansas constitution of 1857

Panic of 1857

economic depression that struck the North particularly hard before the Civil War and helped persuade the South to cut economic and political ties with the North

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

George Fitzgugh

Author of Cannibals All!

Democratic Party

political party descended from Jeffersonian Democrat Republicans and Jacksonian Democrats

American party

political party organized in 1854 by nativists to work against Catholics and immigrants

Know Nothings

the American party