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75 Cards in this Set

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How long is the Male urethra and how many parts are there?
5½″ to 6¼″ (13.7 to 16.2 cm) long and consists of three parts: the prostatic, the membranous, and the cavernous portions
The ______________ function is to convey urine from the bladder to the exterior of the body
The process of emptying the bladder is known as _______________ voiding, or urination.
The person feels a desire to void, usually when the bladder fills to about _________ to ______ in an adult.
150 to 250mL
Any involuntary loss of urine that causes such a problem is referred to as ______________
Urinary Incontinence
______________ occurs when urine is produced normally but is not excreted completely from the bladder.
Urinary retention
Anticoagulants may cause _____________or a pink or red color.
________ can lighten the color of urine to pale yellow
________________ a urinary tract analgesic, can cause orange or orange-red urine
Pheazopyridine (Pyridium)
The antidepressant _____________ or _________can turn urine green or blue-green.
amitriptyline (elavil) or B complex vitamins
____________, an antiparkinson drug, and ______________ lead to brown or black urine.
Levodopa (I-dopa), Injectable iron compounds
A woman who notices an involuntary loss of urine following a coughing episode is most likely experiencing what types of incontinence?
Stress Incontinence
Measurement of residual urine by catheterization after voiding verifies what?
Urinary retention
This catheter is used to drain a patient bladder for short periods ( 5 to 10 mins)
Straight catheter
You should keep this in mind when considering catheterization?
The bladder is normally sterile cavity.
Between what ages do children develop voluntary control of urine.
2 and 5 yrs (Bridget lecture Notes)
Voluntary control of the urethral sphincters occurs between _________ and ________ of age
18 and 24 months
Toilet training usually begins at about ______________
2 to 3 yrs of age
Toilet training should not begin until the child is able to?
Hold urine for 2 hours

Recognize the feeling of bladder fullness

Communicate the need to void and control urination until seated on the toilet
Intentional or involuntary urination into bed or clothes that occurs after an age when continence should be present is termed ___________
Enuresis is estimated to occur in What % of 3-year-old children and is not seen as a medical problem until the child reaches 6 years of age.
What are the physiologic changes that accompany normal aging may affect urination in older adults
The diminished ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine may result in nocturia.

Decreased bladder muscle tone may reduce the capacity of the bladder to hold urine, resulting in increased frequency of urination.

Decreased bladder contractility may lead to urine retention and stasis, which increase the likelihood of urinary tract infection.

Neuromuscular problems, degenerative joint problems, alterations in thought processes, and weakness may interfere with voluntary control and the ability to reach a toilet in time.
Caffeine-containing beverages, such as cola, coffee, and tea, have a _______ effect, increasing urine production.
Pathologic conditions, such as congestive heart failure, may lead to_____________ and ____________ urine output.
Retention and decreased
High blood glucose levels, such as with diabetes mellitus, may lead to an _______________ in urine output secondary to an osmotic diuretic effect.
What are 6 self care behaviors of elimination.
1. Maintain a normal voiding pattern and volume.

2. Respond as soon as possible to the urge to void.

3. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

4. Avoid foods that contain excess sodium.

5. Monitor use of caffeine, alcohol, or medication schedules that promote voiding and may interfere with sleep.

6. Seek medical assistance for any change in the characteristics of urine or presence of pain on urination.
Kidneys can be damaged due to excessive use of Ibuprofen is known as?
Antibiotics, such as ________, can be nephrotoxic
_______ 24-hour urine output is less than 50 mL; synonyms are complete kidney shutdown or renal failure
_________ is Painful or difficult urination
_________ Increased incidence of voiding
__________ Presence of sugar in the urine
_________ Awakening at night to urinate
__________ Scanty or greatly diminished amount of urine voided in a given time; 24-hour urine output is less than 400 mL
________ Excessive output of urine (diuresis)
__________ Protein in the urine; indication of kidney disease
______ Pus in the urine; urine appears cloudy
__________ Stoppage of urine production; normally the adult kidneys produce urine continuously at the rate of 60 to 120 mL/h
_________ Strong desire to void
Involuntary loss of urine
Urinary incontinence
A _________________ involves the surgical creation of an alternate route for excretion of urine
Urinary Diversion
The bladder is normally positioned below the _____________ and cannot be palpated or percussed when empty
Symphysis pubis
True or false

When the bladder is distended, it rises above the symphysis pubis and may reach to just below the umbilicus
What event occurs when micturition is initiated?
Urine enters the posterior urethra
What is the best option for collection urine from a non ambulatory male patient?

a. Specimen hat

b. Large urine collection bag

c. Bedpan

d. Urinal
d. Urinal
Mr. Gonos is being transferred to the hospital from a nursing home with a diagnosis of dehydration and urinary bladder infection. His skin is also excoriated from urinary incontinence.

a. Impaired skin integrity related to functional incontinence

b. Urinary Incontinence related to urinary tract infection.

c. Impaired skin integrity related to urinary tract infection and dehydration.

d. Risk for urinary tract infection related to dehydration
Which of the following nursing interventions would be least effective when trying to maintain safety for the patient with an indewelling catheter?

a. Maintain a closed drainage system

b. Restrict fluid intake

c. Apply a topical antibiotic ointment to urinary meatus.

d. Report signs of infection immediately.
Mrs. Babb has had four urinary tract infections in the past year. Which physiologic change of aging is likely causing Mrs. Babb's problem?

a. Decreased bladder contractility

b. Diminished ability to concentrate urine.

c. Decreased bladder muscle tone.

d. Neurologic weakness.
Mr. Morris has a urinary obstruction and is not a candidate for surgery. Which of the following would be an appropriate intervention for this patient?

a. Insertion of an indwelling urethral catheter

b. Insertion of a supra-pubic catheter

c. Insertion of a straight catheter

d. Insertion of a urologic stent.
Which of the following statements of the following accurately describe kidney function? (select all that apply)

a. It is estimated that the total blood volume passes through the kidneys for waste removal about every 2hrs.

b. One of the most significant functions of the kidneys is to maintain the composition and volume of body fluids.

c. Urine from the nephrons empties into the urinary bladder.

d. There are approximately 1000 nephrons in each kidney.

e. The kidneys filter and excrete blood constituents that are not needed and retain those that are.

f. The basic unit of the kidney is the nephron, which removes the end of products of metabolism.
b, e, f
When collection a urine specimen for urinalysis the nurse should be aware of which of the following facts? (select all that apply)

a. Sterile urine specimen may be obtained by catheterizing the patients bladder.

b. A sterile urine specimen is required for a routine urinalysis.

c. If a women is menstruating a urine specimen cannot be obtained for urinalysis.

d. Strict aseptic technique must be used when collecting and handling urine specimens.

e. Urine should be left standing at room temperature for a 24hr period before being sent to the laboratory.

f. A clean catch specimen of urine may be collected in midstream.
a, d, f
You are preparing a female patient for catheterization. Which of the following are appropriate steps in this procedure? (select all that apply)

a. Place the patient in the dorsal recumbent position.

b. Explain to the patient that the procedure is painless and should cause no discomfort.

c. Place the patient on a soft surface preferably a soft mattress or pillow.

d. Clean the genital and perineal area with antiseptic solution.

e. Place a fenestrated sterile drape over the perineal area, exposing the labia.

f. Insert the catheter tip into the meatus 7 to 10cm or until the urine flows.
a, e
Some foods can alter the color; for example, ________ can cause urine to appear red.
This is a measure of the concentration of dissolved solids in the urine. The normal range is ___________ to ___________
1.005 to 1.025.
A woman who notices an involuntary loss of urine following a coughing episode is most likely experiencing which of the following types of incontinence?

a. Stress incontinence

b. Urge incontinence

c. Overflow Incontinence

d. Functional incontinence
Measurement of residual urine by cauterization after voiding which of the following conditions?

a. Urinary tract infaction

b. Urinary retention

c. Urinary incontinence

d. Urinary suppression
This is a delay or difficulty in initiating voiding
This is the involuntary loss of urine associated with an abrupt and string desire to void
Urge incontinence
Urine loss caused by factors outside the lower urinary tract such as chronic impairments of physical or cognitive functioning
Functional incontinence
The process of emptying the bladder
Involuntary urination that occurs after but not appropriately excreted from the bladder
Occurs when urine is produced normally but not appropriately excreted from the bladder
urinary retention
The involuntary loss of urine associated with over distention and overflow of the bladder
Overflow incontinence
Continuous and unpredictable loss of urine resulting from surgery trauma or physical malformation
Total incontinent
Voiding by reflex only
Autonomic bladder
Occurs when there is an involuntary loss of urine related to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during coughing sneezing laughing or other physical activities
Stress incontinence
Symptoms of urge and stress Incontinence are present although one type many predominate
Mixed incontinence
Levodopa turns urine this color
Brown or black
Diuretics turn urine this color
Pale yellow
Elavil turns urine this color
Green or green blue
B complex vitamins turn urine this color
Green or green blue
Pyridium turns urine this color
Orange, orange red
Inject-able iron compounds
brown or black
Anticoagulants turn urine this color
What actions are appropriate when conduction a physical assessment of a patients urinary function?
1. The nurse should palapete the kidneys only under supervision.

2. The nurse checks for costovertebral tenderness by placing one palm flat over the costovertabral angle and striking the back of the hand with the other fist.

3. To examine the meatus the female patient should be placed in a dorsal recumbent position.

4. The nurse may use a bedside scanner to assess the bladder.