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60 Cards in this Set

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Name the 4 types of tissues
epithelial: covering
connective : support
muscle : movement
nervous: conrol
Highly specialized, functions include:

Epithelial tissus
Name the 6 characteristics of epithelial tissues
1. highly packed
2. continuous sheets-joined by junctions
3. avascular rec's food from CT below
4. BM rests on CT below
5. always has one free surface
6. regenerates quickly
Epithelia is classified by wht two criteria?
Shape and # of cell layers
One layer of epithelial cells found where absorptiona nd filtration occur
Simple epithelium
More than one lawyer of cells stacked on top of each other common in areas of high abrasion
the adhesive layer that binds the epithelial tissues to the CT
basal lamina
flat cells with disc shaped nuleus
as tall as they are wide with a spherical nucleus
tall cell with elongated nucleus
columnar shaped cells with elongated nucleus
Stratified epithelial cells are name according to the cells located at the _ surface.
Specialized simple squamous tissue found in the lining of vessels and the heart
Specialized simple squamous tissue found in serous membranes lining body cavities
Found in kidney tubules, ducts and secretory portion of small glands
simple cuboidal epithelium
Lines the digestive tract from the stomach to the rectum
simple columnar
What 2 modifications are found in the simple columnar tissues found in the digestive tract lining.
microvilli-increase surface area

goblet cells-secrete mucus
Allof its cells rest on the BM but are located at diff levels on the BM. Has nuclei of various shapes, gives the impression several layers are present. cilitated and non ciliated
nonciliated-ducts of large gland

ciliated-trachea, upper respiratory tract
most widespread; found on the surface of wear and tear. skin, toungue, lines the mouth, vagina..
stratified squamous
lines urinary organs subject to stretching. cells are able to slide past each other
Transistional Epithelium
Ductless glands that secrete directly into extracellular space/blood
Endocrine Glands
Most common glands. Secrete products thru ducts onto the body surface or in body cavities. Sweat, oil, saliva
Exocrine Glands
Single cell glands located inbetween other cells. secretes mucus
Goblet Cells
Structure of glands

1. secretory cells forming a tube
2. secretory cells forming sacs
3. contains both tuulr and alveolar units
1. tubular

2. alveolar

3. tubulalveolar
How the glands secrete:

Most glands are _: they secrete their products by exocytosis ex. sweatm, saliva

_ glands fill up until they burst ex. sebaceous glands

_ cell pinches off with productand secretionis released
1. merocrine

2. holocrine

3. apocrine
Name the 4 chief subclasses of CT
1. CT proper

2. Cartilage

3. Bone

4. Blood
Major functions of CT are
binding and support, protection, insulation and transportation
3 Characteristics of CT
1. arise from mesenchyme emryonic tissue

2. degrees of vascularity

3.contains matrix "stuff" between cells
What 3 elements make up CT?
ground substance, fibers and cells
Matrix made up of what 2 elements?
ground substance and fibers make up the matrix
Name the 3 types of fibers:
Collagen, elastic, and reticular
white fibers, extremely tough, high tensile strength
collagen fibers
yellow fibers, found where greater elasticity is needed, ex. skin, lungs, and blood vessels
Abundanat at junctions between CT and other tissue types. surround small blood vessels and support soft tissue or organs
Reticular Fibers
Name 2 characteristics of blast cells found in CT
1. secrete GS and fibers for the matrix

2. actively mitotic
Name the 4 different types of blast cells according to the tissue type:

CT proper
What is the responsibility of the mature blast cells?
Maintain the matrix, ex-make repairs
3 factors that determine major and subclass types of CT tissue:
1. cell type

2. fiber type

3. proportion of matrix contributed by the fibers
2 subclasses of CT proper

1. areolar, adipose and reticular are_ CT.

2. dense reg, dense irreg and elastic
1. Loose CT

2. Dense CT
Except for bone, cartilge and blood all mature Ct belongs to what class?
CT proper
Semifluid GS. CT proper with all 3 fiber types, fibroblast cells, macrophages and mast cells present. Packing material between other tissues.
Very cellular. Very little matrix seen.Richly vascularized. Acts as a shock absorber and as insulation.
Limited to certain areas of the body. Lymphoid organs, bone marrow
Tissue found where tension exerted in a single direction. Forms ligaments and tendons.
Dense Regular CT
Tissue found where tension in exerted from many different directions. Ex. The dermis, and fibrous tissue found around some organs
Dense Irregular CT
Found in the walls of the aorta, form the vocal cord and ligaments connecting the vertebrae
Elastic CT
Tough yet flexible. Avascular. Devoid of nerve fibers. Firm matrix prevents cell movement.
Type of cartilage that is most widely distributed. Covers the ends of long bones, found in the tip of the nose.
Hyaline Cartilage
Cartilage found in the external ear and the epiglottis (behind the tounge in front of the voice box)
Elastic Cartilage
Cartilage found in the intravertabral discs, pubic symphysis and discs of knee joints
Rocklike hardness becuase of added calcium salts to the matrix. Provides cavities for fat storage and synthesis of blood cells.
considered a CT because it consists of blood cells surrounded by a nonliving fluid matrix called plsma.
Dry membrane exposed to air. Skin. An organ consisting of keratinized squamous epithelium attatched to the dermis
Cutaneous Membrane
Line th the body cavities open to the exterior. Wet or moist membranes bathed with secretions.
Mucous Membrane
Lines body cavities that are not open to the exterior
Serous Membrane
Highly cellular, well vascularized tissue resposible for most of the body movements.
Muscle that is multi-nucleated, striated, and voluntary. Attatched to the bones of the skeleton
Skeltal Tissue
Mucle only found in the walls o the heart. uninuleated, straited, involuntary. Branching cells fit togther at intercalated disc junctions
Muscle that is uninucleated, has no sriations and is involuntary. Found in the walls of hollow organs.
Tissue that makes up the central nervous system. Conducts impulses to and from varios body organs
Nervous Tissue
2 Major Nervous Tissue cell types
neurons and suporting cells