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24 Cards in this Set

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The process of social interaction that teaches the child the intellectual, physical, and social skills needed to function as a member of society.
the patterns of behavior and ways of thinking and feeling that are distinctive for each individual.
inherited units of biological material
No two people have the same genes, except identical twins. True or False
How many genes are human said to have?
30,000 barely twice the number of a fruit fly
What is nature?
inherited characteristics
What is nuture?
socialization experiences
What is nature
inherited characteristics
Who was Ivan Pavlov and what did he do?
He was a Russian Scientist that proved so-called instictive bahavior could be molded or condition through a series of repeated experiences linking a desired reaction with a particular object or event. He did the dog and bell experiment.
social attachment
meaningful interactions and affectionate bonds with others
attachment disorder
unable to trust people and form relationships with others
culturally and socially defined positions
social identity
the total of all the statuses that define an individual
the changing yet enduring personal identity. It develops when the individual becomes aware of his or her feelings, thoughts, and behavioras separate and distinct from those of other people
What does the concept of self include?
1. An awareness of the existence, appearance and boundaries of one's own body (you are walking among the othermembers of the crowd, dressed appropriately for the occasion, and trying to avoid bumping into people as you chat); 2. The ability to refer to one's own being by using language and other symbols("Hi, as you can see from my name tag, I'm Bob Smith")
Moral order
A shared view of right and wrong.
looking-glass self
Phrase used by Cooley to describe the three-stage process through which each of us develops a sense of self.
significant others
those individuals who are most important in our development, such as parents, friends, and teachers
preparatory Stage
characterized by the child'c imitating the behavior of others, which prepares the child for learning social-role expectations.
play stage
the child has acquired language and begins not only to imitate behavior, but also to formulate role expectations
game stage
the child lears that there are rules that specify the proper and correct relationship among the players
Drives and instincts that Freud believed every human being inherits, but which for the most part remain unconscious. Of these drives two are most important: aggressive drive and the erotic or sexual drive (called libido)
represents society's norms and moral values as learned primarily from our parents
tries not only to mediate in the eternal conflict between the id and the superego, but also to find socially acceptable ways for id's drives to be expressed.