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40 Cards in this Set

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smallest unit of life in all living things
cell theory
idea that all living things are composed of cells, cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things, and new cells are produced from existing cells
cell membrane
thin, flexible barrier around a cell; controls what enters and leaves the cell
cell wall
strong layer around the cell membrane in plants and some bacteria
large structure inside some cells that contains the cell's genetic material and controls the cell's activities
the gel-like substance that lies between the cell membrane, nucleus, and other organelles
single-celled organism that DOES NOT have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
organism whose cells contain nuclei and membrane-bound organelles
specialized structure that performs important functions within a eukaryotic cell; acts like a "tiny organ"
Robert Hooke
He observed tiny chambers (dead cells) in a thin slice of cork; he named the cell.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
He was the first person to observe living cells under a microscope; he viewed organisms in pond water.
granular material visible within the nucleus; consists of DNA tightly coiled around proteins
threadlike structure within the nucleus containing the genetic information that is passed from one generation to the next
small dense region in the center of the nucleus where ribosomes are made
support network within some cells which is composed of microtubules and microfilaments; helps the cell maintain its shape
hollow tube of protein in the cytoskeleton; maintains cell shape; helps the cell split apart during cell division
protein threads (actin) in the cytoskeleton; function in the movement and support of the cell
small particle in the cell on which proteins are made; made of RNA and protein
endoplasmic reticulum
internal membrane system in cells; pathway to move molecules throughout the cell; parts of the cell membrane are put together here and some proteins are changed here
Golgi apparatus
the processing, packaging, and secreting organelle; prepares proteins inside the cell for export to the outside of the cell
organelle filled with enzymes needed to break down certain materials in the cell; the cell's garbage disposal
fluid filled organelles that store enzymes and metabolic waste; found in plant cells
organelle found in plant cells that uses sunlight to make energy-rich food molecules by photosynthesis
sites of chemical reactions that transfer energy from organic compounds (glucose) to ATP; the cell's power house
nuclear envelope
double-membrane layer that surrounds the nucleus of a cell
group of cells that carries out specific functions
grouping of different types of tissues that perform a specific function
organ system
made up of a group of organs that work together to perform a set of related tasks
interacting organ systems, considered as a whole
the endosymbiotic theory
the theory that colonial organization of bacteria lead to the appearance of multicellular organisms
short, hairlike organelles on the surface of a cell that function in movement
a long, whip-like structure that propels the cell through aqueous solutions
selectively permeable membrane
a membrane that keeps out some molecules but allows others to pass through
phospholipid bi-layer
makes up the cell membrane; has hydrophyllic heads and hydrophobic tails
peripheral proteins
proteins located only on the inside and only on the outside of the cell membrane
integral proteins
found all the way through the cell membrane
epithelial tissue
type of tissue; the outer most covering of all surfaces of the body
connective tissue
type of tissue; gives support and links other tissues together
muscle tissue
type of tissue; allows movement
nervous tissue
type of tissue; responsible for transmitting messages throughout the organism