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31 Cards in this Set

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active range of motion
portion of the total range of motion through which a joint can be moved by an active muscle contraction
an activiy that requires oxygen
the muscle that is contracting to produce movement
the muscle that is being stretched when the agonist contracts
an activity that does not require oxygen
a decrease in the size of a muscle
ballistic stretch
exercise in which the body momentum is used to force muscle groups into as much extensibilty as can be tolerated.
cardiorespiratory endurance
the ability to perform whole body large muscle activities for extended periods of time
circuit training
involves the use of a series of exercise stations that consist of various combinations of weight training flexibility calisthenics and berife aerobic exercise
closed kinetic exercise
exercise in which the foot or hand is in a weight the muscle is shortened during contraction
made up of the lumbo pelvic hip complex where the center of gravity is located and all movement begins
eccentric contraction. (negative resistance)
the muscle lengthens during a contraction
the ability of the body to undergo prolonged activity
fartlek training
mean "speed play" and involves running for a specific period of time without specific criteria placed on pace and speed.
functional strength training
the use of integrated exercise to improve functional movement patterns in terms of both increased strength as well as improved neuromuscular control and core stabilization
an increase in size
interval training
involves alternating periods of relatively intense work and active recovery
isokinetic contraction
a muscle contraction in which the length of the muscle is changing while the contraction is performed at a constant velocity
isometric contraction
a muscle contraction that generates energy (in the form of heat) with no chane in length of the muscle or in the angle of the joint at which the contraction take place . a static contraction
isotonic contraction
a dynamic contraction that either involves a shortening concentric or a lengthening eccentric of the muslce through a complete range of motion
muscular endurance
the ability to perform reptitive muscular contractions against some resistance
muscular strength
the ability of the muscle to generate force
muscular power
the ability to generate force rapidly
open kinetic chain exercise
the foot or hand is not contact with the ground or other object while performing exercise
overload principle
training is performed with a progressively increased load or resistance at a near maximal rate
conditioning principle that allows athletes to train year around with less risk of injury of injury
plyometric exercise
a type of exercise that produces an isometric type overload using the stretch reflex
progessive resistance exercise
isotonic exercise that involves strengthening that muscles through a contraction that overcomes some fixed resistance produced by equipment such as dumbbells barbells tubing and various weight machines
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation pnf
a type of strength involving alternating contractions and stretches
SAID principle
specific adaptation to imposed demands. the body will adapt over time to the demands that are placed on it
slow twitch oxidative (SO) fibers
fibers that are aerobic in nature and are present in greater