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20 Cards in this Set

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What influenced colonial governments

political changes in England

What limited free trade in the colonies

English trade laws

What led to the ideas of political equality among many colonists

The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment

What gave England more control of more land in North America

The French and Indian War

How were laws made in Virginia

The House of burgesses

How were laws made in New England

colonists at town meetings

Who thought the colonists were too independent (solo, in control of yourself)

King James II of England


solo, in control of yourself

What did the English Bill of Rights do

shifted power from the monarch to Parliament, the British government body. The rights were not extended (stretched, pull out) to the colonists


stretch, pull out

Did the colonists benefit from the English Bill of Rights

no, the rights were not extended (strecth) to the colonists

The name given to the voyage (trip on water) of slaves from Africa to America

Middle Passage


trip on water in a boat

What was King Phillips real name


How did many Americans react to the king's ban (not allow) on settling on Indian lands

many settlers ignored (not pay attention to) the ban (not allow)


not pay attention to example - if your teacher told you something they gave you was going to be on the next test, but you did not study it, you ignored (not pay attention to) what they told you to do


not allow example - red hoodies are banned (not allowed) at Withrow University

Who led the rebellion against the British in the Ohio Valley

Chief Pontiac

Navigation Acts

used to control the colonists that required them to trade only with Britain

What was the main item did the colonists use to trade
