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30 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of communication?
The purpose of communication is to send your message effectively to the receiver/readers so the receiver can understand the message.
Wht is general different from specific?
What is different general frorn specific is that a general is too broad and needs specific ideas to support or explain the topic. Specific are narrow, specific ideas to support the topic.
How is topic different from supporting Details?
What is different topic from supporting details is that topic is the general subject matter of a reading passage, and supporting details are specific ideas to develop, explain or support the main idea.
What is a topic sentence?
The topic is a single sentence that states the topic and words that qualify the topic by revealing the author's opinion about the topic.
What's the difference between topic and supporting datails?
The difference between the topic and supporting deatils is that topic is the general subject mater of a reading passage and supporting details explain, develop and ilustrate the main idea.
Question for topic.
Who or what is the paragraph mostly about?
Question for main idea.
what's the author's controlling point about the topic?
What is the job of the supporting details?
Are specific ideas that explain, develop or support the main idea.
What does a major supporting detail do?
Directly explains, develop, or illustrates the main idea.
How is minor supporting details different form major supporting detail?
How is different minor supporting details from major major details is that minor details add interest, give descriptions, examples, testimonies and they support the major suporting deatils.
What is the difference between an outline and a concept map?
What is difrent from an outline and a concept map is that an outline shows the relationships among the main idea, major details and minor details. A concept map is a diagram that show the flow of ideas from main idea to the supporting details.
In an outline, when do you use Roman numerals, Capital letters and Arabic number?
When I use Roman numerals, Capital letters and arabic numbers, is for a formal outline.
What words signal the main idea?
The words the signal the main idea are; few causes, a number of reasons, several steps or several kinds.
What words signal the supporting details?
The words the signal the supporting details are: over, next or finally.
What is a fact?
Fact is a specific detail that is true based on objective proof.
What is a objective proof?
Objective proof can be physical evidence, an eyewitness account, or the result of an accepted scientific method.
What is the difference between a fact and an opinion?
What is different between a fact and an opinion is that a fact is specific detail that is true based on objective proof. Opinion is an interpretation, value judgment, or believe that can be proved or disproved.
What is bias?
Bias is the way you interpret the world.
What are two kinds of opinions?
The two kinds of opinios are: informed and expert opinions.
Why would anyone pass on false fact?
The reason why would anyone pass false fact is, to mislead the reader with false impression of the facts.
Informed opinion
Is developed by gathering and analyzing evidence.
Expert opinion.
Is develop through much training and extensive knowledge in a given field.
what is the author's tone?
Is the author's attitude towards the topic.
How does an author coveys her/his tone?
The author coveys her/his tone by tone and purpose.
What does it mean for words to have a subjective tone?
What it means for words to have a subjective tone is by describing feelings, judgments or opinions.
What does it mean for an author to have an objective tone?
What it means for the author to have an objective tone is to present facts and reasonable explanotions.
What are the three purposes of writing?
The three purposes of writing are to inform, persuade and entertain.
How do you find an author's primary purpose for writing?
How I find an author's primary purpose for writing is, by knowing that is the main reason the author writes the passage.
What is irony?
Irony occurs when the author's state one thing but imply the opposite.
What are the two kinds of irony?
The two kinds of irony are verbal and situational.