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13 Cards in this Set

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a blending of masculinity and femininity, in which the desirable characteristics associated with both men and women are combined within individuals.
benevolent sexism
postivie attitudes that nonetheless serve to belittle women and keep them subservient
gender stereotype
the beliefs about the characteristics associated with and the activites appropriate to men or woman
illusory correlation
the incorrect belief that two events vary together, or the perception that the relationship is strong when tlittle or no acutal relationship exists.
implicit attitudes
attitudes that people hold on an unconscious level, which may differ from their explicit conscious attitudes
stereotype threat
a phenomemon that occurs in situations in which the presence of negative stereotpyes affects the performance of those to whom the stereotype applis
the process of demonstarting that a psychological test measures what it claims to measure; the procedure that demos the accuaracy of a test
The cult of true woman hood that arose during victorian times help that
women should be pious, pure submissive and domestic.
Male Gender Role identity
to be succesful as men males must identify with the elements of that role, including the need to avoid all feminine activities and interest, have an achievement orientation, suppress emotions, and be aggressive and assertive
children become more flexable about gender stereotyping at the age of
7 allowing themselves more expection for individual variation.
attitude interest analysis survey
conceptualized masculinity and feminity as opposit poles of one continuum. minnestoa multiphasic personality inventory uses this unidimensional approach.
androgyny test examples
bem sex role inventory and the personal attribute questionaire. include sparate sclaes for masculinity and femininity, allowing classification of people not only masculine or feminine but also as androgeynous
four different aspects of gender stereotypes
phsycial characateristics, traits, behaviors, and occupations (each vary independently, but one makes judgements depending on the other)