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30 Cards in this Set

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A 16-year-old girl comes to the pediatric clinic for information on birth control. The nurse knows that before this young woman can be examined, consent must be obtained from:
The nurse needs to take the blood pressure of a preschool boy for the first time. Which action would be best in gaining his cooperation?
Permit him to handle equipment and see the cuff inflate and deflate before putting the cuff in place.
A 4-year-old is admitted to outpatient surgery for removal of a cyst on her back. Her mother puts the hospital gown on her, but the child is crying because she wants to leave on her underpants. The most appropriate nursing action is which of the following?
Allow her to wear her underpants.
Using knowledge of child development, which of the following is the best approach when preparing a toddler for a procedure?
Demonstrate on a doll how the procedure will be done
The nurse is preparing a 9-year-old boy before obtaining a blood specimen by venipuncture. The child tells the nurse he does not want to lose his blood. Which of the following is an appropriate approach by the nurse?
Discuss with him how his body is always in the process of making blood.
one marrow biopsy will be performed on a 7-year-old girl. She wants her mother to hold her during the procedure. The nurse should recognize that this:
May help the child relax
A child needs to drink 1 L of GoLYTELY in preparation for a CT scan of the abdomen. To encourage the child to drink, the nurse should:
Use little cups and make a game to reward for each cup he drinks.
A toddler is being sent to the OR for surgery at 9 AM. As the nurse prepares the child, the priority intervention is:
Verifying that the child and procedure are correct
A 5-year-old child returns from the PACU after abdominal surgery. The orders state to monitor vital signs every 2 hours. On assessment, the nurse observes that the child’s heart rate is 20 beats/min less than it was preoperatively. The nurse’s next action is to:
Recheck the pulse and blood pressure in 15 minutes.
A 10-year-old child requires daily medications for a chronic illness. Her mother tells the nurse that the child continually forgets to take the medicine unless reminded. Which of the following is the most appropriate nursing action to promote adherence to the medication regimen?
Establish a contract with her, including rewards
A 7-year-old is identified as being at risk for skin breakdown. The nursing care plan for this child includes:
Ensuring that nutritional intake meets requirements
Mark, age 6 years, is hospitalized for intravenous antibiotic therapy. He eats very little on his “regular diet” trays. He tells the nurse that all he wants to eat is pizza, tacos, and ice cream. Which of the following is the best nursing action?
Request these favorite foods for him.
A 14-year-old is hospitalized with CF. Appropriate documentation of his breakfast is:
One pancake, eggs, and 240 ml OJ
A child, age 7 years, has a fever associated with a viral illness. She is being cared for at home. The nurse should recognize that the principal reason for treating fever in this child is:
Relief of discomfort
A critically ill child has hyperthermia. The parents ask the nurse to give an antipyretic such as acetaminophen. The nurse should explain that antipyretics:
Are of no value in treating hyperthermia
The nurse gives an injection in a patient’s room. How should the nurse dispose of the needle?
Dispose of syringe and needle in a rigid, puncture-resistant container in patient’s room.
A child who has CF is admitted to the pediatric unit with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection. The nurse recognizes that in addition to a private room, the child is placed on the following
An 11-month-old hospitalized boy is restrained because he is receiving intravenous fluids. His grandmother has come to stay with him for the afternoon and asks the nurse if the restraints can be removed. The nurse’s best response is which of the following?
“That is fine as long as you are with him.”
A nurse must do a venipuncture on a 6-year-old child. Which of the following is an important consideration in providing atraumatic care?
Show child equipment to be used before procedure.
A 2-year-old child is being admitted to the hospital for possible bacterial meningitis. When preparing for a lumbar puncture, the nurse should do which of the following?
Prepare child for conscious sedation being used for the procedure.
Frequent urine tests for specific gravity are required on a 6-month-old infant. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to collect small amounts of urine for these tests?
Aspirate urine from cotton balls inside diaper with a syringe without needle.
A child has a central venous access device for IV fluid administration. A blood sample is needed for a CBC, hemogram, and electrolytes. The appropriate procedure is to:
Withdraw a blood sample equal to the amount of fluid in the device, discard, and then withdraw the sample needed.
The nurse has just collected blood by venipuncture in the antecubital fossa. What should the nurse do next?
Keep the child’s arm extended, and apply pressure to the site for a few minutes.
An appropriate method for administering oral medications that are bitter to an infant or small child would be to mix them with which of the following?
One teaspoon of something sweet-tasting such as jam
The practitioner has ordered a liquid oral antibiotic for a toddler with otitis media. The prescription reads teaspoons four times per day. In teaching the mother how to give the medicine, the nurse should consider:
A hollow-handled medication spoon is advisable, and the medication should be equally spaced while the child is awake.
Guidelines for intramuscular administration of medication in school-age children include which of the following?
Insert needle quickly, using a dartlike motion.
The advantages of the ventrogluteal muscle as an injection site in young children include which of the following?
Free of significant nerves and vascular structures
When teaching a mother how to administer eye drops, where should the nurse tell her to place them?
In the conjunctival sac when the lower lid is pulled down
Verification of the placement of a nasogastric tube before each use is best accomplished by:
Aspiration of stomach contents
Parents are being taught how to feed their infant using the newly placed gastrostomy tube. Essential information includes:
Position the infant on the right side during and after the feeding.