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100 Cards in this Set

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the fourth largest country in size
world's highest mountain range and contains Mount Everest. on china-nepal border
Kunlanshan, Tianshan, Arly Shan, Greater Khingkan
In the south , china has these physical features
low mountains, plains, and river valleys
16000 ft. in elevation and highest plateau
Plateau of Tibet
Kunlan Shan and Tian Shan are in
Tarim Basin
in NE part of China and China's lowest point
Turpan Basin
major rivers
Chang, Huang, Xi
N. China Plain, Manchurian Plain
3000-5000 ft. in elevation
Mongolian Plain
N. Central China, extends into Mongolia
Gobi Desert
The Eastern part of this region of China is mountainous and the Western part of flat
Southeast of China
influences climate through most of China
monsoon system
decrease to the N. and to the West
rainfall in China
the climate in Southeastern China and Taiwan
humid subtropical climate
Most of China's Climate
humid continental
these climates dominate western China
Dry Highlands
North-Central China and Mongolia have
dry arid, semiarid
dry conditions of the northwest produce large areas of
steppe grass and drought-resistant plants
China's humid regions include
mangrove swamps- salty water
China's forests include about - species of trees
China's wildlife ranges from
wild horses-bears to camels and wolves
China has big amounts of - and - resources
energy and mineral
China is the leading producer of
Coal, tin, lead, and tungsten
- is a major energy resource in China.
the largest dam in thh world
3 Gorges
wet lands where rice is grown
much human labor
intensive agriculture
when two crops are harvested on the same land
double cropping
in N. China and cause Huang River to turn yellow
loess deposits
China is the leader in -, - , and -

ducks, peanuts, and rice
Southern China produces crops like
rice, cotton, sugarcane, citrus fruits, and tea
Northern China produces crops like
wheat, millet, soybeans, and sorghum
raise and harcest of marine life in ponds
they are a leading producer in silk; therefore, they need silk worms, needing - -
Mulberry trees
in - B.C. , earliest peoples in China began farming along Chang River
6000 B.C.
1700's-1100's B.C.
First dynasty, bronze casting and tamed water buffalo
Shang Dynasty
- B.C. , first emperor conquered much of Eastern China and built the Great Wall
The - Dynasty was the first Chinese imperial dynasty
202 B.C. - AD 220
Han Dynasty
A.D. 618, dynasties
T'ang and Sung
Mongol invaders led by
Genghis Khan
Mongol invaders overthrew the - Dynasty in the 1200's, but the Chinese rebeled and gained their land back
took over after Mongols and the - Dynasty was the last dynasty of China
Ming Dynasty , Quing Dynasty
_____ overthrew the last Chinese dynasty in 1912
Sun Yat-Sen
Sun Yat-Sen formed the
Republic of China
After Syn Yat-Sen's death, _______ became China's leader and set out to defeat teh warlords who controlled parts of China
Japan took over - in the early 1930's
defeated Chiang Kai-Shek and set up a communist government in China
Mao Zedong
could be worked more efficiently than individual farms
larger government controlled farms
women were given equal status to men
one child policy
meant to speed up industrialization, set up work groups, built dams and dikes
Great Leap Forward in 1958
organized collective farms
poor planning and other problems led to
inefficient industries
when Mao's followers tried to rid China of his enemies and critics (people of education were suspects)
Cultural revolution
after Mao was leader
Deng Ziaoping
population of china
1.3 billion
simple pictures that represent ideas
religion based on nature
religion based on ethics
2/3 of China live
on the East Coast
People live in ____ and along ____
N. China Plain and along Xang River
most productive farming region because of alluvial soils
Southern China
- is the main raw material for China's textile industry
China's most industrialized area
Chang Delta
Shanghai's population
13 million
industrialization has been based on - and -
iron ore and coal
a trading center in the far southern part of China
Guangzhou (Canton)
population of 7 million people
Hong Kong
major seaport and trading and banking center
hong kong
local autonomy and a capitalist economy
Hong Kong
zones designed to attract foreign companies and investment
special economic zones
called China's sorrow
Huang River
prevent flooding and produce hydroelectricity
the cultural center and capital, second largest city
3 provinces of Northeastern China known as
three resources of northeastern China
oil, coal, iron ore
Inner Mongolia's THREE economic activities
nomadic herding, irrigation, and farming
Western China's two large autonomous regions
Xizang, Xinjiang
official name of Tibet
Xizang is the highest most - region in the world
in Tibet , the religion is
The spiritual leader of lamaism is
Dali Lama
turkic Muslim people
least densely populated country in the world, livestock outnumber people
Mongolia's natural resources
oil, coal, and copper
in Mongolia, farming is limited because - is limited
In Mongolia, - production has increased
Mongolia used to be under - influence
Soviet (Communist)
first free elections in Mongolia were held in
The main religion in Mongolia
Tibetan Buddhism
one of Asia's richest and most industrialized countries
Taiwan exports
computers, sports equipment, scientific instruments
the capital of Taiwan
-- took over Taiwan in 1949 and ruled under martial law
Chinese nationalists
military rule
martial law
Japan invaded Manchuria in
- is a form of Budhism
Mongolian population is low b/c of
Gobi Desert and Mountains
Great Britain once ruled - -
Hong Kong