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35 Cards in this Set

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a british steamship sunk by a torpedo and was the worst sinking since Titanic
The Taking of the Canal Zone
An issue with the US. Roosevelt wanted a canal to link the Atlantic and Pacific oceans across the isthmus connecting North and South America.
Open Door Policy
violated by Roosevelt when he gave Japan a free hand in Korea
Roosevelt Corollary
warned Latin American nations to keep their affairs in order or face American intervention
Sussex Pledge
The Kaiser of Germany agrees to shoot only ships of the enemy's navy. He attached the US compel the allies to end their blockade and comply with international law
Dollar Diplomacy
promoted American financial and business interests. It was profit-seeking motives but aimed to substitute economic ties for military alliances with the idea of increasing American influences
League of Nations
called for by Wilson in his fourteen points. designed to keep the peace during WWI
Pancho Villa
hoped to goad the US into an action that would help him seize power, he raided border towns, injuring American people
Zimmerman Telegram
received by Wilson and stated that in the case of war with the US, an alliance with Mexico was formed
William Jennings Bryan
secretary of state resigned rather than signed the diplomatic notes. negotiated cooling-off treaties with 30 nations
Hay Herran Convention
gave the US a 99-year lease on a canal zone 6 miles in width if the US agreed to pay Colombia $10 million.
Bernard Baruch
a wall street broker who headed the WIB
Bernard Baruch
a wall street broker who headed the WIB
Herbert Hoover
hero of a campaign to feed starving belgians and headed a Food Administration
Eugene V Debs
campaigned in 1920 from behind bars; in ail for speaking out against war
Eugene V Debs
campaigned in 1920 from behind bars; in ail for speaking out against war
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
permitted the US to construct and control an Isthmian canal, proving it would be free and open to all ships
seized power in Russia
Sedition Act
imposed harsh penalties for those who spoke "disloyal, scurrilous, or profane language" against the government
Espionage Act
imposed sentences of up to 20 years in prison for persons found guilt of aiding the enemy
14 Points
proposed by Wilson in his efforts for peace. Failed to satisfy the wartime emotions that sought vindication
Hay-Burae-Varilla Treaty
granted US control of a canal zone 10 miles wide across the Isthmus of Panama.
George Creel
headed the CPI, an outspoken progressive journalist. hired progressives and recruited people in advertising
used propaganda to persuade people to support war
war industries board, most powerful new agency oversaw the production of all American factories
wanted and promoted peace
Taft-Katsura Agreement
recognized Japan's dominance over Korea in return for its promise not to invade the Philippines
Victoriano Huerta
responsible for ousting Francisco Madero in 1913 and throwing him in jail. He then arranged his murder
John's J Pershing
a general ordered on an expedition to seize Villa in Mexico. Led 6,000 troops to Mexican territory
Franz Ferdinand
murdered by a Bosnian assassin from Serbia
American Union Against Militarism
formed by progressives to protest the war
defeated by the Zimmerman Telegram. Filibuster was done by the Senate
trench warfare
troops were stuck fighting in trenches during WWI. Both sides fought in them
Liberty Bonds
$23 billion sold during WWI, sold to raise money to cover war expenses
Treaty of Versailles
ended WWI, defeated in Senate