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27 Cards in this Set

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What is an Alters?
- 2+ identity/personality states
What is body dysmorphic disorder?
-peroccupation c an imagined defect in apperance
What is conversion disorder?
-loss of voluntary motor or sensory functioning that appears to represent physiologic pathology but instead relates to psychological conflict or need.
--> conversion sx: "pseudoneurologic"
What is depersonalization disorder?
-recurring or persistent feeling that one is detached fomr one's own thinking.
--> clts feel that they are an observer- they are outside their mind or body
what is dissociation?
-altering self-awareness in an effort to escape an upsetting event or feeling
What is dissociative amnesia?
-loss of memory that is not organic & is more extensive than normal forgetfulness
What is dissociative disorders?
-a disruption in the usually intergrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perception
What is dissociative fugue?
-sudden travel away from home coupled c an inability to remember the past & confusion about identity ot the adoption of a new identity
What is dissociative identity disorder (DID)?
-multiple personality disorder
What is dissociative trance?
-person's awareness of his/her immediate surrounding narrows; may exhibit stereotyped behaviors (eg immobilization, collapse, or loud shrieking beyond his/her control)
What is dyspareunia?
-painful intercourse in men/women
What is factitous disorder?
-clts deliberately make up of inflict sx to gain attention/to occupy a sick role
-->Munchausen syndrome by proxy
What is hypervigillance?
-the condition of maintianing an abnormal awareness of the body & its sensations
-->clts misinterpret & overreact to physical ssx
What is hypochondriasis?
-clts have a fear or belive that they have a serious disease despite no significant pathology or other reason for thinking so
What is malingering?
-consciously create or exaggerate false sx to avoid work or other responsibilities or to have material gain
What are paraphilias?
-recurring, intense sexual arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors generally involving:
1. nonhuman objects
2. suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner
3. children or other nonconsenting persons
--> this occurs over a period of at least 6 months
What is premature ejactulation?
-persistent or recurrent onset of orgasm & ejaculation c minimal sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly after penetration & before clt wishes
what is primary gain?
-ssx block psychological conflict or anxiety from conscious awareness
what is secondary gain?
-relieve clts from expected responsibilities & increasing the attention they recieve (can + reinforce & help perpetuate somatic ssx)
What is sexual dysfunction?
-sexual expression characterized by a disturbance in the process that characterizes the sexual response cycle or by pain associated c sexual intercourse
what is somatization disorder?
-clts have exaggerated, inconsistent, yet complicated medical hx. they often seek tx from mulitple healthcare providers when their physical c/o are not addressed to their satisfaction
--> hysteria or Briquet's syndrome
What are somatoform disorders?
-clt experience physical ssx despite no underlying medical explanation for them; they are classified as mental disorders b/c PE & lab tests reveal no demonstrable organize pathology
What is vaginismus?
-recurrent or persistent involuntary spasms of the musculature of the outer 1/3 wall of the vagina that interferes c sexual intercourse
What is Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
-an adult (usually a parent) continously brings a child to the attention of healthcare providers for inexplicable & sudden illness. In reality the parent induces or fabricates the sickness to gain attention
What is la belle indifference?
-clts not alarmed or disturbed by their dramatic ssx
What is satiation?
-a technique in which sex offenders use their most erotic fantasies after orgasm in a boring, repetitive manner to extinguish their erotic quality
what are signaled punishments?
-a combination of aversion therapy & biofeedback of erections to deviant stimuli