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33 Cards in this Set

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Sunk in 1915 by a German submarine. 139 American killed. Forced Germany to stop submarine warfare.
Taking Of The Canal Zone
After asking Colombia for the land to build the Panama Canal, and getting a negative answer, Roosevelt started a rebellion and separated Panama into its own country. Panama allowed him to build the Canal.
Open Door Policy
A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.
Roosevelt Corollary
Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force
Sussex Pledge
A promise Germany made to America, after Wilson threatened to sever ties, to stop sinking their ships without warning.
"Dollar Diplomacy"
Foreign Policy idea by Taft to make countries dependent on the U.S. by heavily investing in their economies
League of Nations
An international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations.
Pancho Villa
A popular leader during the Mexican Revolution of 1910. An outlaw in his youth, when the revolution started, he formed a cavalry army in the north of Mexico and fought for the rights of the landless in collaboration with Emiliano Zapata.
Zimmerman Telegram
March 1917. Sent from German Foreign Secretary, addressed to German minister in Mexico City. Mexico should attack the US if US goes to war with Germany (needed that advantage due to Mexico's proximity to the US). In return, Germany would give back Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona to Mexico.
William Jennings Bryan
United States lawyer and politician who advocated free silver and prosecuted John Scopes (1925) for teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school (1860-1925)
Hay Herran Convention
Gave America a 99 year lease on Canal Zone, but the U.S would have to pay Colombia for the the use of land, and rent.
Bernard Baruch
Head of the War Industries Board, which attempted to impose some order on the U.S. war production
Herbert Hoover
Republican candidate who assumed the presidency in March 1929 promising the American people prosperity and attempted to first deal with the Depression by trying to restore public faith in the community.
Eugene V Debs
Leader of the American Railway Union, he voted to aid workers in the Pullman strike. He was jailed for six months for disobeying a court order after the strike was over.
Hay-Pauncefort Treaty
Between US and Britain: • The U.S. was authorized to construct and manage a Central American canal • The U.S. was to guarantee the neutrality of the canal and was authorized to fortify the area, if necessary • The canal was to be open to all nations; rates were to be fair and equal.
Russian member of the left-wing majority group that followed Lenin and eventually became the Russian communist party
Sedition Act
Made it a crime to criticize the government or government officials. Opponents claimed that it violated citizens' rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Espionage Act
This law, passed after the United States entered WWI, imposed sentences of up to twenty years on anyone found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty. It allowed the postmaster general to remove from the mail any materials that incited treason or insurrection.
14 Points
Woodrow Wilson's peace plan, set out before war ended, helped bring it to and end because it helped Germans look forward to peace and be willing to surrender, was easy on the Germans punishment for war. Points included: people all over the world are to determine their own fate, (self-determination)no colonial powers grabbing nations, free trade, no secret pacts, freedom of the seas, arms reduction, creation of world organization/League of Nations.
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
U.S. guarantee of independence for newly created Republic of Panama
George Creel
Head of the Committee on Public Information 1917 which was allegedly formed to combat wartime rumors by providing authoritative info. It served as propaganda agency proclaiming the governments version of reality and discrediting those who questioned that version.
Initials for organization created to persuade Americans that World War I represented a battle for democracy and freedom.
The War Industry Board created by Bernard Baruch. It can fix prices, require conversion of nonessential industry to war time production, and control conservation - must standardize the product
People who are opposed to the use of violence
Taft-Katsura Agreement
The US and Japan pledged to maintain the Open Door principles in China, Japan recognized US control over the Philippines, and the US granted a Japanese protectorate over Korea
Victoriano Huerta
He was a Mexican military officer and President of Mexico who was also leader of the violent revolution that took place in 1913. His rise to power caused many Mexicans to cross the border as well as angering the United States who saw him as a dictator.
John J Perching
Commander of the U.S. army stationed in Europe.
Franz Ferdinand
Archduke of Austria Hungary who was assassinated at Sarajevo by a Serbian terrorist group called the Black Hand. This was the main point that sparked WWI
American Union Against Militarism
A group created in opposition to the U.S. involvement in WWI, it was composed mainly of Progressives.
A tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches
Trench Warfare
Fighting with trenches, mines, and barbed wire. Horrible living conditions, great slaughter, no gains, stalemate, used in WWI.
Liberty Bonds
Where people bought bonds so the government could get that money now for war. The bonds increased in interest over time
Treaty of Versailles
Created by the leaders victorious allies Nations: France, Britain, US, and signed by Germany to help stop WWI. The treaty 1)stripped Germany of all Army, Navy, Air force. 2) Germany had to repair war damages(33 billion) 3) Germany had to acknowledge guilt for causing WWI 4) Germany could not manufacture any weapons.