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20 Cards in this Set

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Which event happened last?

Khrushchev assumes power

Long-range effects of the Korean War included all of the following EXCEPT:

the United States was hesitant to intervene in future Southeast Asian conflicts.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization:

solidified ties between the United States and its western European allies.

The content of George Kennan's "long telegram" depicted:

an aggressive U.S.S.R. driven by expansionist communism.

The Limited Test Ban Treaty:

outlawed nuclear testing in the atmosphere and underwater.

President Truman believed that North Korea's invasion of South Korea:

involved planning by the Soviet Union.

Effects of the Soviet Union's launching of Sputnik included which of the following?

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created by Congress.

The photograph of German children waving at American transport planes during the Berlin airlift:

all of the above

The main purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to:

contain communism by not letting it spread to other nations.

During the Eisenhower administration, official American policy for a Soviet attack on western Europe called for:

massive nuclear retaliation against the USSR.

The Hollywood Ten:

refused to discuss their politics, citing the protections of free speech.

The United States and other Western nations responded to the Berlin blockade by:

airlifting supplies into the isolated city.

When deciding what to do about Soviet ballistic missiles being placed in Cuba, President Kennedy opted to:

use a naval quarantine to prevent the Soviet missiles from reaching Cuba.

In 1956, the Soviet Union used military force to suppress an uprising in:


Critics of President Kennedy's methods of defusing the Cuban missile crisis point out that:

all of the above

A major effect of the Marshall Plan was:

a strengthening of the economic relationship between the United States and western Europe.

The loyalty program:

resulted in the firings and resignations of many innocent Americans.

Long-range effects of NSC-68 included all of the following EXCEPT:

it provided American leaders with a better understanding of local nationalist movements.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg:

were convicted and electrocuted for passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

All of the following statements about the Second Red Scare are true EXCEPT:

Republicans used the scare to discredit Dwight Eisenhower's political coalition.