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27 Cards in this Set

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Walter Lafeber
Thought that the US didn't go expansionist suddenly, it was a natural culmination of events.
Monroe Doctrine
Told Europe to stay out of our affairs
Desire to stay out of foreign entanglements
Trying to create an empire
Josiah Strong
Priest/expansionist, wrote Our Country
Our Country
Argued for expanding American trade and control
William Henry Seward
Secretary of State 1861-1869
Expansionist, purchased Alaska
Queen Liliuokalani
Queen of Hawaii
Influence of Sea Power Upon History
Industrialism requires expansion.
Alfred Thayer Mayhan
Naval Strategist, wrote above
George Dewey
Admiral of US Navy. "hero of manila". Fought in Spanish-American War.
McKinley Tariff
Sharp tariff hike, protection of own goods.
Wilson Gorman Tariff
Prostrated cuban econom
Valeriano Weyler
A general of the Spanish Army during the Spanish American war
Yellow Journalism
Sensationalism in the media
USS Maine
Exploded warship, event that was blown out of proportion, caused Spanish-American war
Reconcentration Policy
Hard to control a population that is scattered, so move them all in together.
Teller Amendment
Pledged that the US would not try to annex Hawaai
"Splendid little war"
Spanish-American War
San Juan Hill
Battle in the Spanish-American War
Treaty of Paris of 1898
US gets Philippines for $20 million
Charles Francis Adams
Didn't want colonies in other places.
Anti Imperialist League
Wanted to fight the treaty of Paris
Foraker Act
Established a civil government in the Philippines
Platt Amendment
Cuba could not make any amendments to impair its freedom
Open Door Policy
Spheres of influence had to respect each other and not pay taxes to China
John Hay
Creator of the Open Door Policy