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33 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following accurately describes the behavior of the middle adult?

a. Believes in establishment of self but fears being pulled back into the family.

Usually substitutes new roles for old roles and perhaps continues formal roles in a new context.

c. Looks inward accepts life span as having definite boundaries and has special interest in spouse friends and community.

d. Looks forward but also looks back and begins to reflect on his or her life.
Which of the following aging theories assumes that healthy aging is related to the ability of older adult to continue similar patterns of behavior that existed in young to middle adulthood?

a. Idenity continuity theory

b. Disengagement theory

c. Activity theory

d. Life review theory
Based on an understanding of the cognitive changes that normally occur with aging what would you expect a newly hospitalized older adult to do?

a. Talk rapidly but be confused

b. Withdraw from strangers

c. Interrupt with frequent questions

d. Take longer to respond and react.
Which of the following nursing actions would help maintain safety in the older adult?

a. Treat each patient as a unique individual.

b. Orient the patient to new surroundings

c. Encourage independence.

d. Provide planned rest and activity times.
As defined by Erickson in what stage of human development is the older adult?

a. Intimacy vs isolation

b. Identity vs role diffusion

c. Ego integrity vs despair

d. Generativity vs stagnation
According to Havighurst, which of the following is a developmental task of a older adulthood?

a. Adjusting to declining physical strength and health

b. Moving from ones own home to the home of others

c. Learning to live by oneself after losing a spouse

d. Establishing oneself in the community
Which of the following adult developmental theorists viewed the middle yours as a time when adults increase their feelings of self satisfaction value their spouse as a companion and become more concerned with health?

a. Erickson

b. Levinson

c. Piaget

d. Gould
Which of the following is a developmental task of the middle adult?

a. Selecting a life partner

b. Establishing and guiding the next generation

c. Establishing a social network

d. Forming a person philosophical and ethical structure.
Which of the following statements about the older adult is accurate?

a. Old age begins at age 65

b. Personality is not changed by chronological aging

c. Most older adults are ill and institutionalized.

d. Intelligence declines with age.
Which of the following are considered to be normal physical changes in the middle adult? (select all that apply)

a. Skin moisture increases

b. Hormone production increases

c. Hearing acuity diminishes

d. Cognitive ability diminishes

e. Cardiac output begins to decrease.

f. There is a loss of calcium from bones.
c, e, f
Which of the following statements accurately describe the role of the middle adult? (select all that apply)

a. A task of the middle adult is to guide the next generation.

b. A task of the middle adult is to prepare for separation from family and friends.

c. One role of the middle adult is to adjust to the needs of aging parents.

d. According to Levinson middle adults may choose either to continue an established lifestyle or reorganize their life in a period of midlife transition.

e. Gould viewed the middle yours as a time when adults look inward and accept their life span as having definite boundaries.

f. Persons in the middle adult years must adjust to decreased personal freedom and economic instability.
a, c, d, e
Which of the following statements concerning the physical condition of older adults are accurate? (select all that apply)

a. In older adults all organs undergo some degree of decline in overall functioning.

b. Body functions that require integrated activity of several organ systems are affected the most in older adults.

c. Most older adults experience severe limitations in activities.

d. Statistically one out of every five older adults suffers from at lest one chronic illness.

e. An older adult who lives alone is at greatest risk for loss of independence.

f. An older adults ability to adapt determines whether he or she is ill or healthy.
a, b, e, f
Which of the following facts regarding Alzheimers disease (AD) are accurate? (select all that apply)

a. AD accounts for about 1/3 of cases of dementia in the US.

b. AD primarily affects young to middle adults.

c. Scientists estimate that more than 4 million people have AD

d. The number of people with AD doubles every 5yrs beyond age 65.

e. AD affects brain cells and is characterized by patchy areas of the brain that degenerate.

f. AD is a progressive serious by not life threatening disease.
c, d, e
Which of the following accurately describe conditions found in older adulthood?

a. Sundowning Syndrome is a condition in which and older adult habitually becomes confused restless and agitated after dark.

b. Delirium is a permanent state of confustion occurring in older adulthood.

c. Depression is a prolonged or extreme state of sadness occuring in many older adults.

As many as 50% of adults 65 years and older experience an episode of delirium during a hospitalization.

e. Polypharmacy is a term that is used to describe the habit of older adults to use many pharmacies to obtain their prescription drugs.

f. A significant percentage of older adults limit their activities because of fear of falling that might result in serious health consequences.
a, c, f
_________ is a chemical reaction that produces damage to the DNA and cell death.
Cross Linkage
A middle adult is considered to be in the age range of ______ to _______
40 to 65
The term ____________ describes the middle adult who is involved in relationships with his or her own children and aging family members.
Sandwich generation.
The older adult period is often further divided into the young old ages ______ to _______; The middle old ages _____ to ____; and the old old ages ________ to _______.
60 to 64 young old

75 to 84 middle old age

85 to older old old
A nurse who believes that all older adults take more time to answer interview question due to slowed metal processes is guilty of a form of stereotyping known as _____________
The ____________ theory of aging assumes that healthy aging is related to the older adults ability to continue similar patterns of behavior from young and middle adulthood.
Identity Continuity
When an older adult tells the nurse about his successes on the golf course, he is engaging in what is termed ____________ or ____________.
Life review or reminiscence
___________ is the most common degenerative neurological illness and the most common cause of cognitive impairment.
Alzheimer Disease
A nurse who shows a patient with dementia a visit from her family is practicing what is commonly known as _____________
Reality orientation
___________ is the scientific and behavioral study of all aspects of aging and its consequences.
Describe the characteristics of Middle to older adulthood

1. Physiologic development

2. Psychosocial development

3. Cognitive, moral, spiritual development
1. The early years are marked by maximum physical development and functioning. As time passes gradual internal and external changes occur.

2. Usually a time of increased personal freedom, economic stability social relationships, increased responsibility, and awareness of ones own mortality.

3. Intellectual abilities change from those of the young adult. There is increased motivation to learn. Problem solving abilities remain although response time may be slightly longer.
List five health promotion activities recommend for all middle adults
1. Complete physical examination every year.

2. Annual dental examination

3. Eye examination every 1 to 2 years

4. Maintenance of current immunization.

5. Cancer screening for women.
This explains that life span depends to a great extent on genetic factors
Genetic theory
Focuses on the function of the immune system which declines steadily after young adulthood
Immunity theory
As one ages cross links accumulate leading to essential molecules in the cell binding together and interfering with normal cell functioning
Cross linkage theory
Free radicals formed during cellular metabolism are molecules with separated high energy electrons that can have adverse effects on and attack electrons that can have adverse effects on and attack adjacent molecules.
Free radical theory
Maintains that an older adult withdraws from societal interaction because it is mutually desired and stratifying for both the individual and society.
Disengagement Theory
Successful aging involves the ability to maintain high levels of activity and functioning.
Activity theory
Assumes that healthy aging is related to the ability of the older adult to continue similar patterns of behavior that existed in young to middle adulthood
Identity continuity theory