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89 Cards in this Set

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Where did the IR (industrial revolution) start?
Great Britain
What were the reasons for why the IR started in England?
flerc mt gr - food, labor, entrepreneurs, resources, capital; markets, transportation; gov, rivers
Explain further each part in "flerc mt gr"
Food - better farming
Labor - from large population
Entrepreneurs - interested in making profit
Resources - coal and iron
Capital - for investment in machines/factories
Markets - in colonies
Transportation - small country, easy trans.
Gov - favorable to business, less restrictons on entrepreneurs
Rivers - many of them
What form of industry was popular before the industrial revolution?
The cotton industry
What did James Hargreave do?
made the spinning jenny - produced yarn in larger quantities
What did Richard Arkwright do?
made the water frame spinning machine - powered by water/horse
The factories caused many people to move to ______ near the _____.
cities, factories
What did the Steam Engine cause?
it revolutionized the production of cotton goods and increased the factory system
What did Thomas Newcomen do?
he created the steam pump to help drain water out of mines
What did James Watt do?
He was asked to repair a Newcomen engine but turned it into a steam engine that was much more efficient
What could the steam engine later be used for?
spinning and weaving cotton?
In the beginning, was the Steam Engine efficient?
not really, but later improved
In the beginning, what prevented the spread of ideas to the Continent about the ind. rev?
the continental system - Europe cannot trade with Britain
How did the Steam Engine cause a greater flexibility for entrepreneurs?
the factories no longer had to be next to rivers
What was Britain's most important product?
True or False: Only the rich got cotton goods
false, rich and poor got cotton goods
What did Henry Cort do?
developed the system called puddling - produced high quality iron
What were the effects of puddling?
more iron and metal was cheaper so more was used, esp. in trans.
What modes of transportation were mainly used before railways?
roads and canals
What were locomotives powered by?
steam engine
Who made the Rocket and what was it?
George Stephenson, a faster train
Britain had many miles of ...
Did the continent have many railways?
What did cheaper and faster transportation cause?
lower prices in goods, new markets and more factories
Tell me about the Industrial Factory
Employers hired workers to run the machines for wages; workers worked regular hours; there were factory regulations
What are the evangelical values?
in Methodim - follow disciplined path and laziness was bad - helped factories
Tell me about Britain's Great Exhibition of 1851
The world's first industrial fair in the Crystal Palace (a large structure of glass and iron) - showed many products created by the IR and showed Britain's wealth to the world
What were the first countries on the Continent to be industrialized?
Belgium, France, German states
What were the limits to industrialization on the continent?
mainly agrarian, lack of transportation, little capital, entrepreneurs there less enterprising (more traditional busniess habits); French rev and Napoleonic wars limited industrialization; lack of technical knowledge



How did Britain try to prevent the spread of Industrial ideas to the continent?
prohibited artisans from leaving the country and the export of machinery/parts - were not able to control this
What did John Cockerhill do?
he was a business man who established a profitable industrial plant in Belgium
What did Fritz Harkhort do?
started the German engineering industry and wanted Englishmen to be whipped out
The Continent _____ skills from the British
True or false: the gov did not play a role in industrialization on the continent
false, they did - paid for things
What else did the con use to further industrialization?
put tariffs on cheap British goods to protect industries
What did Freidrich list do?
a German writer, he emigrated to America and then returned to Germany as a U.S. consul
• He advocated a fast and large-scale industrialization program to developed a nation’s strength
• To assure this, he thought that a nation must use protective tariffs
_____ _____ investment was on the continent. Is this similar to or different than Britain?
joint stock; different
What were the centers of Con ind?
Belgium, France, German states
What were the differences in cotton manufacturing in Britain and the con?
Britain - in a couple of areas
Con - spread out
What were more differences between Britain and the con?
IR in Britain built on cotton industry, on con built on iron/coal of heavy industry
What con country was the leader in coal?
What con countries led in cotton?
France, then Belgium
What was the Ruhr Valley?
a valley in Germany that had a lot of coal
What did Samuel Slater do?
he was a British immigrant who established the 1st textile factory in Rhode Island
Was Russia industrialized?
no mainly rural/agricultural
Newly industrialized European states wanted a policy of ______ growth of industry in places they controlled
What is an example of this?
The IR caused the growth of _______ and the problem of _______
population, overpopulation
What caused the population growth?
more food, drop in number of deaths from wars, diseases etc.
Tell me everything about the Potato Famine (Great Hunger)
In Ireland (very oppressed), population there was mainly Catholic peasants who rented land from British protestant landowners
Their main crop was the potato - nutritious and easy to grow
Large population in Ireland
Potato was struck by a fungus - caused famine
many people died and move to Britain/U.S.
At the time, why was there hatred between the English and the Irish?
English didn't help the Irish by giving them cheap, affordable grain when the Irish needed it
What is urbanization?
Many cities/towns grew dramatically - related to industrialization
What were the miserable living conditions in the cities?
poor people lived in crowded cellars, bad sanitary conditions - streets as sewers, bad smells, adulterated food
Why did city authorities not help the living conditions?
felt little respon. for the problems and did not have skills
Why did the gov refuse to intervene?
thought that more benefit would come from free competition
What did Edwin Chadwick do?
he was an urban reformer - investigated living conditions of the working classes and said that the bad conditions would go away by sanitary reforms like sewers and piped water
Explain where the different classes of people lived in the cities?
Wealthy middle class - individual suburb houses in outer ring of city
atrisans/lower middle class - inner ring of city in small houses
center - row houses of industrial workers
What was the Public Health Act of 1848?
was established because of Edwin Chadwick's efforts - the National Board of Health was formed that would establish modern sanitary systems
Did the middle class support the Public Health Act? why or why not?
yes, because they feared cholera
What new social class was created because of the Industrial Revolution?
the industrial middle class
What kind of people made up the industrial middle class?
people involved in commerce, industry and banking; industrial entrepreneurs
What was another large social class?
the working class
At first, what group made up most of the working class?
What did they do because of industrialization?
usually supported movements against industrialization because they were losing power
Tell me about the servants in the working class?
many were in London/Paris - many were women from countryside who were dependent on upper/middle class employers
Tell me about the working conditions for the Industrial working class
bad conditions - long hours, little breaks
Which profession had the worst conditions?
coal mines
_______ were very important for the IR. why?
children, cheap labor
What were pauper apprentices?
orphans/children abandoned by parents that were cared for by local parishes who apprenticed them to factory owners
the gap between the rich and poor _______
What did many workers look to do?
form labor organizations to get decent wages/working conditons
What were the Combination Acts?
they outlawed associations of workers
What were formed?
trade unions
At the beg, were trade unions strong?
not really
Some trade unions had _____ to achieve their goals
What did the strikes cause?
Parliament cancelled the Combination Acts and unions were now tolerated by kept under close watch
Who was one of the leaders in the effort for national unions?
Robert Owen
What did the trade unions want?
to preserve their own workers position by decreasing entry into their trade and wanted to gain benefits from the employers
What did Robert Owen do?
He was a cotton industrialist and a social reformer - thought that the creation of voluntary associations would show people the benefits of cooperative living instead of competitive living
What was formed under Owen's direction?
The Grand National Consolidated Trades Union which was a national federation of trade unions
What was the main purpose of this national federation?
to have a strike against the 8 hour workday
What happened to it?
it ended because of a lack of real working class support and the union movement went back to trade unions for indiv. crafts
Who were the Luddites? and were they effective?
skilled craftspeople in England who attacked machines that they thought threatened their livelihood/occupation; not very effective
What was Chartism?
tried to improve the conditions of British workers - a people's charter was created - wanted universal male suffrage - rejected by parliament then the movement died out
why was chartism significant?
gave the sense of a united group to the working class
What was the Factory Act of 1833?
better working hours for children and women, factory inspections, fined people who broke the law
What was the Ten Hours Act?
reduced the workday for children and women to 10 hours a day
What was the coal mines act?
got rid of employment of boys under 10 and women in mines
Why was the coal mines act unpopular for women?
they were paid more in coal mines b/c it was more dangerous and now they weren't allowed to work in them at all