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30 Cards in this Set

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what is a double leading tone cadence?
When both upper voices resolve up (usually leading tone resolves to tonic, and #11 resolves up to 5)
what is a Landini cadence?
also called an "under-third cadence", the tenor descends by step, teh upper voice decorates its ascent by first desending to the lower neighbor and then skipping up a third.
What is a Trobairitz?
troubadors, or poet-composers in southern france
what is musica ficta?
chromatic alterations, usually lowering or raising notes by a semitone, to avoid the tritone, to make a smoother melodic line, or just to make "sweeter sounding harmony"
Define Motet
a vocal piece of music that grew out of the clausulae sections in organum
What type of medieval piece of music was characterized by having multiple texts, often in different languages?
What type of medieval piece used pre-existing "tenor" usually from Gregorian Chant?
Medieval Motet
What type of piece used 5ths and 8ves on strong beats, with an increase in other intervals between them?
medieval motet
What is a "song"
composition for solo voice
what is the term for an italian "song"
what is the term for a french song?
what is the term for a german song?
What were some characteristics of medieval songs?
- simple, often repetitive structure
-simple rhythm
-primarily syllabic text setting
-often strophic text setting
What were Goliards?
Wandering Clerics, who traveled from town to town singing songs in Latin
Who were trouveres and troubadours?
poet-composers working in south and north of france, respectively
Who were Jongleurs?
french for entertainers who traveled and performed the works of troubadours and trouveres
What were Chansonniers?
songbooks which contain the music of troubadours and trouveres.
What was a Pastourelle?
One of the most popular types of troubador songs, a dramatic ballad about a knight's love for a shepherdess.
What was one of the most famous Pastourelle and who wrote it?
Jeu de Robin et de Marion (the play of robin and marion) by Adam de la Halle, the last of the greatest of the trouveres.
What is a minnesinger?
a poet-composer working in Germany
what was a spilleute?
german equivalent of jongluers (traveling entertainers, performing works of minnesingers)
What is a consort?
an ensemble to perform instrumental music.
What was a family of instruments?
The same instrument, but in different sizes.
What was a whole consort?
An ensemble playing instruments from the same family (of instruments)
What is a mixed consort or broken consort?
An ensemble with instruments from different families of instruments (different kinds of instruments, not just different sizes of the same kind of instrument)
What is Estampie?
dance music
What were two plucked stringed instruments of the medieval period?
harp and lute
what type of instrument is a hurdy gurdy?
bowed string
what type of instrument is a krumhorn?
what type of instrument is a shawm?