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49 Cards in this Set

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Noble status was recognized
What was the title of Voltaire's book published in 1734 that had a widespread impact on the French public?
Philosophical Letters
The starving poor probably numbered approximately ____ percent of the population.
10 to 15
Which of the following rulers was NOT affected by Enlightenment ideals?
George III of England
What Enlightenment thinker attacked the educational systems of Europe in Emile?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Which of the following was NOT typical of bourgeois culture?
Use of coats of arms
Which of the following statements concerning religious toleration during the Enlightenment is NOT accurate?
Both France and Spain halted attempts to expel the Jesuits.
A distinctive trait of bourgeois culture was
Most bourgeois fortunes came from
In the second half of the eighteenth century in France, the cost of living rose by more than ____ percent, and wages rose only _____ percent.
60, 25
Which of the following statements is most accurate?
The Enlightenment could be found in France, Scotland, Italy, Germany, and Russia.
Which of the following was NOT a right of most European nobles?
The right to elect the monarchs
The author of the work dealing with the potential disasters implicit in population increase of the eighteenth century was
Thomas Malthus.
Which of the following statements concerning the use of alcoholic beverages among the masses is most accurate for the eighteenth century?
The increased use of spirits--gin, brandy, rum, and vodka--actually diminished the nutritional intake of the poor.
In government, Montesquieu advocated
separation of powers.
What was the academic discipline of the French thinkers known as physiocrats?
The French Enlightenment thinker who made the greatest contribution to the framers of the American constitution was
What would be considered the most dominant value of early eighteenth-century family life?
In France, the Enlightenment thinkers were called the
By the end of the eighteenth century, approximately what portion of the British and French populations could read?
50 percent or more
Which of the following statements concerning later eighteenth-century family life is most accurate?
Parents began to make a greater emotional investment in their children.
The principle that happiness determined social good was at the basis of Crimes and Punishments, written by which Enlightenment thinker?
Cesare Beccaria
Which of the following rulers was NOT affected by Enlightenment ideals?
George III of England
Which of the following statements concerning the eighteenth-century European nobility is most accurate?
All who were truly wealthy were noble.
Which of the following was NOT an Enlightenment thinker?
Denis Savoyard
The collection that attempted to summarize all acquired knowledge was the
Which was NOT a factor in the eighteenth-century population increase?
Widespread use of vaccinations
In the eighteenth century, noble wealth was calculated in profits from
Voltaire's greatest contribution to Enlightenment attitudes was
his capacity to challenge all authority.
Which of the following statements is NOT accurate regarding the bourgeoisie?
Their lives were centered in their offices and businesses.
During what period was the concept of personal happiness, both individual and collective, established as a desirable social goal?
The Enlightenment
In his writings, Voltaire time and again demonstrated the superiority of the institutions of the
Which of the following Enlightenment themes did NOT " trigger the eighteenth-century reform movement?"
Royal absolutism
The French Enlightenment thinker who made the greatest contribution to the framers of the American constitution was
Most enlightened thinkers were
Which of the following was NOT one of the British magazines that catered to bourgeois tastes?
Businessman's Quarterly
Which of the following statements concerning Enlightenment thinkers is most accurate?
Most of the great thinkers of the Enlightenment were not so much philosophers as savants, knowledgeable popularizers.
Agricultural production increased in the eighteenth century for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
abandonment of animal husbandry in favor of grain production.
Which of the following statements is most accurate?
The Enlightenment could be found in France, Scotland, Italy, Germany, and Russia.
The key legacy of the eighteenth century was
a population boom.
Which group suffered the most from increased acts of crime during the latter part of the eighteenth century?
The poor
What was David Hume's most influential work?
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
What was the academic discipline of the French thinkers known as physiocrats?
In the eighteenth century, the improvements in food supply, housing, and sanitation led to
more misery for the masses.
In his writings, Voltaire time and again demonstrated the superiority of the institutions of the
Which of the following was one of the basic ideas of David Hume?
Human perception was based either on ideas or impressions of material objects.
What religious order was the target of both religious and educational reform in Europe?
In government, Montesquieu advocated
separation of powers.
One of the major concepts introduced by the Enlightenment was