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57 Cards in this Set

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Right side of heart

Receives oxygen-poor blood from tissues via pulmonary circuit.

Pumps blood into pulmonary circuit.

Left side of heart

Receives oxygenated blood from lungs via systemic circuit.

Pumps blood into systemic circuit.

Receiving chambers of heart

Right atrium receives blood from systemic circuit. 3 veins enter. Superior & Inferior vena cava (return blood from body) and the coronary sinus.(returns blood from myocardium)

Left atrium receives blood from pulmonary circuit. 4 pulmonary veins enter from lungs.

Minimally contract to propel blood

Pumping chambers of heart(Discharging chambers of heart)

Right ventricle pumps bl via pulmonary circuit into pulmonary trunk. Thinner walled and is a slow, low-pressure circulation.

Left ventricle pumps bl via systemic circuit to aorta. Most of coronary bl supply. 3x thicker than right & can generate higher pressure so force can overcome resistance from systemic circulation.

Heart size, location, and orientation

Found in mediastinum, 2/3 to the left of the midsternal line.

Base towards right shoulder.

Apex points toward the left hip.


Double-walled sac that encloses the heart.

Firbrous pericardium

Superficial pericardium that protects the heart, anchors it to surrounding structures, and protects the heart from overfilling.

Serous pericardium

Deep to the fibrous pericardium, consisting of a parietal layer and a visceral layer

Parietal layer

Lines the inside of the pericardium

Visceral Layer

Aka Epicardium.

Covers the surface of the heart.

Pericardial Cavity

B/w the visceral and parietal layers.

Serous fluid that lubricates movement.


Cardiac muscle, bulk of heart.

Cardiac skeleton

Within the myocardium.

Network of CT tissue fibers that

reinforces the myocardium,

supports the heart valves,

and limits spread of action potentials to specific paths.


Lines the chambers of the heart and is continuos w/ the endothelial linings of the vascular system.

Interatrial septum

Separates atria

Interventricular septum

Separates ventricles

Heart valves

Make blood flow in one direction.

Open/close in respond to pressure.

2 types: AV & SL

Atrioventricular Valves(AV)

Prevent backflow into atria when ventricles contract.

B/w atria and ventricles.

2 AV Valves b/w atrial-ventricular junctions

Tricuspid valve in the right

Bicuspid valve(Mitral) in the left

Semilunar Valves(SL)

Prevent back-flow from major arteries into ventricles.

Located b/w ventricles and at the base of the arteries exiting the heart

3 cusps that resemble half-moon.

Pulmonary SL valve located b/w right ventricle and pulmonary trunk

Aortic SL valve b/w left ventricle and aorta.

Why are there no valves at the entrances of the vena cava or pulmonary veins?

B/c the inertia of blood and the collapse of the atria during contraction minimizes back-flow into these vessels.

Coronary Circulation

Supply blood to the heart itself when relaxed. Shortest circulation.

Aorta ---> R & L coronaries

3 Veins ---> Coronary sinus ----> Right Atrium

Coronary arteries

Arise from base of aorta. Encircle heart in coronary sulcus.

Receives 1/20 of body's Bl supply.

2 types: Right and Left coronary arteries.

Right Coronary Arterty

Supplies Right atrium and most of right ventricle.

Has 2 branches: Right marginal artery & posterior IV artery.

Left Coronary Artery

Supplies IV septum, anterior ventricular walls, left atrium, posterior wall of left ventricle.

Has 2 branches: Anterior IV artery & circumflex artery.

Coronary veins

Cardiac veins collect Bl from capillary beds

Coronary sinus empties to R atrium; formed by merging cardiac veins

Great cardiac vein of anterior interventricular sulcus

Middle cardiac vein in posterior interventricular sulcus

Small cardiac vein from inferior margin

Cardiac muscle

Striated and contraction occurs via the sliding filament mechanism.

Cardiac muscle cells have large mitochondria that occupy 25-35% of total cell volume.

Intercalated discs

are connecting junctions b/w cardiac cells that contain desmosomes for structural strength and gap junctions that allow electrical current to travel from cell to cell.

Differences b/w skeletal muscle

-Cardiac muscle cells are self-excitable & initiate their own depolarization and from the heart.

Contractile cells: responsible for contraction

Pacemaker cells: non-contractile cells that spontaneously depolarize

-Heart contracts as a unit b/c gap junctions electrically tie all cardiac muscle cells together.

-Influx of Ca2+ from extracellular fluid triggers Ca2+ release from SR

Intrinsic Conduction system

Consists of cardiac pacemaker cells have that have an unstable resting potential and produces pacemaker potentials that continuously depolarize, initiating the action potentials that are conducted throughout the heart.

Sinoatrial node (SA)

Primary pacemaker for the heart and is in the right atrium.

Atrioventricular (AV)


is the interatrial sepum, delays firing slightly, in order to allow the atria to finish contracting b/f the ventricles contract.

Atrioventricular (AV) bundle

Only electrical connection b/w atria and the ventricles and conducts impulses into the ventricles from the AV node.

Bundle Branches (Right & Left)

Conduct impulses down the interventricular septum to the apex.

Subendocardial Conducting Network (Purkinjie Fibers)

Penetrates throughout the ventricular walls, distributing impulses throughout the ventricles.

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

Modifies the heartbeat through cardiac centers in the medulla oblongata.

Cardioacceleratory center

Projects to sympathetic neurons throughout the heart, increasing both heart rate and contractile force.

Stimulates SA and AV nodes, heart muscle, and coronary arteries.

Cardionhibitory center

Sends impulses to the parasympathetic dorsal vagus nucleus in the medulla oblongata, which stimulated the vagus nerve to the heart, slowing the heart beat.

Inhibits SA and AV nodes via vagus nerves.

Electrocardio graph

can detect electrical currents generated by heart.
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

has 3 deflections:

a P wave; indicating depolarization of the atria

QRS complex; indicating ventricular depolarization

T wave; cause by ventricular re-polarization.

Cardiac cycle

describes the mechanical events associated w/ Bl flow through the heart in the series of pressure and volume changes during one complete heart beat.


Contractile phase of the cardiac cycle


Relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle



closing of AV valves at beginning of ventricular systole



closing of SL valves at beginning of ventricular diastole

Heart murmurs

abnormal heart sounds heard when blood hits obstructions

due to turbulent back-flow of blood through a valve that does not closet tightly.

Incompetent (or insufficient) valve
fails to close completely, allowing backflow of blood

Causes swishing sound as blood regurgitates backward from ventricle into atria

Stenotic valve
ails to open completely, restricting blood flow through valve

Causes high-pitched sound or clicking as blood is forced through narrow valve

Cardiac Output (CO)

amt. of Bl pumped out of a ventricle per min.

CO = heart rate (HR) × stroke volume (SV)

Changes w/ demand; cardiac reserve is the diff. b/w the resting and maximal cardiac output.

Stroke Volume (SV)

Volume of Bl pumped out of a ventricle per min.

70 ml.


End diastolic volume (EDV), the amt. of Bl that collects in the ventricle during diastole

End systolic volume (ESV), the volume of Bl that remains in the ventricle after contraction is complete.

Avg. Adult HR

75 bpm

Frank-Starling law of the heart

states that the critical factor controlling SV is pre-load, the degree of stretch of cardiac muscle cells immediately b/f they contract.

Preload: degree to which cardiac muscle cells are stretched just before they contract

Venous Return of the heart

Most important factor determining the degree of stretch of cardiac muscle


Contractile strength achieved at a given muscle length; contractile strength increases if there is an increase in cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration


back pressure exerted by arterial blood

Ventricular pressure that must be overcome b/f Bl can be ejected from the heart and does not b/c a significant determinant of SV except in hypertensive individuals.

Factors that influence heart rate




Body temp.

Congestive heart failure (CHF)

Occurs when pumping efficiency of the heart is so low that Bl circulation cannot meet tissue needs.

Pulmonary congestion

Occurs when the left side of the heart fails, resulting in pulmonary edema