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40 Cards in this Set

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an emotionally charged, confiding interaction between a trained therapist and someone who suffers psychological difficulties
Dorthea Dix
reformer advocating the more humane treatment of individuals with psychological disorders
biomedical therapy
prescibed medications or med procedures that act directly on the patient's mnervous system
eclectic approach
approach to psychotherapy that uses techniques from various forms of therapy
in psychoanalysis, the blocking from consciousness of anxiety laden material
sigmund freud's therapeutic techniq; believed that free assoc, reistances, dreams, transferences, and the therapists interpretations released previousy repressed feelings allowing the patient to gain insight
in psychoanaylysis, the analyst's noting supposed dream meanings, resistances, other significant behaviors and events in order to promote insight
in psychoanalysis, the pateitns transfer of the analyst of emotions linked with other relationships
client-centered therapy
humanistic therapy developed by carl rogers, in which the therapist uses techniques such as active listening with a genuine accepting empathic enviorn to faliciate the clients growth
carl rogers
leading humanist psychologist
active listening
emphatic listening in which the listener echoes, restates, and clarifies. a feature of rogers client centered therapy
behavior therapy
therapy that applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors
behavior therapy procedure that conditions new responses to stimuli that trigger unwanted behaviors; include expose therapy, aversive conditioning
exposure therapies
behavior techniques such as systematic destensitaization that treat anxieties by exposing people in imagination or in reality to the things they fear/avoid
mary cover jones
behavior psychologist related to systematic desensitization; little albert experiment.
systematic desensitization
type of counter conditioning that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety triggering stimuli; commonly used to treat phobias
bheavior therapy that uses direct exposure to the maximum intensity and maximum anxiety exposed to individual
virtual reality exposure therapy
an anxiety treatment that progressively exposes ppl to stimulations of their greatest fears
aversive conditioning
type of counter conditioning tha tssoc an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior
behavior modification
behavioral therapy where the basic concepts of operant conditioning are applied to eliminate maladaptive, unwanted behaviors
token economy
an operant conditoning procedure in whcih ppl earn a token of some sort for exhibiting a desired behavior, and can later xchange the tokens for various privileges or treats
cognitive therapy
therapy that teaches ppl new, adaptive ways of thinking and acting, basd on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions
aaron beck
american psychiatrist; developing cognitive therapy as a psychotherapy
rational emotive therapy
psychotherapy approach: proposes that an individuals unrealistic/irrational thoughts/beliefs cause emotional problems
albert ellis
psychologist developing the rational emotive psychotherapy approach
cognitive behavior therapy
popular integrated therapy that combines cognitive therapy with behavior hterapy
family therapy
therapy that treats the fam as a system. views an individuals unwanted behaviors as influenced by or directed at other fam members; attempts to guide fam members toward positive relationships and improved communication
regression toward the mean
scores tend to deviate towards the average
a procedure for statistically combining the results of many diff research studies
eye movement desensitization (and reprocessing)
psychophysiologic treatment that proposes to remove painful memories by providing a moving object for the eye to track while the therapist and patient use deconditioning therapy; EMDR
light exposure therapy
to treat seasonal affective disorder
study of the effects of drugs on mind and behavior
antipsychotic drugs
class of medications used to treat psychological disorders and other mental/emotional disorders
antianxiety drugs
medication that reduces anxiety- central nervous system acitivty is depressed
selective seretonin reputake inhibitor
mood stabilizing drugs/lithium
stabilize the emotional highs/lows of individuals
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
biomed therapy for severely depressed patients in whcih a rief electirc current is snse thru the brain of the anesthetized patient
application of repeated pulses of magnetic energy to the brain, used to stimulate or suppress brain activity
surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue in effort to change behavior
a now-rare psychosurgical procedure once used to calm uncontrollably emotional/violanet patients. the procedure the cut nerves that connect the frontal lobes to the emotional controlling centers of the inner brain