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8 Cards in this Set

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Location of breast on the chest wall
* The breast lie anterior to the pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscles.
* located between the second and 6th ribs, extending from the side of the sternum to the mid-axillary line.
Axillary Tail of Spence
*Superficial lateral corner of breast tissue.
* projects up and laterally into the axilla.
Nipple and Areola
Nipple: just below the center of the breast. Rough,round, and usually protuberant

Areola: Montgomery glands: small elevated sebaceous in the areola. Secrete protective pipid material during lactation.
* Smooth muscle fibers that cause nipple erection when stimulated
Composition of Breast
1) gladular tissue
2)fibrous tissue (Inc. suspensory ligaments)
3)adipose tissue
Gladular Tissue
Lobes,lobules,and alveoli: gladular tissue contains 20 lobes radiating from the nipple. Within each lubule are clusters of alveoli that produce milk. Each lobe empties into a lactiferous duct
Glandular Tissue Continued

Fibrous Tissue
Suspensory ligaments or Cooper's Ligamnets: fibrous bands extending vertically from the surface to attach on chest wall muscles.
* Support the breast tissue
* in breast cancer they become contracted, producing pits or dimples in the overlying skin.
Adipose Tissue
* Lobes embodied in adipose tissue
*subcutaneoud and retromammary fat
*provide for bulk of the breast
4 quadrants of the breast
*upper inner quadrant
*upper outer quadrant (site of most breast cancers)
*lower inner quadrant
*lower outer quadrant