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25 Cards in this Set

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What is confiscation of contraband?
Capturing Rebel slaves and making thems serve in the Union army
Why did President Lincoln prefer a cautious approach to the confiscation of rebel property?
1.Southerners were still entitled to the Constitution's protection of property
2.Union had proslavery democrats who opposed turnig the war into a crusade against slavery
3.He was aware that northern opposition to turning a limited policy of confiscation into a general program of emancipation
4.lacked legal basis
What was the Northern commanders view on the confiscation of rebel property?
They saw this as a useful tool of war; others did not
What was the 2nd Confiscation Act?
A law that authorized the seizure of property of all people in rebellion and stipulated that slaves who came within Union shall be free. It also opened the door to blacks' military service by authorizing the president to employ blacks as soliders.
Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation?
1. radical position that abolition must be the result of the war
2. mobilized support for the Union among European liberals
3. pushed border states toward emancipation
4. following Union victory at Antietam
Prior to the 2nd Confiscation Act, what happened to fugitive slaves?
Their masters could retrieve them from the Union army.
By 1865, how many former slaves were in Union territory?
half a million
What kind of jobs and working conditions did former slaves?
They worked as cooks, laborers, and on plantations for money.
Why did Fredrick Douglas work as an army recruiting agent?
He believed that there was a connection between black service and citizenship.
Who was more likely to be killed in action and die from disease?
How were black soliders paid?
They got thirteen dollars a month with a $3.50 allowance.
What happened when Confederate troops captured black soliders?
They were reenslaved or executed.
How did white southerners maintain control over their slaves during the war?
1. tightened slave patrols
2. moved plantations to relative safety in Texas
3. spread scary stories among slaves
What was the effect on slaves?
What choice were they most likely to make?
some remained faithful but most chose freedom
What did the Confederate Congress consider in 1864?
Impressing slaves into the army as soliders in exchange for their freedom at the wars end.
What did the Confederate Congress consider in March of 1865?
Congress passed a bill arming 300 slaves thus omitting emancipation.
Why was the plan never put into effect?
It came too late and effected Southern morale
Who shot "Stonewall Jackson"?
Confederate picketers
Why did General Lee decide to invade the North?
1. he needed supplies
2. He hoped to put Lincoln ina state of panic
How many Union and Confederate casualities were there after Gettysburg?
Union-more than half were dead, wounded, or captured
Confederate-lost 17 generals and over 1/3 army
Describe the six-week seige at Vicksburg.
1. one of the last two bastions on the Miss. River
2. bottled up Confederate forces of Gen. Pemberton inside the city and placed them under seige
3. After 6 weeks Confederates surrendered on July 4, 1863
What was the significance in the Union's capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson?
It cut the Confederate states west of the river(AK, LA,TX) off from the east
How did the war impact the economy in the North?
1. uneven effect
2. some industries faired poorly and others that were directly related to the war effort benefited from the HUCTE Government contracts
What economic efforts/measures did the Republican administration in D.C. sponsor?
1. Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 which provided for development of a trancontinental railroad
2. Homestead Act of 1862 which gave 160 acres of land to settlers after 5 years of residence on land
3. Morril Land Grant which gave states proceeds of public land to fund the establishment of universities
4. United States Military Railroad which carried troops and supplies to front
5. higher tariff in 1862 and 1864