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28 Cards in this Set

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Somatic System

receptors of somatic system sense pain, thermal, tactile and propreoception relay to cerebral cortex for a voluntary skeletal muscle response. Uses ACh

Autonomic System

uses interoceptors and other body senses. Responds using involuntary control. Para and Sympathetic divisions


Sensory neurons located in blood and visceral organs


Rest and Digest-autonomic division


Fight or flight-autonomic division

Autonomic Ganglion

Located outside the CNS and is the center of the two motor neuron synapse relaying out to the visceral organs

preganglionic neuron

always releases ACh to excite the second neuron

post ganglionic neuron

releases ACh or Norepinphrine for muscle contraction or relaxation

Dual innervation

Most organs receive info from both the para and sympathetic nervous divisions

Structure of Sympathetic divison

Preganglionic nerve originates in the gray horn and exit anterior of spinal nerves T1-T3.

Sympathetic Trunk

Vertebral chain ganglia. Nerves have short preganglionic fibers and long post ganglionic fibers

Structure of Parasympatheic Division

Some Preganglionic fibers originate in spinal cord and exit in cranial nerves or some originate in lower brain stem and exit through S2-S4

terminal ganglia

post ganglionic nerves located close to the target tissue long preganglionic fibers and short post ganglionic fibers. Parasympathetic


tangles of nerves operating the autonomic nervous system

Pulmonary plexus

supplies bronchial tree

Solar (Celiac) plexus

supplies spleen, pancreas and liver

Mesenteric Plexus

supplies intestines

Renal Plexus

Supplies kidneys and ureters


neurons that release ACh

Types of Cholinergic Nerons

ALL sympathetic and para sympathetic pre ganglionic neurons

Sympathetic that innervate sweat gland and ALL post sympathetic post ganglionic that innervate glands, cardiac and smooth muscles


mimics ACh found in dendrites and cell bodies of ALL post synaptic neurons and plasma membranes of skeletal muscles at neuron muscular junction. Excitatitory


Mimics ACh receptors in cardiac, smooth muscles and glands Excitatory OR Inhibited


release Norepinephrine or Epinephrine. ALL post synaptic sympathetic that do not synapse with sweat glands

Alpha 1 and Beta 1 receptors

respond excited in post synaptic cells

Alpha 2 and Beta 2

respond inhibition in post synaptic cells

MAO monoamine oxidase

enzymes that break down neurotransmitters.

MAO blocker

block this enzyme allowing for long neurotransmitter excitation. Given to those with depression

Adrenal Medulla

is part of the adrenal gland. It is located at the center of the gland, being surrounded by the adrenal cortex. It is the innermost part of the adrenal gland, consisting of cells that secrete epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and a small amount of dopamine in response to stimulation by sympathetic preganglionic neurons.