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35 Cards in this Set

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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Viral deseases of blood & lymphatic
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in US in 1981
Luc Montagnier & Robert Gallo isolated & cultured HIV-1 linked to AIDS.
Retroviridae family
HIV-2 develops more slowly than HIV-1
Genome packed w/ reverse transcriptase
DNA from RNA integrates into hose DNA as provirus
Infects T lymphocytes (CD4 & T cells)
Allows opportunistic pathogens ton infect the body
Infects and paralyzes B lymphocytes
Stage 1 flu-like illness
Seroconversion is activation of immune system w/ antibodies detected in the blood
Stage II free of major diseases, last 6-8 years, HIV levels in blood rise
Stage III immune loses to HIV, symptoms worsen, opportunistic infections develop
Transmitted by STD and blood
ELISA blood test detect antibodies, test during 1st 3 mo. of infection not accurate
Azidotheymidine (AZT) 1st treatment drug to interfere w/ reverse transcriptase
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
HAART reduces risk of HIV transmission & extend life of patients by 8 years.
Continually mutates & recombines
Infectious mononucleosis
Blood disease
Affects B lymphocytes in lymph node and spleen
Contact w/ saliva
Caused by Epstien-Barr virus (EBV)
Many children infected but no symptoms
Adolescents may develop EBV disease (precursor of mononucleosis)
Complications are heart defects, facial paralysis, ruptured spleen, & jaundice (hepatitis)
individual is carrier for several months
Diagnosis observation of elevated lymphocyte, presence of Downey cells (damaged B cells)
Monospot test identify antibodies
No vaccine or drugs for treatment
Burkitt lymphoma
Jaw tumor prevalent in Africa
Malaria parasite help stimulate tumor development
Associated w/ T cell malignancies, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, B cell lymphomas, hodgkin disease, & MS
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Serious birth defects
Produce infectious mononucleosis-like symptoms
Pass into fetus causing mental impairment
Can reactivate and accelerate progression of HIV to AIDS infecting many body tissues
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
A global health problem
Hepadnaviridae family
Virions have nucleocapsid surrounded by core antigen (HBcAg) & envelope containing surface antigen (HBsAg)
direct/indirect contact w/ bodily fluid
In 1-6 months liver is infected
3-4 months recovery after jaundice
Several vaccines and drugs available
Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Flaviviridae family
Transmitted by blood
Symptomless chronic infection
Damages liver
Accelarated by alcoholism and drug use
Hepatitis D virus (HDV)
Damages liver only when HBV is present
Hepatitis G virus (HGV)
Chronic liver disease
transmitted by blood or STD
Viral disease causing hemorrhagic fevers
Terrifying and severe illness
Aka arbovirus due to arthropodborne
Yellow fever
Person to person via mosquitoes, Stegomyia aegypti
Yellow fever
Viral disease causing hemorrhagic fevers
Abrupt headaches
Muscle pain
Most patients recover in 3-5 days
Reappears in some w// nausea, uncontrollable hiccups, black vomit, jaundice, delirium, hemorrhaign of the gums, mouth, & nose
50% enter a coma & die from internal hemorrhaging
2 vaccines available
No therapeutic drugs exist
Dengue fever
Viral disease causing hemorrhagic fevers
occurs in 4 types
transmitted by 2 mosquito species, S. aegypti and S. albopicta
High fever and prostration
Sharp pains like bones are breaking
Complicaitons are unusual unless another type of dengue enters body
Hemorrhagic fever
Sever vomiting & shock
decreased blood pressure
Viral disease causing hemorrhagic fevers
Spread by infected animals
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrom (HPS) occurs in the S.W. US
Caused by strain "Sin Nombre"
Host is deer mouse shedding the virus in saliva, urine, & feces
Humans are infected by inhalation of dried aerosolized urine or feces
Symptoms are headaches,dizziness, difficulty breathing, & low blood pressure
Respiratory failure if lungs fill w/ fluid
Sandfly fever
Viral disease causing hemorrhagic fevers
Transmitted by sandflies of genus Phlebotomus
Symptoms similar to dengue fever
Rift Valley fever
Affects livestock animals
transmitted by several mosguito genera
Symptoms similar to dengue fever
Dengue fever
Viral disease causing hemorrhagic fevers
occurs in 4 types
transmitted by 2 mosquito species, S. aegypti and S. albopicta
High fever and prostration
Sharp pains like bones are breaking
Complicaitons are unusual unless another type of dengue enters body
Hemorrhagic fever
Sever vomiting & shock
decreased blood pressure
Viral disease causing hemorrhagic fevers
Spread by infected animals
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrom (HPS) occurs in the S.W. US
Caused by strain "Sin Nombre"
Host is deer mouse shedding the virus in saliva, urine, & feces
Humans are infected by inhalation of dried aerosolized urine or feces
Symptoms are headaches,dizziness, difficulty breathing, & low blood pressure
Respiratory failure if lungs fill w/ fluid
Sandfly fever
Viral disease causing hemorrhagic fevers
Transmitted by sandflies of genus Phlebotomus
Symptoms similar to dengue fever
Rift Valley fever
Affects livestock animals
transmitted by several mosguito genera
Symptoms similar to dengue fever
Severe hemorrhagic lesions of tissues
Ebola hemorrahig fever (EHF)
Occasional outbreaks in Africa
50-90% mortality
Fruit bats are reservoir
Transmitted through blood or secretions
Damages endothelial cells causing massive internal bleeding and hemorrhaging
Marburg hemorrhagic fever (MHF)
1st identified in tissues of green monkeys
Unclear mode of transmission
Symptoms similar to EHF, but fatality is lower
Chronic infections in rodents
Lassa fever by zoonotic virus carried by rodents
Transmitted through aerosol or direct contact w/ rodent excretion or contaminated food
Severe fever
Patchy blood0filled hemorrhagic lesions of throat
Congo-Crimea hemorrhagic fever
Occurs worldwide
Oropouche fever & Sabia virus affect Brazil
Junin & Machupo occur in Argentina and Bolivia
Guanarito virus Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever
Hepatitis viruses A & E
Viral infections of GI tract
Transmitted by GI tract
Hep A is an acute inflammatory liver disease
Raw shellfish
Picornaviridae family
Enlargement of liver & Jaundice after initial symptoms
High standards of personal & environmental standards needed to prevent transmission
3 vaccines for different age group
No known treatment
Hepatitis E
Opportunistic emergent disease
Calicviridae family
Young adults and pregnant women most susceptible
Viral Gastroenteritis
Caused by several unrelated viruses
General name of illnesses involving diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, cramping, headache, & malaise
Rotavirus infections
Deadly infection in children
Transmitted by ingestion of contaminated food or water
Invades small intestine
Induces diarrhea
2 vaccines available
Norovirus infections
Common cause of nonbacterial gastroenteritis in adults
Transmitted by fecal-oral route, direct p-to-p contact, contact with infected surfaces
Outbreaks seen on cruise ships
Highly contagious
Dehydration most common complication
Coxsackie virus
Enterovirus infection
Different strains
Enterovirus infection
Many strains
Can cause gastroenteritis, aseptic meningitis, exanthemas
Rabies virus
Viral disease of the Nervous system
Highest mortality rate
Occur in warm blooded animals
Enters through skin wound
6 - 12 months incubation
Depends of location of entry and virus amount
Fever, headache, increased muscle tension develop
Patients become alert & aggressive
Paralysis & brain degeneration
Respiratory paralysis w/i days
Post-exposure immunization immediately after exposure
Furious rabies in animals
wide eyes, drooling, unprovoked attacks
Dumb rabies
docile & lethargic, vaccination by inoculated dog food and fish meal
Polio virus
Next infectious disease eradicated
Poliomyelitis infects gray mater of spinal cord & brain
Enter the body through contaminated food and water
Multiply in tonsils, lymph tissue, & GI tract
Pass through the bloodstream to the meninges
Paralysis of limbs and trunk
Bulbar polio infects medulla affecting nerves in neck, face, & upper torso
Trivalent vaccines has 3 types of poliovirus
Postpolio syndrome occur in individuals who had disease decades ago
Different Flaviviruses
Carried by blood-sucking arthropods
Encephalitis is acute inflammation of brain
Arboviral encephalitis head & neck pains, convulsions, & coma
Paralysis & mental disorders
Many forms
Transmitted by mosquitoes & ticks
West nile fever
Emerging disease in Western hemisphere
Infects birds, mosquitoes, humans, & other mammals
Transmitted through mosquito bites
Rare encephalitis or meningitis causing permanent neurologic effects or death
No vaccine or specific treatment
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM)
Usually found in rodents
Transmitted through urine & feces
Symptoms tend to be mild & influenza-like