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122 Cards in this Set

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Digestive System

Two Groups of Organs
1. Alimentary Canal (gastrointestinal/GI tract): digests and absorbs food. consists of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

2. Accessory Digestive Organs: teeth, tongue, gallbladder.

3. Accessory Digestive Glands: salivary glands, liver, and pancreas
Organs of the Alimentary Canal
continuous, coiled, hollow, muscular tube in the ventral cavity open at both ends
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
30 feet long
food material within the tube is technically outside the body
Six Essential Activities of the Digestive Processes
1. Ingestion
2. Propulsion
3. Mechanical Digestion
4. Chemical Digestion
5. Absorption
6. Defecation
GI Tract Regulatory Mechansisms

Mechanoreceptors and Chemoreceptors
1. provoke digestive activity
2. respond to stretch, changes in osmolarity and pH, presence of substrate and end products of digestion
3. initiate reflexes that activate or inhibit digestive glands and stimulate smooth muscle to mix and move lumen contents
GI Tract Regulatory Mechanisms

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Control
enteric nerve plexuses (gut brain) initiate short reflexes in response to stimuli and GI tract
long reflexes in response to stimuli inside or outside the GI tract involve CNS centers and autonomic nerves
hormones from cells in the stomach and small intestine stimulate target cells in the same or different organs
Oral Cavity Anatomy
mucous membrane lined cavity
lips/labia: protect anterior opening
cheeks: form lateral walls
hard palate: form the anterior roof
soft palate: forms the posterior roof
uvula: fleshy projection of the soft palate
Oral Cavity Anatomy Continued
vestibule: space between lips and cheeks externally and teeth and gums internally
oral cavity proper: area contained by the teeth and gums internally
tongue: attached at hyoid bone and styloid processes of the skull, and by the lingual frenulum to the floor of the mouth
tonsils: palatine (posterior), lingual (tongue), pharyngeal (pharynx)
Mouth Physiology
mastication of food
mixing masticated food with saliva
initiation of swallowing by tongue
allows for sense of taste
Pharynx Anatomy
fibromuscular tube from base of skull to lower border of cricoid cartilage- at which point it becomes the esophagus
naso- not part of digestive system
oro- posterior to oral cavity
laryngo-below oro and connected to esophagus
Pharynx Physiology
Served as a passageway for both air and food
food is propelled to the esophagus by two layers of skeletal muscle
3 small longitudinal muscles, the stylopharyngeus, platopharyngeus, and salpingopharyngeus
3 circular external muscles (constrictors)
1. superior 2. middle 3. inferior pharyngeal constrictors
Layers of the Alimentary Canal Organs
1. Mucosa
2. Submucosa
3. Muscularis Externa
4. Serosa
innermost moist membrane consisting of
1. surface epithelium
2. small amount of connective tissue (lamina propia)
3. small smooth muscle layer
*esophagus contains stratified squamous epithelium, beyond it, it is mostly mostly simple columnar epithelium
just beneath mucosa
soft connective tissue with blood vessels, nerve endings, and lymphatics
Muscularis Externa
smooth muscle
inner circular layer
outer longitudinal layer
outermost layer of the wall contains fluid producing cells- visceral peritoneum continuous with the parietal peritoneum that lines the abdominopelvic cavity
Enteric Nervous System
2 autonomic nervous system nerve plexuses serve alimentary canal
1. submucosal nerve plexus: regulates glands and smooth muscle in the mucosa
2. myenteric nerve plexus: controls GI tract motility
linked to CNS via afferent visceral fibers
long ANS fibers synapse with enteric plexuses
>sympathetic inhibits secretion and motility
>parasympathetic stimulates
Esophagus Anatomy
10 inches long (25 cm)
runs from pharynx to stomach through diaphragm, anterior to the vertebrae and posterior to the trachea
contains upper and lower esophageal sphincters
lower sphincter>cardiac sphincter
glands produce thick lubricating mucus to coat inner surface of esophagus
conducts food by peristalsis (slow rhythmic squeezing)
passageway for food only (respiratory system branches off after pharynx)
Stomach Anatomy
located on left side of abdominal cavity
food enters at the cardioesophageal sphincter
food empties into the small intestine at the pyloric sphincter (valve)
Layers of the Stomach (3)
1. Longitudinal>outer
2. Circular>middle
3. Oblique>inner
contraction of these layers produce a churning action that aids digestion
submucosa and mucosa are thrown into folds large called rugae (wrinkles), which allow the stomach to stretch and retract allowing it to vary insize
Stomach Anatomy

Regions of the Stomach
1. Cardiac>near heart
2. Fundus>expanded portion lateral to cardiac
3. Body> midportion
4. Pylorus> funnel-shaped terminal end
External Regions of the Stomach
Lesser Curvature>concave medial surface

Greater Curvature> convex lateral surface
peritoneum, lined with serous membrane and covers intestinal organs

1. visceral>against the organs (serosa)
2. parietal>against the wall of the abdomen
Peritoneal Cavity
peritoneal cavity is located within the abdominopelvic cavity between two peritoneums, contains peritoneal fluid produced by the serous membranes

provides essential lubrication
separates parietal and visceral surfaces
allows sliding without friction or irritation
double layers of peritoneum (thin layer of loose connective tissue in between) that connect abdominal organs to eachother and to the body wall, keeping them in place

suspend portions of digestive tract within the peritoneal cavity by sheets of serous membrane
Mesenteries Functions
route blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves
prevent intestines from becoming entangled
1. lesser omentum: connects lesser curvature of stomach to the liver and diaphragm
2. greater omentum: connects greater curvature of stomach to the transverse colon and posterios wall
3. omental bursa: pocket created by the loop of the greater omentum
Retroperitoneal Organs
lie outside peritoneum (w/ out mesenteries) against the abdominal wall

duodenum, pancreas, ascending and descending colon, rectum + kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, urinary bladder, aorta, and inferior vena cava
Stomach Physiology
temporary storage tank for food
site of food breakdown
chemical breakdown of protein begins
delivers chyme (processed food) to small intestine
Structure of Stomach Mucosa
stomach is lines with simple columnar epithelium
mucosal surface forms many tube like gastric pits which are the opening for the gastric glands
mucosal neck cells produce a sticky alkaline mucus
gastric glands situated in gastric pits and secrete gastric juice
parietal cells produce hydrocholoric acid
chief cells produce protein-digesting enzymes (pepsinogens)
enteroendocrine cells produce gastrin
Small Intestine
bodies major digestive organ
site of nutrient absorption in the blood
muscular tube extending from the pyloric sphincter to the ileocecal valve
suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by the mesentery
Subdivisions of the Small Intestine
1. Duodenum>attaches to the stomach, curves around the head of the pancreas

2. Jejunum>attaches anteriorly to the duodenum

3. Illeum>extends from jejunum to large intestine
Chemical Digestion in the Small Intestine
chemical digestion is most important in the small intestine
enzymes are produced by 1. intestinal cells 2. pancreas
pancreatic ducts carry enzymes to the small intestine
bile, formed by the liver, enters via the bile duct
Small Intestine Anatomy
2 structural modifications that increase surface area
1. microvilli>tiny projections of the plasm membrane (create a brush border appearance
2. villi> fingerlike structures formed by the mucosa
3. circular folds (plicae circulares)> deep folds of the mucose and submucosa
Large Intestine
larger in diameter but shorter in length that the small intestine

Cecum: saclike first part of large intestine

Appendix: accumulation of lymphatic tissue that sometimes becomes inflamed (appendicitis). hangs from cecum
Ascending: travels up right side of adbomen

Transverse: travels across abdominal cavity

Descending: travels down the left side

Sigmoid: enters the pelvis
Rectum: straight, muscular tube that begins at the termination of the sigmoid colon. thick muscular tunic
Anal Canal

Anal Canal: last 2-3 cm of digestive tract. begins at inferior end of rectum and ends at anus. muscle layer is thick

Anus: opening of large intestine. sphincters aid in the regulation of passage of waste from the body.
Internal Anal Sphincter

External Anal Sphincter
Internal> at superior end of anal canal (smooth muscle)

External> at inferior of anal canal (skeletal muscle)

normally closed during defacation
Large Intestine Anatomy
no villi present. goblet cells produce alkaline mucus which lubricates the passage of feces. outer layer is muscularis externa is condensed into 3 band of muscle called teniae coli. these bands cause the wall to pucker into haustra (pocketlike sacs). no tenia coli in appendix or rectum
Accessory Digestive Organs
Salivary Glands
function is to masticate (chew) food
humans have two sets of teeth
deciduous (baby/milk teeth) 20 teeth are fully formed by age two
permanent teeth replace deciduous teeth between 6 and 12. a full set is 32 teeth but some do not have wisdom teeth (third molars)
if they do emerge, the wisdom teeth appear between 17 and 25
Classification of Teeth
Canines- tearing or piercing
Premolars- grinding
Molars- grinding
Regions of a Tooth
crown>exposed part
neck> region in contact with gum. connects crown to root
root> cementum: covers outer surfaces and attached the tooth to the periodontal membrane
enamel: hardest substance in the body
dentin: found deep to the enamel and forms the bulk of the tooth
pulp cavity: contains connective tissue, blood vessels, nerve fibers
root canal: where the pulp cavity extends into the root
Salivary Glands
compound alveolar glands with ducts that deliver secretions (saliva)
3 pairs of salivary glands empty secretions into the mouth
1. parotid 2. submandibular/submaxillary 3. sublingual
Parotid Glands
largest ones. anterior to each ear produce serous secretions; ducts enter oral cavity next to second upper molars
Submandibular/Submaxillary Glands
in floor of mouth, medial to the body of the mandible. Duct opens at the base of the lingual frenulum. Produce a mixed serous and mucous secretion
Sublingual Glands
smallest ones. anterior to the submandibular glands under the tongue, open 10-12 ducts into the floor of the mouth. produce mostly mucous secretions
salivary glands produce 1-1.5 L of saliva per day
mixture of serous and mucous fluids (99.4% is water)
dissolves chemicals so they can be tested
helps to form a food bolus
keeps oral cavity moist and contain enzymes that begin the process of digestion
Salivary Amylase
begins starch (carbohydrates, CHO) digestions, Only 5% of CHO breakdown occurs in the mouth.

Lysosyme, IgA, defensins, and cyanide compound protect against microorganisms
Control of Salivation
Intrinsic glands continuously keep the mouth moist
Extrinsic glands produce secretions when ingested food stimulates chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the mouth. salivatory nuclei in the brain stem send impulses along parasympathetic fibers in cranial nerve VII and IX

strong sympathetic stimulation inhibits salivation and results in dry mouth (xerostomia)
compound tubuloalveolar gland wrapped in thin, connective-tissue capsule
retroperitoneal position, posterior to the stomach in the inferior part of the left upper quadrant
contains a head and a tail (that touches the spleen)
extends across the abdomen from spleen to duodenum

Pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans), produce hormones

1. insulin 2. Glucagon 3. Somatostatin
Pancreas Exocrine
produces a wide spectrum of digestive enzymes that break down all categories of food. enzymes are secreted into the duodenum. Alkaline fluid introduced with enzymes neutralizes acidic chyme coming from stomach.
Pancreas Exocrine Enzymes
Proteolytic: trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase

Polysaccharide Digestion: pancreatic amylase

Fat Digestion: lipases

DNA and Nucleotides: nucleases
largest gland in the body. located int eh upper right quadrant of the abdomen (right hypochondriac and epigastric region, extends to left hypochondriac and umbilical regions) tucked against the inferior surface of the diaphragm 1.2 to 1.5 kg of weight.
Liver cont.
wrapped in thin fibrous capsule and covered by visceral peritoneum
consists of four lobes suspended from the diaphragm and abdominal wall by the falciform ligament
connected to the gallbladder via the common hepatic duct
can regenerate if part of it is damaged or removed
many important life supporting functions housed in liver, and supports almost every other organ system in the body
4 Systems of Liver
1. Hepatocyte System
2. Biliary Tract System
3. Blood Circulatory System
4. Reticulo-endothelial System
Kupffer Cells: highly mobile macrophages, attached to the endothelium, phagocytic liopcytes (ito cells), fat storing cells in the sinusoids
Pit Cells: highly mobile, natural killer lymphocytes attached to the endothelium endothelial cells
Hepatic Vascular System
blood flow of the liver: 1.3 L/min 1/4 of cardiac output
dual blood circulatory system: hepatic artery: brings oxygen rich blood from the aorta: 1/4 of blood supply
hepatic portal vein: carrries blood that is oxygen poor but carrying hormones from pancreas and rich in absorbed nutrients from the digestive tract, 3/4 of blood in liver
blood exits through the hepatic veins onto the vena cava
Liver Structure
connective tissue septa divide the liver into lobules with portal triads (hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein and hepatic duct) at each corner and a central vein
Hepatic cords are formed by plate-like groups of hepatocytes (one or two cell thick)
Hepatic sinusoids are blood channels that separate the hepatic cords
sinusoid epithelium contains phagocytic cells that remove foreign particles from the blood
Liver: Microscopic Anatomy
liver lobules
hexagonal structural and functional units
filter and process nutrient rich blood, composed of plates of hepatocytes (liver cells)
longitudinal central vein
Portal triad of each corner of lobule
bile duct receives bile from bile cancliculi
portal arteriole is a branch of the hepatic artery
hepatic venule is a branch of the hepatic portal vein
Liver Sinusoids
leaky capillaries between hepatic plates
Kupffer cells (hepatic macrophages) in live sinusoids
blood from hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery flow into the sinusoids and mix
mixed bloos flows into each lobule towards a central vein
the central veins from all the lobes combine to form the hepatic veins which carry the blood out of the liver and into the inferior vena cave
Functions of the Liver
metabolic regulation
hematological regulation
bile production> digestion & excretion
A. Metabolic Regulation

1. Composition of Circulating Blood
all blood leaving absorptive surfaces of digestive tract enters hepatic portal system and flow into the liver.

liver cells extract nutrients or toxins from the blood before it reaches systemic circulation through hepatic veins
Metabolic Regulation

2. Nutrient Metabolism and Storage
liver removes and stores excess nutrients, corrects nutrient deficiencies by mobilizing stored reserves or performing synthetic activities
Other forms of Metabolic Regulation (3 forms)
synthesis of new molecules

waste product removal

drug inactivation
Metabolic Activities of the Liver
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Lipid Metabolism
Amino Acid Metabolism
Waste Product Removal (Urea)
Vitamin Storage (A,D,K,etc.)
Mineral Storage (Fe)
Drug Inactivation
Metabolic Functions of the Liver
1. Glycogenesis
2. Glycogenolysis
3. Gluconeogenesis
4. Fats and Fatty Acids Picked up by live
1. Glycogenesis

2. Glycogenolysis
Glycogenesis: glycogen formation, glucose molecules are converted to glycogen, glycogen molecules are stored in the liver

Glycogenolysis: glucose splitting, glucose is released from the liver after conversion from glycogen
3. Gluconeogenesis

4. Fats/Fatty Acids picked up by liver
Gluconeogenesis: formation of new sugar, glucose is produced from fats and proteins

Fats/Fatty Acids Picked up in Liver: some are oxidized to provide energy for liver cells. some are re-packed with cholesterol and phospholipids into lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL) and secreted into circulation
Cholesterol Metabolism
cholesterol is NOT used to make ATP
serves as a structural basis of steroid hormones and vitamin D
major building block of plasma membranes
85% produce in liver, 15% diet
B. Hematological Regulation
largest blood reservoir in body
receives 25% of cardiac output
performs six hematological regulation functions
1. phagocytosis and antigen presentation
2. synthesis of plasma proteins
3. removal of circulating hormones
4. removal of antibodies
5. removal or storage of toxins/waste (ammonia to urea)
6. synthesis and secretion of bile
C. Production of Bile
liver secretes 400-800 mL of bile daily
bile plays a role in digestion by diluting and neutralizing stomach acid and increasing fat digestion and absorption
complex fluid of water, electrolytes, and organic molecules such as bile acids, cholesterol, phospholipids and bilirubin as well as waste products
bile salts emulsify fats by breaking fat globules into smaller droplets
bilirubin is a bile pigment the results from the breakdown of hemoglobin
Bile Continued
bile canaliculus: cleft like lumen between the cells of each hepatic cord
bile, produced by the hepatocytes, flows through the bile canaliculi to the hepatic ducts in the portal triad
common hepatic duct

cystic duct
common hepatic duct: formed by the uniting of the right and left hepatic ducts

cystic duct: joins the common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct
sac found in hollow fossa of liver
when no digestion is occurring, bile backs up the cystic duct for storage in the gallbladder
when digestion of fatty food is occurring, bile is introduced into the duodenum from the gallbladder
gallstones are crystallized cholesterol that can cause blockages
Bile Secretion (2 Steps)
1. Hepatocytes secrete bile with large quantities of bile acids, cholesterol, and other organic molecules into canaliculi a bile ducts
2. in the bile ducts bile is modified by addition of a watery, bicarbonate-rich secretion from ductal epithelial cells
the gallbladder stores and concentrates X10 bile during the fasting state
secretion of bile into the duodenum is mediated by enteric hormones and parasympathetic stimulation
Gallbladder Enteric Hormones

Cholecystokinin (cholecysto=gallbladder, kinin=movement) most potent stimulus for its release of the presence of fat in the duodenum. it stimulates contractions of the gallbladder and common bile duct, a delivery of bile into the duct
Gallbladder Enteric Hormones

Secretin is secreted in response to acid in the duodenum. It stimulates biliary duct cells to secrete bicarbonate and water, which expands the volume of bile and increases its flow out into the intestine
Enteric Hormones

Parasympathetic Stimulation
parasympathetic stimulation through the vagus nerve also stimulates bile secretion and release
Intestinal Hormones

Gastric Inhibitory Peptide (GIP)
secreted when fats and carbohydrates enter small intestine
Intestinal Hormones

Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)
inhibits acid production in stomach
dilated regional capillaries
stimulates secretion of intestinal glands
Intestinal Hormones

secreted by G cells in duodenum and stomach in response to stomach distension and incompletely digested proteins
promotes increased stomach motility and stimulates acid and enzyme production
secretion inhibited by the presence of acid in the stomach, secretin, GIP, VIP, glucagon
Enterohepatic Recirculation
only small quantities of large amounts of bile acids secreted into the intestine everyday are lost from the body
Six Functions of the Digestive System
Mechanical Digestion
Chemical Digestion

Ingestion- getting food into the mouth

Propulsion- moving foods from one region of the digestive system to another
>Peristalsis: alternating waves of contraction and relaxation that squeezes food along the GI tract
>Segmentation: moving materials back and forth to aid with mixing in the small intestine
1. circular muscles contract behind bolus while circular muscles ahead of bolus relax
2. longitudinal muscles ahead of bolus contract shortening adjacent segments
3. wave of contraction in circular muscles forces bolus forward
Functions of the Digestive System
food breakdown as mechanical digestion
ex: mixing food in mouth by tongue, churning food in stomach, segmentation in the small intestine
mechanical digestion prepares food for further degradation by enzymes
Food Breakdown as Chemical Digestion
enzymes break down food molecules into their building blocks
each major food group uses different enzymes
Carbohydrates>Simple Sugars
Proteins> Amino Acids
Fats> Fatty Acids and Alcohols
end products of digestion are absorbed in the blood or lymph
food must enter mucosal cells and then into blood or lymph capillaries
elimination of indigestible substances from the GI tract int he form of feces
Control of Digestive Activity
mostly controlled by reflexes via the parasympathetic division
chemical and mechanical receptors are located in organ walls that trigger reflexes
stimuli include: stretch of the organ, pH of the contents, presence of breakdown products
reflexes include: activation or inhibition of glandular secretions, smooth muscle activity
Digestive Activities of Mouth
mechanical breakdown> food is physically broken down by chewing

chemical digestion> food is mixed with saliva. starch is broken down into maltose by salivary amylase
Activities of Pharynx and Esophagus
these organs have no digestive functions

they serve as passageways to the stomach
Degulutition (Swallowing)

Buccal Phase
occurs in mouth
food formed into a bolus
bolus is forced into the pharynx by the tongue
Deglutition (Swallowing)

Pharyngeal-Esophageal Phase
involuntary transport of the bolus
all passageways except to the stomach are blocked
>tongue blocks off the mouth
>soft palate (uvula) blocks the nasopharynx
>epiglottis blocks the larynx
peristalsis moves the bolus toward the stomach
cardioesophageal sphincter is opened when food presses against it
Food Breakdown in the Stomach
abt. 2L of gastric secretions daily
gastric juice is regulated by neural and hormonal factors
presence of food or rising pH causes the release of the hormone gastrin
Gastrin causes Stomach Glands to produce
1. protein digesting enzymes (pepsinogen)
2. mucus
3. hydrochloric acid
Stomach Secretion (3 phases)

1. Cephalic Phase
prepares stomach to receive food (taste, smell-stimulation)

medulla oblongata is stimulated and send action potentials along parasympathetic axons within the vagus nerve to the stomach

cells of the stomach mucosa release HCL, mucus, pepsinogen, intrinsic factor, and gastrin
Stomach Secretion

2. Gastric Phase
food reaches the stomach, period of greatest gastric secretions
food and gastric secretions are mixing
distension of the stomach stimulates stretch receptors
action potentials are stimulated and activiate the CNS reflexes and local reflexes increasing the secretions of HCL, pepsinogen
presence of peptides (due to pepsin acting on proteins) secretion of gastrin
Stomach Secretion

3. Intestinal Phase (inhibitory phase)
when acidic chyme pH < or equal to 2 enters the duodenum there is an inhibition of both neural and hormonal mechanisms
secretions from the duodenum inhibit gastric secretions
secretin-inhibits gastric secretions
cholcystokin/pankreozymin (CCK-PZ) released from the duodenum in response to fatty acids and lipids entering the duodenum
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP)
Food Breakdown in the Stomach
Hydrochloric acid makes the stomach contents very acidic
Acidic pH
>activates pepsinogen pepsin for protein digestion
>provides a hostile environment for microorganisms
Digestion and Absorption in the Stomach
protein digesting enzymes
>pepsin protein-digesting enzyme
>rennin works on digesting milk protein in infants, not adults
alcohol and aspirin are absorbed in the stomach
Propulsion in the Stomach
food must first be well mixed
rippling peristalsis occurs in the lower stomach
the pylorus meters out chyme into the small intestine (30 mL at a time)
the stomach empties in 4-6 hours
Digestion in the Small Intestine
enzymes from the brush border function to
1. break down double sugars into simple sugars
2. complete some protein digestion
pancreatic enzymes play the major digestive function
1. help complete digestion of starch (pancreatic amylase)
2. carry out about half of all protein digestion
3. digest fats using lipases from the pancreas
4. digest nucleic acids using nucleases
alkaline content neutralizes acidic chime
Regulation of Pancreatic Juice Secretion
regulated by neural and hormonal activity
3 phases
3 phases of pancreatic juice secretion
1. cephalic- food stimuli>vagal activation>raise pancreatic secretion (20% of total)
2. gastric- stomach food>distension>vagovagal reflex>raise secretion (10%)
3. intestinal- duodenal HCI/fat>secretin/CCK>secrete more HCO3-/enzyme (70%0
stimulates pancreas to secrete enzyme rich solution
stimulates gallbladder to release stored bile
necessary for fat absorption and absorption of vitamins K,D,A
increases the release of enzyme rich pancreatic juice
stimulates the secretion of watery pancreatic fluid (with bicarbonate ions)
causes liver to increase bile output
stimulates pancreas to release of bicarbonate rich pancreatic juice
Absorption in the Small Intestine
water is absorbed along the length of the small intestine
end products of digestion
>most substances are absorbed by active transport through cell membranes
>lipids are absorbed by diffusion
Cholesterol Transport
cholesterol and fatty acids cannot freely circulate in the bloodstream
they are transported by lipoproteins (lipid-protein complexes)
>LDL's low density transport to body cells "bad" since they lead to artherosclerosis
>HDL's high density transport from body cells to live
Propulsion in Small Intestine
peristalsis is the major means of moving food
segmental movements
>mix chyme with digestive juices
>aid in propelling food
Chyme Arrives at Illeum
take 5 hours for materials to pass from duodenum to end of ileum
ileocecal valve, a sphicter created by a thickening of the muscularis mucosa at the juncture between the ileum and cecum, is mildly contracted
pressure is decreased by peristaltic contractions as the chyme presses forward into the large intestine
the ileocecal valve allows the chyme into the large intestine, but prevent movement backward into the ileum
Food Breakdown and Absorption in the Large Intestine
material spends 12-24 hours in the large intestine
no digestive enzymes are produces
resident bacteria digest remaining nutrients
>produce some vitamin K and B
>release gases
water, some ions, and vitamins K and B are absorbed
remaining materials (feces) contain undigested food residues, mucus, millions of bacteria and some water
Propulsion in the Large Intestine
sluggish peristalsis
haustral contractions: slow segmentation movements lasting about 1 minute about every 30 minutes
mass movements: long, slow, powerful movements, occur three to four times per day, move large fecal mass toward the rectum, occur typically during or after eating, fiber increases strength of contraction and softens the stool
Propulsion in Large Intestine Cont.
presence of feces in the rectum causes a defecation reflex
spinal (sacral) refelx produces contraction of sigmoid colon and rectum and relaxation of anal sphincters
>defectation can be delayed consciously and the reflex ends in just a few second
>defecation occurs with relaxation of the voluntary (external) anal sphincter
Developmental Aspects of Digestive System

ailmentary canal is a continuous tube by the 5th week of development
digestive glands bud from the mucose of the alimentary tube
the developing fetus receives all nutrients from the placents
Developmental Aspects of Digestive System

in newborns, feeding must be frequent, peristalsis is inefficient, and vomiting is common
newborn reflexes
>rooting reflex helps the infant find the nipple
>sucking reflex helps the infant hold on to the nipple and swallow
teeth begins around 6 months
Developmental Aspects of Digestive System

middle/old age
metabolism decreases with old age
middle age digestive problems: ulcers, gallbladder problems
old age: fewer digestive juices, peristalsis slows, diverticulosis and cancer more common
Digestive Problems
gastroenteritis: inflammation of the GI tract

appendicitis: inflammation of the appendix