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49 Cards in this Set

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Many farmers and industries were
going into debt
*Railroads, textiles, and steel barely made profits
*Mining and lumbering declined
*Automobile, construction and consumer goods also weakened
**A sign of this is less housing being built
*Crops declined significantly
*Farmers couldn’t pay debts and as a result, rural banks began to fail
McNary Haugen bill
called for price supports
Price supports
govt would buy surplus crops at set rates and sell them on the world market
*Wheat, corn, cotton, and tobacco
*Vetoed twice by coolidge
Americans bought less due to
higher prices, stagnant wages, unbalanced distribution of income, and overbuying credit
Production increased much faster than
Americans often bought on credit with
installment plans
*Encouraged consumer debt; led to customers cutting on spending
Poverty in the Great Depression
Many families could not afford what was needed for a decent standard of living
*The rich became wealthier
*Many could not afford the new economic advances or buy from the flood of goods.
Alfred E Smith
Democrat who fought against Herbert Hoover in the 1928 election
*Hoover won because many were happy under Republican leadership
Some economists saw
weakness in the economy, but most had confidence in the nation's economic health
*The stock market, which many people invested into, was a visible symbol of the prosperous American economy
Dow Jones Industrial Average
barometer of stock market's health
Stock rose in the 1920s causing people to
invest in stocks
bought stocks and bonds on the chance of a quick profit while ignoring risks
Buying on margin
paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest
*Govt did not try to regulate stock market
*Would significantly hurt investors if prices fell
Oct 24, 1929
stock market fell; market plunges; shares unloaded
*Black Thursday
Black Tuesday
the bottom fell out of the market
*Shareholders frantically tried to sell before prices plunged more
*People were stuck in debt or lost most of their savings
*Oct 29, 1929
*Began Great Depression
Great Depression
1929 to 1940 where the economy plummeted and unemployment skyrocketed
*Not caused by crash alone but the crash hastened it and made it more severe
People tried to withdraw their money from the bank but
some couldn't because the banks had invested in stock
*More than 600 banks closed
*11000 failed
*People lost their savings
Great depression halved
GDP (gross domestic product)(nation's total output of goods and services)
*Automobile and railroad companies were hit
*Millions lost their jobs; those with jobs faces pay cuts and reduced hours
*A few like Joseph P Kennedy sold stock beforehand and made money

The great Depression made it difficult to
sell American farm products and manufactured goods abroad and import European goods
*European countries faced war debts like Germany
Hawley Smoot Tariff Act (1930)
congress established the highest protective tariff in US history
*Protect American farmers and manufacturers from foreign competition
*Prevented other countries from earning US dollars to buy American goods
*Unemployment was worse because industries could not export to Europe
*Many countries retaliated by raising their own tariffs, harming world trade by 40%
Cause of Great Depression

*Tariffs and war debts that cut down the foreign market for American goods
*Crisis in the farm sector
*Availability of easy credit
*Unequal distribution of income
*These factors led to falling demands for consumer goods
*Govt contributed to crisis by keeping interest rates low, allowing companies to borrow easily and build debt
Bull and Bear market-
*Bull= stock market is going well
empty, "bare" market
Many people
lost their jobs and became homeless
little towns consisting of shacks
Soup kitchens
offered free or low cost food
Bread lines
lines of people waiting to receive food provided by charitable organizations
African Americans and Latinos faced
lower wages, higher unemployment rates, and increasing racial violence
*Many Latinos either left to Mexico or were deported there by the govt
While the depression hit rural areas, farmers had the advantage of
growing their own foods
*But many lost their land due to debt and barely scraped by with tenant farming
Drought began in early 1930s and affected the
Great Plains
*Farmers exhausted land due to overproduction of crops
*Without many plants to hold up soil, winds scattered topsoil and spread dust around
Dust Bowl
Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado
*Many families left and headed towards California to be farmhands
became a negative term for migrants
Family stood as a symbol of
strength; the importance of the family unit was emphasized but some families broke apart due to strain of daily struggles
Men and People During Great Depression

*Many men wandered around in search of jobs; became hoboes
*Suicide rates and admission to mental hospitals rose
*People gave up doctors, dentist, college, marriage, and having children
*People were nicer to others down on their luck; increase in thriftiness
Direct relief
cash payments or food provided by govt to the poor
*There was no direct relief in the beginning
Women during Great Depression
Women canned food or sewed clothes and managed the household budget
*Many women worked outside the home but for less money
*Became targets for resentment; people believed that women, especially married, had no right to work when there were unemployed men
Children During Great Depression
Children suffered from poor diets and lack of health care
*Schools were shortened or closed
*Many children went to work
*Teenagers hopped on freight trains for work and adventure "hoover tourist"
*The roads were dangerous
farmers took out loans 4 expensive farming equip
Over production of crops
Price and demand go up of food-farms cans sell crops
Dust storms and high prices of food-farmers cant pay loans/mortgage
Farms lose homes and forced to move west/east
During Great Depression, Herbert Hoover encouraged
optimism and to remain about their business
*Hoover wanted cooperation between competing groups and interests in society (but be voluntary)
Americans believed in
"rugged individualism" which is why Hoover opposed any form of federal welfare or direct relief to the needy
*Afraid that he would weaken people's self-respect and moral fiber
*Felt that individuals, charities, and local organizations should pitch in
*federal govt should direct relief measures
*Frustrated Americans
Hoover had a
cautious approach to govt
*Urged key leaders to work together for the solution
*Year later, economy still shrunk
Boulder Dam
built by Hoover on Colorado River
*World's tallest dam & second largest overall
*Electricity, flood control, and water
Democrats began
taking power
Some farmers
burnt crops or refused to work as retaliation for Depression
Hoover began taking action with the Federal Farm Board
which would help raise crop prices by buying crops and keeping them off market until prices rose
National Credit Corporation helped
stave off bankruptcy
Federal Home Loan Bank Act
lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and allowed farmers to refinance their farm loans and avoid foreclosure.
*After Hoover, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Banking Act which separated investment from commercial banking and would hopefully prevent another crash
Hoover's most ambitious economic measure was the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
authorized up to $2 billion for emergency financing for banks, life insurance companies, railroads, and other large businesses
*Hoover hoped money would trickle down to the poor through job growth and higher wages
*Businesses still failed
Bonus Army
WWI vets and their families that gathered at DC
*Bonus Army Came to support Patman Bill which would authorize govt to pay a bonus to WWI vets who had not been compensated adequately for their wartime service
*Hoover did not like the Marchers and opposed legislation but respected their peaceful assembly and provided supplies so they could erect their own shantytown
*Senate vetoed down bill and Hoover asked Marchers to leave
*Hoover sent troops to those who remained in fear that they would become violent
*People were gassed and a few were killed which caused an outrage
*Hoover would later had to face Democrat Franklin D Roosevelt