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15 Cards in this Set

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The outer layer of gases of a large body in space, such as a planet, the mixture of gases that surrounds earth
The distance above sea level
A measure of the amount of matter packed into a unit volume.

mass/volume= density
A series of events that repeats
Carbon Cycle
Carbon and oxygen gases constantly cirrculate
Carbon and oxygen gases constantly cirrculate
Nittrogen Cycle
Nitrogen cycles through the atomosphere the soil and living organisms
Nitrogen cycles through the atomosphere the soil and living organisms
Water Cycle
Different forms of water cycle between earths surface and the atomosphere
Different forms of water cycle between earths surface and the atomosphere
Energy that travels across distances as certain types of waves
The transfer of heat energy from one substance to another through direct contact with obvious motion
The transfer of heat energy from place to place by the motion of heated gas or liquid
Ultraviolet Radiation
Radiation of higher frequencies than visible light, which can cause sunburn and other types of damadge
Radiation of higher frequencies than visible light, which can cause sunburn and other types of damadge
Inferared Radiation
Radiation of lower frequencies than visible light
A gas molecule that consists of three oxygen atoms. Located in the stratosphere.
Greenhouse Affect
The process by which certain gases in a atmosphere absorb and emit infrared radiation , resulting in an increase in the surface temperature ( a blanket for earth)
Greenhouse gas
gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, that absorb and give off infrared radiation as part of the greenhouse affect