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53 Cards in this Set

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Erie Canal
Linked the port of New York with entire great lakes region. It connected Albany to buffalo.
2nd Bank of the Us
Major issue during the Andrew Jackson Campaign. This helped to win election for jackson by puting an end to the bank
Andrew Jackson
U.S. President. He destroyed the 2nd bank of the US and removed indians from eastern states
John C. Calhoun
He was one of the great compromiser to help stop the civil war. When he died no one replaced him leaving for a dark time in american history
Supportersof federal action to promote commercial development. Part of 2nd great awaking.
closely related to the Andrew Jackson era. they were a strong supporter of limited government.
Indian Removal Act of 1830
Funds to relocate Indians west of the Miss. River. they resisted this act but were eventually forced into moving.
states that when congress over stepped their power, the states were allowed to repeal against their acts. South Carolina was the first to nullify.
Second Great Awakening
unexpected revive of the Evangelical religion. Major reform movements against sex, drugs, and slavery.
American Temperance Society
Organization made by Lyman Beecher who warned that drinking led to different problems. It successfully lowered alcohol assumption.
William Lyod Garrison
leading person to have slavery abolished. He was apart of the New England Anti-slavery garrison and wrote for the liberator
American System
Practice of making and putting together interchangeable parts. this led to cheap employment
Free-labor Ideal
Social and economic ideal popular in the 1840's that attributed success to hardworking/self reliance of free laborers. This did not apply to women in the work place though.
Oregon Trail
route from Missouri to Oregon to reach the pacific ocean. Indians and other diseases were the main cause of death during this trip.
James K. Polk
Us President. who was pro annexation of texas which made him more pleasing to elect as president. This gave him more votes in the north. Only president to set out and accomplish his goals.
Zachary Taylor
US general who fought in the Mexico-American War. He was aggressive which lead to his victory. Succeeded president polk as president.
Treat of Guadalope Hildalgo
Treat that ended the Mexico american war. Gave america claims to california and new mexico.
Elizabeth Cody Stanton
Lead activist for women rights. wanted fair labor with pay by appealing the free labor ideology.
Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments
1st declaration issused at national womens right convention. demanded equal rights for women with all the same privileges.
Frederick Douglas
Former slave and leader of abolishment movements. he was a more aggressive reformers towards slavery.
Harriet Tubman
Aided slaves to freedom. She was a slave herself and had escaped and returned to help other slaves over many months.
Cotton Kindom
termed used to explain the dominance of cotton in the south. helped the growth of slavery.
Slave codes
total submission of slaves by law. argues slavery was a just cause and beneficial practice.
sexual mixing of races. Led to abuse of black women by white masters
Landowner who tilled his estates with 20 or more slaves. Dominated social and political life in the south.
Person hired by planter to look after slaves. Helped the planters to concentrate on finances and marketing.
slave theory that talks about reciprocal duties and obligations between planters and their slaves. Denied slavery was brutal and exploitative.
Romantic ideals between male and female relationships. Lady was the perfect complament t to her husband
Slave Driver
drove the slaves to work harder on plantations. He was often a slave himself.
Nat Turner
leader of slave uprising in Virginia. Killed about 57 white folks and was then stopped.
Denmark Vesey
Black carpenter who was accused of planning a slave. uprising 35 men were hung even though there was never any evidence found against the men.
Small farmers who owned there own land. They had 2 different types of farms.. Plantation belt and upcountry
WIlmot Proviso
Proposal to ban slavery in territories acquired during the Mex-American war. North was very supported by the south of course was not.
Compromise of 1850
Laws to solve arguments over slavery in the territories. Main issue was to keep California a slave state when it entered the union.
Uncles toms Cabin
written by harriest beecher stowe. Showed the brutal events happening to slaves in the south.
Compromise of 1877
Delivered the Presidency to Rutherford B. Hayes. This brought reconstruction to the south to an end.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
act that removed Indians from Nebraska territory. split the states and slavery would be decided by Pop. Sovernity
Republican Party
Anti-Slavery part. Lincoln won the presidency as a member to this group
John Brown
led the Pottawatomie massacre, bleeding Kansas, raid on harpers ferry. the invasion failed and he was soon captured.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Debates over slavery. Led to national recognition for Abe Lincoln.
Battle of Bull Run
1st major battle of the civil war. South won over larger union army. this gave hope to the south to be able to win the war.
George B. McClellan
Union General. He was replaced 2 times by lincoln because of his indecisions. He failed to go after lee even though he had his plans.
Battle of Antietam
Battle fought in maryland. a union victory but 6000 men ended up dead with 17000 wounded.
King Cotton Diplomacy
Conf. Diplomatic strategy to starve England and France of cotton. This was to get there involvement in the civil war and aide the south.
New York City Draft Riots
4 days of riots in the streets because of the military draft. mostly black men were killed and angered northerners wanting to put an end to the civil war.
Siege of Vicksburg
6 weeks of attacking the resulted in the surrender of southern troops. A major turning point in the civil war.
Freedmans Bureau
Goverment organization to hand out clothing those newly released slaves after the civil war ended. This was overturned by president johnson
Andrew Johnson
President after Lincoln was assassinated by Booth. He was the first US president to become impeached.
Black Codes
Laws passed the kept blacks under white people. It was designed to get slaves to go back to work on plantations.
14th amendment
all native born people to the US are citizens. This gave equality to black citizens.
Military Reconstruction Act
Establish military rule in the south after the civil war had ended. 5 union generals were assigned a section of the south.
15 amendment
everyone was allowed to vote. the gave black citizens more say in the political system and further there rights to be citizens.
A system of sothern agriculture that emerged after the war. It divided land for freemen to work, and earn small shares of the money.