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29 Cards in this Set

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the assignment of #s to represent the amt of an attribute present in an object/person, using specific rules

advantages to measurement

removes guesswork, provides precise info, less vague than words (#s allow you to do statistical analyses & get answers)

Nominal measurement

assigning #s to classify characteristics into categories; interchangeable

lowest level of evidence b/c it only uses #s to categorize so they have no meaning

Ordinal Measurement

ranking objects based on their relative standing on an attribute; you can't make inferences; quantitative ordering of values

e.g., educational level

interval measurement

objects ordered on a scale that has equal distances b/n points on the scale; # has meaning

e.g., depression scale, likert scale

Ratio measurement

equal distances b/n score units; there is a rational, meaningful zero; highest level of evidence; gives you actual #s

e.g., BP, wt, age, etc.

obtained score

an actual data value for a participant

e.g., anxiety scale score

obtained score = true score +/- error

True score

the score that would be obtained with an infallible measure


the error of measurement, caused by factors that distort the measurement

4 factors contributing to errors of measurement

1. situational contaminants (temp/smell of environment that affects how honestly & purposefully subjects answer)

2. transitory personal factors (e.g., fatigue)

3. response set biases (social desirability, nay-sayers, extreme responses

4. item sampling (what was used to measure the variable?)


the consistency & accuracy w/which an instrument measures the target attribute; being able to use the same instrument multiple times and getting the same answer

reliability coefficient

used to compute reliability assessments; done by a computer

-range from .00-1.00 (1 is perfect score; never seen)

<.70 considered unsatisfactory

.80+ are desirable

What 3 aspects of reliability do we evaluate?

stability, internal consistency, equivalence


the extent to which scores are similar on 2 separate administrations of an instrument

-evaluated by test-retest reliability

-requires participant to complete the same instrument on 2 occasions

-appropriate for relatively enduring attributes (e.g., creativity)

Internal consistency

the extent to which all the items on an instrument are measuring the same attribute

-evaluated by administering instrument on one occasion

-appropriate for most multi-item instruments

*most widely used approach to assess reliability

-assessed by computing coefficient alpha (Cronbach's alpha)

Alphas >/= .80 highly desirable


the degree of similarity b/n alternative forms of an instrument or b/n multiple raters/observers using an instrument

-most relevant for structured observations

-assessed by comparing agreement b/n observations or ratings of 2+ observers (interobserver/interrater reliability)

Reliability Principles

-low reliability can undermine adequate testing -of hypotheses

-reliability estimates vary depending on procedure used to obtain them

-lower in homogeneous vs. heterogeneous samples

-lower in shorter vs. longer multi-item scales


the degree to which an instrument measures what it's supposed to measure

-aspects: face validity, content validity, criterion-related validity, construct validity

face validity

refers to whether the instrument looks as though it is an appropriate measure of the construct

-based on judgment; no objective criteria for assessment

content validity

the degree to which an instrument has an adequate sample of items for the construct being measured

-evaluated by expert evaluation, often via a quantitative measure- the content validity index (CVI)

0.9+ is desirable

criterion-related validity

the degree to which the instrument is related to an external criterion

-validity coefficient: calculated by analyzing the relationship b/n scores on the instrument and the criterion

-predictive and concurrent validity

predictive validity

the instrument's ability to distinguish ppl whose performance differs on a future criterion (e.g,. Kaplan test predicting NCLEX scores)

concurrent validity

the instrument's ability to distinguish individuals who differ on a present criterion; substituting one measure for another (e.g., AP class exams earning college credit)

-one score replaces another

construct validity

degree to which the measure you're using is addressing the theoretical construct you want to measure

-what is the instrument really measuring?

-Does it adequately measure the construct of interest?

-Convergent & discriminant validity (are they converging in what they measure of are they 2 discriminant things?)

methods of assessing construct validity

known-groups technique, testing relationships based on theoretical predictions, factor analysis

known-groups technique

2 or more groups that know they should be diff when given the same instrument; test is invalid is the answer is the same

factor analysis

complex process done by computer analysis; testing an attribute to place like terms into subgroups


the instrument's ability to correctly identify a "case" (e.g., diagnose a condition)

-e.g., how sensitive is this test at diagnosing strep throat? Am I getting a true positive?


the instrument's ability to correctly identify non-cases, to screen out those w/o the condition

e.g., tests the true negative