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22 Cards in this Set

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"undershoot" (hyperpolarization) The K+ gates are
What kind of response is their to depolirization
What is he propagation of AP?
AP must be propagated along axons entire length away from pint of origin
All or None Phenomenon
Happens completely or not at all.
If too fe Na ions enter to achieve thershold what happens
What is the absolute refactory period?
*period of opening of activation gates to closing of inactivation gates
*Ensures tht ea. AP is a seperate
What is the relative refactory period?
interval following absolute refactory period

repolarization occuring
When conducting velocities factors the axon diameter is
the larger the diameter the faster it conduct impulse
The myelin sheath has continuous conductiin of
unmyelinated axons
Salatory conduction is
and electrical signal which jumps from mode to mode

myelin acts as and insulation
The unique junction mediates info that...
transfers from one neuron to the next or a neuron to and effector
The presynaptic is
the infor center, it conducts impulses toward the synopose
Polysynaptic neuron
Is the infor reciever it transmits electrical signals away from the synapse
Neuronal Pools are
Functional groups of neurons, and they integrate incoming info then forward the info to other destinations
What are the 4 types of circuits
Diverging, Convering, reverberating, parallel after discharge
One incomung fiber triggers response in increasing #'s of neurons farther and farther dwn the circuit
Pool recieves unputs from many presynoptic neuorons, the incoming circuit may conver from 1 or many diff areas
incoming sig travels through chain of neurons, positive feed bck sent through again and again
Incoming filter stimulates several neurons arranged in parallel, there is no positive feedbck
What r the 2 patterns of neural pocessing
serial and paraelle
Rapid automatic response to stimuli

reflex arc has 5 components
Inputs segregated into many diff pathways

important for higher lvl mental functioning