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24 Cards in this Set

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Ensuring that all people have the same rights

Laissez Faire

A french term meaning "let alone."

Free Market

Where goods and services are exchanged with little regulation

Marbury v. Madison

was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court formed the basis for the exercise of judicial review in the United States under Article III of the Constitution.

Judicial review

gave the Supreme Court the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional and to reject laws that it considered to be unconstitutional

Pinckney Treaty

In 1795, and agreement with Spain that let American ship their goods down the Mississippi River and store them in New Orleans

Louisiana Purchase

In 1803, France purchased vast territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains


Long voyage of exploration

Continental divide

A mountain ridge that separates river systems flowing toward opposite sides of a continent




The practice of forcing people into service


Ban on trade

Embargo Act

In 1807, a law that imposed a total ban on foreign trade


Importing or exporting goods in violation of trade laws

Nonintercourse Act

In 1809, a law that allowed Americans to carry on trade with other nations except France and Britain

Treaty of Greenville

Native Americans signed a treaty in 1795, giving up land that would later become part of Ohio



Battle of Tippecanoe

Battle over white settlement in the Indiana territory in 1811

War Hawks

Members from the west and the south called for war with Britain prior to the war of 1812


Devotion to one's country

Battle of Lake Erie

American victory led by Oliver perry against the British in the war of 1812

Battle of New Orleans

At the end of the 1812 war, a battle between British and American that ended with an American victory

Hartford Convention

Gathering New englanders to protest the war of 1812 by threatening to secede from the union

Treaty of Ghent

Treaty signed by Britain and the U.S at the end of the war 1812