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18 Cards in this Set

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Exposing the nucleotides- Heating the DNA causes the strands to separate by breaking the hydrogen bonds; cooling the strands to come back together:


Enzymes that recognize and cleave ( cut ) DNA at sites of palindromic sequence

Restriction endonucleases

cleave produces staggered tails called ________ that can accept complimentary tails for gene splicing

sticky ends

seals the ends by rejoining the sugar-phosphate bonds; splices genes into plasmids and chromosomes


converts RNA into DNA; copies called complimentary DNA or cDNA can be made from m-, r-, or t-RNA

Reverse transcriptase ( retroviruses )

DNA fragments = RFLPs separated by __________

electrophoresis; the smallest fragments spread farthest

Pattern aka _______ results in a genetic fingerprint


Two different nucleic acid can hybridize

by uniting at their complementary sites; ssDNA + ssDNA or ssRNA, ssRNA, ssRNA + ssRNA

made from oligonucleotide tracers detect specific nucleotide sequences in unknown samples

Gene probes

When _____ ______ with an unknown area of DNA or RNA, they ____ the precise area and the degree of hybridization helps determine the nature of the nucleic acid

prode hybridize ; tag

Probes carry ______ ________ )such as radioactive or luminescent labels ) so they can be visualized

reporter molecules

uses probes directly applies to cells and observed microsopically to detect specific genetic markers used to identify bacteria

FISH- fluorescent in situ hybridization

Rapidly increase the amount of DNA or RNA in samples

Polymerase Chain Reaction: PCR

The method _______ ______ regulates cyclic temperature changes

thermal recycler

In a thermal cycler, it denatures 2 strands with _____ to 94 C


What do primers do after the denature process

synthetic oligonucleotides of known 15 -30bps that attach to end and promote replication

Extension - 72C ________ is isolated from ______ _____ and nucleotides added; DNA polymerase synthesizes complementary strand

DNA polymerase; thermophilic bacteria

Twenty cycles produce a million colecules; use the amplified DNA for electrophoresis, probe identification and sequencing;

Benefit - Sensitivity