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33 Cards in this Set

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The smallest part of a substance that can exist by itself or be combined with other atoms to form a molecule
Ex: He
Sentence: Each kind of matter, such as paper is made up of...
The smallest amount of a particular substance that has all the characteristics of something
Ex: H2O
Sentence: A ____ of water contains one oxygen atom, and two hydrogen atoms
One of the basic substances that are made of atoms of only one kind and that cannot be separated by ordinary chemical means into simpler substances
Ex: He
Sentence: The Periodic Table of....
A very small particle of matter that is part of the nucleus of an atom and that has a positive electrical charge
Ex: +
Sentence: _____ has a positive charge
A very small particle of matter that has a negative charge of electricity and that travels around the nucleus of an atom
Ex: -
Sentence: _____ has a negative charge
A very small particle of matter that has no electrical charge and is part of the nucleus of all atoms except hydrogen atoms
Ex: Neutral
Sentence: _____ has no charge
An atom or group of atoms that has a positive or negative electric charge from losing or gaining one or more electrons
Ex: Ca+2
Sentence: Calcium has a positive charge because it lost two electrons
Any one or more forms of a chemical element, having the same number of protons in the nucleus, or the same atomic number, but having different numbers of neutrons in nucleus, or different atomic weight
Ex: Carbon-14
Sentence: A ____ is formed when there is not a usual # of neutrons
Ionic Bond
The electrostatic bond between two ions formed through through the transfer of one or more electrons
Ex: NaCl
Sentence: When sodium and chlorine combine, it is called a...
Covalent Bond
The bond formed by the sharing of a pair of electrons by two atoms
Ex: CO2
Sentence: When one carbon atom, and two oxygen atoms form together they make a...
Polar Covalent Bond
A bond between two atoms in which electrons are shared unequally
Ex: H2O
Sentence: In H2O electrons are unequally shared, which makes it a ____
Law of Conservation of Matter
Matter is neither created or destroyed
Ex: H2+O=H2O
Sentence: However many atoms you start with, you must end with.
Activation Energy
The minimum quantity of energy that the reacting species must possess in order to undergo a specified reaction
Ex: striking a match
Sentence: Before two molecules react, they must have the required ________
Hydrogen Bond
A weak bond between two molecules resulting from a electric attraction between a proton in one molecule and an electronegative atom in the other
Ex: H2O
Sentence: Water molecules bonding together to form ice
pH Scale
A measure of how acidic or basic a substance is
Ex: Acidic- battery acid, Neutral- milk, Basic- sodium hydroxide
Sentence: The measurement of how basic or acidic a object is
A molecule that can donate a proton or accept an electron pair in reactions
Ex: Battery acid
Sentence: ___ would be considered anything under 7 on the pH scale
A chemical species that donates electrons or hydroxide ions or that accepts protons
Ex: Ammonia- NH3
Sentence: There are three different types of _____, Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, and Lewis
Organic Compounds
Any number of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solid chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon
Ex: Acetone
Sentence: _____ is a substance that contains the element carbon
A molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as protein, nucleic acid, or synthetic polymer
Ex: Proteins
Sentence: The skin and tissues change in response to the build up of fluid, proteins, and other ________
Any large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose
Ex: CH2O
Sentence: _____ are used for short term energy
Any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents
Ex: fats
Sentence: _____ are the building blocks of the fats and fatty substances found in animals and plants
Any class of nitrogenous organic compounds of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms
Ex: Fibrous, globular, and membrane
Sentence: _____ is the base component of living cells and is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and one or more chains of amino acids.
Nucleic Acids
A complex organic substance present in living cells, especially in DNA and RNA, whose molecules consist of many nucleotides linked in a long chain
Ex: Guanine, cytosine, thymine
Sentence: _____ is part of DNA
A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristics of the offspring
Ex: Eye color
Sentence: Inherited from your mother and father
Any class of sugars that cannot be hydrolyzed to give a simple sugar
Ex: Glucose
Sentence: Polysaccharides can be made up of hundreds or thousands of linked ______
Fatty Acids & Glycerol
Part one- a carboxylic acid consisting of a hydrogen chain and a terminal carboxylic group, especially any of those occurring as esters in fats and oils.
Part two- a colorless, sweet, viscous liquid formed as a byproduct in soap manufacture. Can be used to make explosives and antifreeze.
Ex: Fats
Sentence: Glycerolipids are composed of ______ and _______
Amino Acid
A simple compound containing both a carboxyl and an amino group
Ex: Arginine
Sentence: Each set of three bases, or codon, specifies a particular _____
A compound consisting of a nucleoside liked to a phosphate group
Ex: Palindromic sequence
Sentence: Each strand is made up of a series of small molecules called _____
Any of sugars whose molecules contain two monosaccharides residues
Ex: Table sugar
Sentence: Tabla sugar is sucrose, a glucose-fructose _____
A carbohydrate whose molecules consist of a number of sugar molecules bonded together
Ex: Cellulose
Sentence: ____ can be found in the cell wall of plants
A linear polymer consisting of a large number of amino-acid residues bonded together in a chain, forming part of a protein molecule
Ex: The biological process
Sentence: Hydrophobic _____ and proteins play a crucial role in the biological process
Deoxyribonucleic acid, a self replacing material presence in nearly all living organisms as the main constant of chromosomes
Ex: A, T, G, C
Sentence: Every strand of ___ is different
A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristics of the offspring
Ex: Eye color
Sentence: Inherited from your mother and father