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39 Cards in this Set

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Age Effects

One of the three fundamental effects examined in developmental research, along with cohort and time-of-measurement effects, which reflects the influence of time-dependent processes on development.


The untrue assumption that chronological age is the main determinant of human characteristics and that one age is better than another.

Biological Forces

One of four basic forces of development that includes all genetic and health-related factors.

Biopsychosocial Framework

Way of organizing the biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces on human development.

Case Study

An intensive investigation of individual people.


A group of people born at the same point or specific time span in historical time.

Cohort Effects

One of the three basic influences examined in developmental research, along with age and time-of-measurement effects, which reflects differences caused by experiences and circumstances unique to the historical time in which one lives.


Any situation in which one cannot determine which of two or more effects is responsible for the behaviors being observed.

Continuity-Discontinuity Controversy

The debate over whether a particular developmental phenomenon represents smooth progression over time (continuity) or a series of abrupt shifts (discontinuity).

Correlational Study

An investigation in which the strength of association between variables is examined.

Cross-Sectional Study

A developmental research design in which people of different ages and cohorts are observed at one time of measurement to obtain information about age differences.

Dependent Variable

Behaviors or outcomes measured in an experiment.

Emerging Adulthood

A period when individuals are not adolescents but are not yet fully adults.


A study in which participants are randomly assigned to experimental and control groups and in which an independent variable is manipulated to observe its effects on a dependent variable so that cause-and-effect relations can be established.


The study of aging from maturity through old age.

Independent Variable

The variable manipulated in an experiment.

Life-Cycle Forces

One of the four basic forces of development that reflects differences in how the same event or combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces affects people at different points in their lives.

Life-Span Perspective

A view of the human Life-Span that divides it into two phases: childhood/adolescence and young/middle/late adulthood.

Longitudinal Study

A developmental research design that measures one cohort over two or more times of measurement to examine age changes.


A technique that allows researchers to synthesize the results of many studies to estimate relations between variables.

Microgenetic Study

A special type of longitudinal design in which participants are tested repeatedly over a span of days or weeks, typically with the aim of observing change directly as it occurs.

Nature-Nurture Issue

A debate over the relative influence of genetics and the environment on development.

Nonnormative Influences

Random events that are important to an individual but do not happen to most people.

Normative Age-Graded Influences

Experiences caused by biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces that are closely related to a person's age.

Normative History-Graded Influences

Events that most people in a specific culture experience at the same time.


The belief that capacity is not fixed, but can be learned or improved with practice.

Primary Aging

The normal, disease-free development during adulthood.

Psychological Forces

One if the four basic forces of development that includes all internal perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and personality factors.


The ability of a measure to produce the same value when used repeatedly to measure the identical phenomenon over time.

Secondary Aging

Developmental changes that are related to disease, lifestyle, and other environmental changes that are not inevitable.


People's answers to questions about a topic of interest.

Sequential Designs

Types of developmental research designs involving combinations of cross-sectional and longitudinal designs.

Sociocultural Forces

One of the four basic forces of development that include interpersonal, societal, cultural, and ethnic factors.

Stability-Change Issue

A debate over the degree to which people remain the same over time as opposed to being different.

Systematic Observation

A type of measurement involving watching people remain and carefully recording what they say or do.

Tertiary Aging

Rapid losses occurring shortly before death.

Time-of-Measurement Effects

One of the three fundamental effects examined in developmental research, along with age and cohort effects, which result from the time at which the data are collected.

Universal Versus Context-Specific Development Controvery

A debate over whether there is a single pathway of developmental, or several.


The degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure.