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49 Cards in this Set

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discipline concerned with behavior and mental processes and how they are affected by an organism's physical, mental, and external environment
relying on or derived from observation, experimentation, or measurement
an early psychological approach that emphasizes the function or purpose of behavior and consciousness
theory of personality and a method of psychotherapy, originally formulated by Freud that emphasizes unconscious motives and conflicts
biological perspective
approach that emphasizes bodily events and changes associated with actions, feelings, and thoughts
evolutionary psychology (1 of 5)
field of psychology emphasizing evolutionary mechanisms that may help explain human commonalities in cognition, development, emotion, social practices, and other areas of behavior
learning perspective (2 of 5)
a psychological approach that emphasizes how the environment and experience affect actions--includes behaviorism and social-cognitive learning theories
cognitive perspective (3 of 5)
psychological approach that emphasizes metnal processes in perception, memory, language, problem solving, and other areas of behavior
sociocultural perspective (4 of 5)
approach that emphasizes social and cultural influences on behavior
psychodynamic perspective (5 of 5)
approach that emphasizes unconscious dynamics within the indiv, such as inner forces, conflicts, or movemtn of instinctual energy
humanist psychology
a psychological approach that emphasizes free will, personal growth, resilience, and the achievement of human potential
humanist psychology
a psychological approach that emphasizes free will, personal growth, resilience, and the achievement of human potential
basic psychology
study of psy issues in order to seek knowledge for its own sake rather than for its practical application
basic psychology
study of psy issues in order to seek knowledge for its own sake rather than for its practical application
applied psychology
study of psy issues that have direct practical significance and application of psy findings
applied psychology
study of psy issues that have direct practical significance and application of psy findings
person who does psychotherapy; may have anything from no degree to an advanced professional degree
person who does psychotherapy; may have anything from no degree to an advanced professional degree
clinical psychologist
diagnoses, treats, and/or studies mental and emotional problems, both mild and severe; has PhD or related degree
clinical psychologist
diagnoses, treats, and/or studies mental and emotional problems, both mild and severe; has PhD or related degree
practice psychoanalysis; specific training in it
work similar to clinical psychologist but likely to take a more biological approach; medical degree; can perscribe medicine
critical thinking
ability to assess claims and make objective judgements on basis of well supported reasons and evidence, rather than emotion or anecdote
operational definition
precise def of term in hypoth wwhich specifies operations for observing and measuring the process being defined
principle of falsifiability
principle that scientific theory must make predictions that are specific enough to expose theory to possibility of disconfirmation
descriptive methods
methods that allow describe behavior but not necessarily the cause of it
case studies
detailed description of particular indiv being studied or treated
observational study
study in which researcher carefully and systematically observes/records behavior w/o interfering with the behavior; naturalistic or lab observ
psychological tests
procedures used to measure and evaluate personality traits, emotional states, aptitudes, interests, abilitiees, and values
in test construction, develop uniform procedures for giving and scoring a test
norms (test construction)
established standards of performance
reliability (test construction)
consistency of test scores from one time to another
validity (test construction)
ability of test to measure what it was designed to measure
questionaires and interviews that ask people directly about their experiences, opinions etc
representative sample
group of indivs selected from pop for study which matches pop on important characteristics such as age, sex
volunteer bias
shortcoming of findings derived from a sample of volunteers instead of a rep sample (volunteers may differ from those that didnt volunteer)
correlation study
descriptive study that looks for consistent relationship btw 2 phenomena
coefficient of correlation
measure of correlation that ranges in value from -1 to +1
single-blind study
experiment in which subjects do not know whether they are in an experimental or a control group
experimenter effects
unintended changes in subjects' behavior due to cues inadvertently given by the experimenter
double-blind study
experiment in which neither participants nor indivs runnning the study know which participants are in the control group and which are in experimental group
field research
descriptive or experimental research conducted in natural setting outside the lab
descriptive statistics
stats that org and summarize research data
standard deviation
commonly used measure of variability that indicates the avg difference btw scores in distribution and their mean
inferential stats
stat procedures that allow researchers to draw inferences about how statistically meaningful study's results are
significance tests
stat tests that assess how likely it is that a study's results occurred merely by chance
cross-sectional study
study in which indivs of diff ages are compared at given time
longitudinal study
study in which indivs are followed and periodically reassessed over a period of time
procedure for combining and analyzing data from many studies; determines how much variance in scores can be explained by particular variable