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36 Cards in this Set

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Scientific Method
Careful observation of events in the world, the formation of prediction by manipulation of variables & systematic observations.
Who is Wilhelm Wundt?
Helped connect and pattern to understand how psychology connect physical sciences of chemistry, physics & physiology.
German connect and pattern
break down experience into its basic elements or structures using introspection (looking inward) in which subjects provide scientific reports of perceptual experiences.
break down
William James
studied the mental process in a different approach to structuralism he felt that the science would be better served by attempting to understand the fluid, functional, continually changing personal nature of conscious experience.
conscious experience
Emphasize the functional practical nature of the mind. It was influenced by Darwin's theory of natural selection, functionalist attempts to learn how mental processes such as learning, thinking and perceiving help people adapt.
darwin's theory
Sigmund Freud
father of psychoanalysis -- conscious the unconscious. It was therapy to release repressed emotions and experiences
"conscious the unconscious"
Scientific approach to the study of behavior that emphasizes the relationship between environmental events and organisms behavior.
Environmental events and behavior
John Watson
Proclaim the new psychology free of introspection, whose task was simply to observe the relationship between environmental events and organisms responses to them.
Free of introspection
Gesalt Psychology
Are you set the whole experience is different from the sum of its parts.
Wolfgang Kholer
Disagreed with structuralism and behaviorism he was with gestalt psychology
Humanistic psychology
Role of free choice and other ability to make conscious rational decisions about how we live our lives.
Free choice
Cognitive psychology
The way we take in information and investigate the process such as thinking, memory, language, problem solving and creativity.
the way we take in..
Developmental psychology
How factors influence development and shape behavior throughout the life cycle from conception and through old age.
TV violence influences the development of aggressive behavior in children.
Social psychology
How society effects in individuals such as attitude formation and change. Social perception, conformity, social rules, prejudice, interpersonal attraction and aggression.
Personality psychology
Exploring the uniqueness of an individual, describing the elements that make up human personality and investigating how personality develops and how it influences people's activities.
Personal experiences
Experimental Psychology
Psychologist who use research methods to understand the nature and cause of behavior
Biological psychology
Investigates the process of the brain structure when involved with emotions, learning, memory and psychological disorders. Also invest interest in effects on drugs on behavior.
Clinical psychology
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological mental, health, substance abuse problem.
Counseling psychology
Focuses on less serious problems of adjustments to clinical including relationships difficulties vocational and educational problems and behavior disorders
Educational psychology
The study and application of learning and teaching methods college, primary and secondary.
School psychology
Administer and interpret personality, intrest and ability. Resolving learning and emotional problems.
Industrial organizational psychology
Field of specialization concerned with using psychological concepts to make the workplace a more satisfying environment for employees and management.
Engineering psychology
Field of specialization concerned with creating optimal relationship among people, the machines they operate and the environment they work in, sometimes called human factors psychologist.
Health psychology
Area of specialization concerned with the interaction between behavior factors and physical health.
Positive psychology
The study of human behavior aimed at discovering and promoting a positive strains and attributes that enable individuals to thrive and succeed.
Forensic psychology
Field of specialization that works with the legal, court and correctional system still develop personality profiles of criminals, make decisions about this portion of convicted offenders, and help law enforcers understand behavior problems.
Evolutionary psychology
A recent approach to both investigating and explaining human behavior in terms of natural selection
Cultural psychology
How cultural and religious traditions and practices shape and contribute to difference in human behavior.
Theoretical approach
The way a person makes sense of something. How you're taking things in because of your personal experiences and education parents and life.
When an idea is presented as science but does not follow principles of scientific thinking or procedure.
Empirical evidence
Research that can back up a claim
A precise testable prediction about what you expect to happen in your study
A well established principle about something that has been tested and are widely accepted
Critical thinking components
-examine your opinions and beliefs
-recognized emotional appeals
-look for what is not said
-pay attention to the power of words
-learn that #s can be misleading
Mental process
Anything that goes through your head thoughts feelings things you like and dislike
Correlation studies
Research method that uses statistical techniques to determine the degree of relationship between variables