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63 Cards in this Set

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Male and Female Reproductive

The study of large body structures visible to the naked eye

Gross (macroscopic) anatomy

Heart, lungs, kidneys

Structures in a particular section of the body are examined at the same time

Regional anatomy

Gross anatomy subdivision

Body structure studied system by system

Systemic anatomy

Subdivision of gross anatomy

Study of internal structures as they relate to the overlying skin

Surface anatomy

Gross anatomy subdivision

Study of structures too small to be seen by the naked eye

Microscopic anatomy


Subdivision of microscopic anatomy; studies the cells of the body


Subdivision of microscopic anatomy; studies the tissues of the body

Traces structural changes that occur through the life span

Developmental anatomy


Subdivision of developmental anatomy; developmental changes that occur before birth

Cephalic region

The head; includes frontal (forehead), orbital (eyes), oral (mouth), nasal (nose), and mental (chin) in the anterior region and otic (ear) occipital (back of head) in posterior region.

Name all subdivisions as well as overall region.

Cervical region


Thoracic Region

Chest; anterior; includes sternal (sternum), axillary (near underarm), and mammary (breasts/nipples)

Abdominal region

Stomach to abdomen; anterior; includes umbilical (belly button)

Pelvic region

Anterior; Lower abdominal region and includes inguinal (groin)

Pubic region

Genitals; anterior

Upper limb region

The arms; includes acromial (shoulder), brachial (arm/bicep), antecubital (anterior elbow), olecranal (posterior elbow), antebrachial (forearm), and carpal (wrist)

Manus region

Hands; includes metacarpal (posterior hand), palmar (anterior, lower hand), pollex (thumb), digital (fingers)

Lower limb region

Legs; includes coxal (hip), femoral (thigh), patellar (anterior knee), popliteal (posterior knee), crural (anterior leg; shin), sural (posterior leg; calf), fibular/peroneal (outer side of leg)

Pedal region

Feet; includes tarsal (ankle), calcaneal (heel), metatarsal (top of foot), digital (toes), plantar (bottom of foot), and hallux (big toe)


Back; posterior; includes scapular (shoulder blades), vertebral (spine), lumbar (lower back, beside spine), sacral (lower spine), gluteal (booty), and perineal (between anus and external genetalia)


Above; toward the upper region of the body


Below; toward the lower body


In front of; toward the front of the body


Behind; toward the back


On the inner side of; toward the midline


On the outer side of; away from the midline


Between a more medial and lateral structure


Closer to the origin or point of attachment of the limb to the trunk


Farther from the origin or point of attachment of a limb to the trunk


Toward the body surface


Away from surface; more internal

Axial region

Axis of the body; head, neck, trunk

Appendicular region

Appendages/limbs connected to the body axis

Sagittal plane

Vertical line dividing the body into right and left parts

Median plane

Sagittal plane directly on the midline

Parasagital plane

Any other sagittal plane other than the median plane

Frontal/coronal plane

Divide the body into anterior and posterior sections

Transverse/horizontal plane

Horizontal division of the body from right to left, divides into superior and inferior parts

Cross section

A transverse section

Oblique sections

Cuts made diagonally between horizontal and vertical planes

Dorsal body cavity

Nervous system protection; divides into vertebral/spinal (spinal cord) and cranial cavities (brain)

Ventral body cavity

Houses the viscera or visceral organs; Divides into the thoracic (chest) and abdominopelvic (abdomen/pelvis) cavities separated by the diaphragm

Thoracic cavity

Ventral; surrounded by the ribs and chest muscles; subdivided into the pleural (lungs) cavity and medial mediastinum cavity which contains the pericardial (heart and remaining thoracic organs) cavity

Abdominopelvic cavity

Subdivided into the abdominal cavity (stomach, intestines, spleen, etc.) and pelvic cavity (bladder, rectum, etc.)

Serosa/Serous membrane

Thin, double-layered membrane thar folds in on itself to form the visceral serosa; Covers the walls (parietal serosa) of the ventral body cavity and its organs (visceral only) and the membranes are separated by the Serous fluid that they secrete, reducing friction

Name the abdominopelvic quadrants

Right upper (RUQ) | Left upper (LUQ)

Right lower (RLQ) | Left lower (LLQ)

Name the regions of the abdominopelvic cavity

Right hypochondriac | epigastric | Left hypochondriac

Right lumbar | umbilical | Left lumbar

Right iliac (inguinal) | hypogastric (pubic) | Left iliac (inguinal)

Oral/digestive cavities

Oral - mouth

Digestive - digestive organs

Nasal cavity

Within and posterior to the nose

Orbital cavity


Middle ear cavities

Medial to the eardrums

Synovial cavities
