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49 Cards in this Set

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A condition characterized by an absence of oxygen supply to an organ or a tissue
Impairment of the ability to use or understand oral lang., usually associated with an injury or abnormality of the speech centers of the brain
Assistive Technology
any tech. that enables an individual with a disability to compensate for specific deficits. Includes low-tech or high-tech equiptment
Brain-Injured child
Because of this a child will suffer organic impairment, there are disturbances that prevent or impede the normal learning process
Central Nervous System Dysfunction
A disorder in learning caused by an impairment in brain function
Cultural and linguistic diversity
Representation by many different cultures and language groups
Originating elsewhere; of different origin
Individuals with disabilities Eucation act 2004
Legislation designed to ensure that all children with disabilities receive an appropriate education through special education and related services
Describes a characteristic or property of some thing or action which is essential and specific to that thing or action, and which is wholly independent of any other object, action or consequence
No Child Left Behind
The latest revision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2001. Public Law 107-110
National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities
An organization of representatives from serveral professional organizations and disciplines involved with learning disabilities
Perceptual disorders
a disturbance in the ability to perceive objects, relations, or qualiites; difficulty in the interpretation of sensory stimulation
the behavior of being locked into continually performing an action
The Education for All handicapped children act
Passed by congress in 1975. The law guarantees a free and appropriate public education to children with disabilities. This law was reathorized in 1990 and 1997 as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The most recent version is the 2004 individuals with disabilites education improvemnt act.
Refers to how prevalent learning disorders are in people
Psychological processing
a phrase used in the defintion of learning disabilities in the individuals with disabilities education improvemnt act of 2004, that refers to abilites in visual or auditory perception, memory, or language
Severe Discepancy
A significant difference between a child's current achievement and intellectual potential
Annual Goals
General estimates of what the student will achieve in one year. These goals should represent the most essential needs of the student. Annual goals are part of the written individualized education program.
Discrepancy Score
A mathematical calcaulation for quantifying the discrepancy between the studen's current achievemnt and his or her potential
I.E.P.Individualized education program
The written plan for the education of an indvidual student with learning disabilities
Individualized Education program team
A process of resolving disputes between the paretn and the school in a nonadversarial fashion
Multidisciplinary evaluation
The assessment process in wchi specialists from several discciplines evaluate a child and coordiate their feelings
Prereferral activities
Preventive procedures taken prior to referral for special education evaluation and intended to help regular teachers work more successfully with the child in the regular classroom
Procedural Safeguards
regulations in federal law that are designed to protect the rights of stednts with learning disabilities adn their parents
The initial stages of the IEP process. They include the prereferral activities and the referral activities
Short-term objectives
based on a logical breakdown of the major components of the goal and measure the progress toward meeting the goal
Categorical Classroom
Teahcers typically provide services for students who require intensive support. They can provide reading adn amth instruction as well as instruction in other subjects. In addition, they provdie consultaion and assistance for their students who may be mainstreamed in regular education classrooms
Teachers working together to plan and teach a child, usually a general education teacher and a special ed. teacher
Continum of alternative placements
an array of different placemtns that should be available in a school system to meet the varied needs of students
the process of 2 professionals working together to seek a joint solution. often refers to the joint efforts of the special ed. teacher and the gen ed classroom teacher
Direct services
the learning disabilities teacher works directly with a child to provide instructional classroom teacher
The policy of placing children with disabilities in regular or general ed. classes for instruction
Indirect Services
The L.D. teacher works with the classroom teacher as a consultant to provide sercies for a child with l.d.
Itinerant teacher
SEIT services provide an experienced special ed. teqacher who: Implements the child's individualize ed program
Least restrictive environment
a term in spec. ed law that indicates that children with disabilities should be placed in an environment that has typical or nondisabled children
Often referred to as an aide--is a sped workerwho is not licensed to teach, but performs many duties both individually with studets and organziationllay in the classroom
Residential facility
an ed instituion in which stdents live away from home and receive their education. a residential facility may be sponsored by a gov. agency or may be privatly owned.
Resource Room
A special instructional setting, usually a room within a school. In this room, a small group of chioldren meet with a sped teacher for secial instrction for a portion of the day. FOr the remainder of the day
Section 504
Fed law that coveras all agencies and institutions receiving financial assitance and that requires that no otherwise qualified handicapped individual shall be excluded from participation
Separate Class
A special class for children with disabiliteis taught by a teacher with special training. CHildren in aspearte class usally spend most of the day in this setting
Separate school
Schools for students with l.d. that students attend during the day. They return home after school
CEC Council for Exceptional Children
an organization for professionals in all areas of special ed
CHADD Children and adults with attention deficit disorders
This national organization of parents and professionals is dedicated to children and adults with add
DLD Division for L.D.
this website for the division for l.d. of the council for exceptional chioldren contains current indofrmation about teaching curren children with l.d.
LDA Learning Disabilites Association of America:
LDA is an organization for parents of children with l.d. and for professionals in the field
LD Online
website that provides info. online
National Center for Learning Disabiliteis: NCLLD
is an organization that promotes public awareness and the understanding of l.d. It advocated for improved legislation and works for better services for indivduals with l.d.
RFBD Recording for th Blind and Dyslexic:
RFBD has recodings that stduents with l.d. can obtain