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31 Cards in this Set

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How are restructuring costs classified under U.S. GAAP?

An unusual or infrequent items (NOT an extraordinary item)

How does an increase in the tax rate effect a DTA?

It increases the DTA

How do you calculate double declining depreciation?

1. Purchase price x 0.5

2. (Purchase price - accum. Dep) x 0.5

3. Repeat over life of asset until salvage value is reached.

A company builds a new operating facility and finances it. Under GAAP, should the interest be expensed or capitalized?

Capitalized. When specific borrowing can be identified to pay for the building work, then interest costs are usually capitalized.

Under US GAAP, how are interest expense and dividends paid classified, respectably?

Interest expenses are classified as an operating cash flow while dividends paid are classified as a financing cash flow.

Describe the CAPM equation and it's application.

Risk-free rate + beta (market return - risk free rate)

Provides the expected return for a stock or portfolio

What type of risk does beta measure?

Systematic Risk

If a new buy order is placed that exceeds the current bid, but not the current ask, the order is said to:

Make a new market

If the buy order exceeded the ask, it would be said to "take the market"

Who holds the voting rights is a Sponsored Depository Receipt and an Unsponsored Depository Receipt, respectively?

In a Sponsored Depository Receipt, the investors in the DR hold the voting rights.

In an Unsponsored Depository Receipt, the depository bank retains the voting rights.

What is the formula for the dividend discount model (DDM)

(Current dividend x div. growth rate) / (investors' required return - div. growth rate)

Gives a FV of a stock price based on future expected dividends

ABC Co. purchases 100,000 units of inventory at a total cost of $500,000. It pays a deposit of 10% of the cost; the remainder of the costs will be paid in 20 days time. As a result of this transaction, assets will increase by:


The amount of cash or cash equivalents that could be currently obtained by selling an asset in orderly disposal is called:

Realizable value

Deferred revenue is another term for :

Accounts receivable

A company sells $50,000 of goods, but under credit terms given to customers, payments will not be received for 30 days. The cost of goods is recorded as $35,000. As a result of this transaction, assets will change by:

Increase by $15,000

Sale and COGS are booked on IS.

Inventory reduced by $35,000

Assets increase by $50,000

Net chg in assets of $15,000

If a manager is attempting to hide an expenditure for which he has paid cash, in my record a fictitious:

Prepaid Asset

How do you calculate a Maintenance Margin requirement?

[(1-initial margin)/(1-maintenance margin)] x Price of security

Will give the dollar amount of security where a margin call will occur

What is the formula for the Price Return of an index (one time period)?

(Ending value - Beg. value) / Beg. value

Simply a % chg

Does not factor in reinvestment of income (dividends); only price change. Over multiple periods you would just multiply beg. value by 1+each period's return.

What is the formula for Total Return on an index (one time period)?

(Ending value - Beg. value + Income) / Beg. value

Over multiple periods you would just multiply beg. value by 1+each period's return.

In what type of Market is a passive investment strategy better?

An efficient market - where prices adjust rapidly to new information

An active strategy would be best in an inefficient market.

Differentiate weak form, semi-strong form, and strong form market efficiency

Weak form - future returns independent of past. P0 all inclusive of historical data

Semi-strong form - same as weak form but includes that returns cannot be made once material info is public

Strong form - price reflects all public AND private info

A market anomaly is best described as a:

A persistent deviation between the actual return for a stock and the return expected due to relevant info in the market.

The initial margin for a stock purchase is:

The percentage of the transaction value that must be paid in cash, rather than borrowed.

Define Coefficient of Variation and formula

Formula: STDEV / mean

Risk per unit of return. Higher = worse

What is the objective of tactical asset allocation?

Identify opportunities to increase returns by forecasting Market moves in the short-term

What measure systematic risk?


If an investor has steep indifference curves, it is likely to indicate that the investor:

Is conservative. Steep utility or indifference curve show that the investor requires a large additional return to compensate for taking on more risk, indicating they have a low risk tolerance

Describe the Quantity Theory of Money

A change in the money supply at full employment will cause a proportional change in the price level

What are the three major steps in the portfolio management process?

Planning, execution, and feedback

Describe and calculate standard error

Standard error is the standard deviation of the distribution of sample means

STDEV / square root of n

Define degree of operating leverage

% change in operating income / % change in units sold

Higher number indicates more sensitivity to changes in sales.

Define Degree of Financial Leverage

% change in net income / % change in operating income